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Книги 18501—18525 из 19355.

  • The Silent Cry
  • Perry Anne
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Deep in London's dangerous slums, Victorians transacted their most secret and shameful business. For a price, a man could procure whatever he wanted, but it happened now and then that the price he paid was his life.Now, in sunless Water Lane, respected solicitor Leighton Duff lies dead, kicked and beaten to death. Beside him lies the barely living body of his son, Rhys. The police cannot fathom these brutal assaults until shrewd investigator William Monk uncovers a connection between them and a series of rapes and beatings of local prostitutes. Then, shockingly, it begins to appear that young Rhys may have killed his own father…

  • The Silent Girl
  • Герритсен Тесс
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When a severed hand, clutching a gun, is found in a Chinatown alley in downtown Boston, detective Jane Rizzoli climbs to the adjacent roof-top and finds the hand's owner: a red-haired woman whose throat has been slashed so deeply the head is nearly severed. She is dressed all in black, and the only clues to her identity are a throwaway cell phone and a scrawled address of a long-shuttered restaurant. With its wary immigrant population, Chinatown is a closed neighbourhood of long-held secrets – and nowhere is this more obvious than when Jane meets Iris Fang. Strikingly beautiful, her long ...

  • The Silver Swan
  • Black Benjamin
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Time has moved on for Quirke, the world-weary Dublin pathologist first encountered in Christine Falls. It is the middle of the 1950s, that low, dishonourable decade; a woman he loved has died, a man whom he once admired is dying, while the daughter he for so long denied is still finding it hard to accept him as her father. When Billy Hunt, an acquaintance from college days, approaches him about his wife's apparent suicide, Quirke recognises trouble but, as always, trouble is something he cannot resist. Slowly he is drawn into a twilight world of drug addiction, sexual obsession, blackmail and murder, a world in which even the redoubtable Inspector Hackett can offer him few directions.

  • The Sinkiang Executive
  • Hall Adam
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • Whirling silently through space, satellite cameras pick up a suspicious new Soviet missile complex which at all costs must be properly identified. The mission is carefully planned and carefully rehearsed. The latest and the fastest MiG, which a defecting Soviet pilot has conveniently landed in the West, is to fly at a treetop level until well into Soviet airspace and on course for the target. And the return journey? Well, that's up to Quiller.Quiller fans will also enjoy THE KOBRA MANIFESTO, THE NINTH DIRECTIVE and THE QUILLER MEMORANDRUM.…

  • The Sins of the Wolf
  • Perry Anne
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Nurse Hester Latterly finds herself well-suited for the position: accompany Mrs. Mary Farraline, an elderly Scottish lady with delicate health, on a short train trip to London. Yet Hester’s simple job takes a grave turn when the woman dies during the night. And when a postmortem examination of the body reveals a lethal dose of medicine, Hester is charged with murder-punishable by execution.The notorious case presents detective William Monk with a daunting task: find a calculating killer amongst the prominent and coolly unassailable Farraline clan. Since Hester must be tried in Edinburgh, where prejudice against her runs high, there is little that the highly skilled barrister Oliver Rathbone can do to help. He can only try to direct her Scottish lawyer from the frustrating sidelines, and pray that Hester will not be sent to the gallows…

  • The sky is falling
  • Sheldon Sidney
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Dana Evans, who made her first appearance in Sidney Sheldon's The Best Laid Plans, is a spunky, good-looking, young Washington TV journalist who's recently returned to the nation's capital from the Balkans, where she adopted a handicapped war orphan who's having trouble adjusting to life in America. But that doesn't keep Dana from following a story all over the world, from Washington to Aspen, Nice, Juneau, D?sseldorf, Rome, Brussels, Moscow, and Siberia. Each of these brief visits is like a postcard--a local landmark or two, an interesting local restaurant (at least in the European venues), and another piece ...

  • The Sleeping Doll
  • Deaver Jeffery
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Special Agent Kathryn Dance – introduced in The Cold Moon – stars in the latest thriller from New York Times bestselling author Jeffery Deaver. When Special Agent Kathryn Dance is sent to interrogate the convicted killer Daniel "Son of Manson" Pell as a suspect in a newly unearthed crime, she feels both trepidation and electrifying intrigue. Pell is serving a life sentence for brutal murders years earlier that mirrored those perpetrated by Charles Manson in the 1960s. But Pell and his cult members left behind a survivor who – because she was in bed hidden by her toys – was dubbed the Sleeping ...

  • The Slightest Provocation
  • Rosenthal Pam
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • As children of feuding Derbyshire landowners, Mary Penley and Kit Stansell eloped against their families' wishes. But neither their ardor nor their marriage could survive their own restless natures. Nine years later, Kit is a rising star in the military while Mary has made her way in a raffish, intellectual society of poets and reformers. A chance meeting re-ignites their passion, but still they have very different values. Yet when Kit uncovers a political conspiracy that threatens all of England, they agree to put their differences aside. Amid danger and disillusionment, Kit and Mary rediscover the bonds that are stronger than time, the selves who have never really parted-and the love that is their destiny.