Living among humans in a post-apocalyptic ice age, neomage Thorn St. Croix has learned to count on her friends, but she's lost count of her enemies. She is a source of both fear and fascination for the people of Mineral City: Her powers can save them from the forces of evil, but also attract demon spawn and succubae. And fighting on her own turf nearly gets Thorn and those she holds dear killed.But Thorn's ultimate test awaits deep under the snow-covered mountains beyond the village, where an imprisoned, fallen seraph desperately needs her help. There, hidden in the hellhole, the armies of Darkness assemble to ensure this subterranean rescue will be Thorn's final descent.
Llamaron Serpiente a la curadora y ella se sent?a orgullosa de ese nombre, pues la medicina destilada del veneno de la v?bora que llevaba consigo era una cura potente; y el poder tranquilizador de su otra compa?era, la alien?gena serpiente del sue?o, desterraba el miedo. Pero la primitiva ignorancia de aquellos a los que serv?a mat? a la serpiente del sue?o y arruin? su carrera: las serpientes del sue?o eran escasas y Centro no quer?a concederle otra. La ?nica esperanza de Serpiente era encontrar otra serpiente del sue?o y por ello emprendi? un largo viaje. En su b?squeda la persegu?an dos hombres implacables: uno impulsado por el amor y el otro por el miedo y la necesidad. Una novela llena de aventuras, emoci?n y sentimientos que ha labrado la fama de su autora.Vencedor del premios Nebula en 1978, Hugo y Locus en 1979.
A new series from New York Times bestselling author R.A. Salvatore!This book brings two familiar characters into the limelight for the first time! Jarlaxle, a dark elf assassin, and Artemis Entreri, a human assassin, work together and against each other in Calimport. Their conflict is intensified by the influence of the Crystal Shard, a malevolent artifact that has been raousing trouble in the Forgotten Realms world since its introduction in The Crystal Shard.
Per uno storico del tornare nel passato per vedere come sono andate veramente le cose ? un sogno, ed ora ? possibile, ma la cattedrale di San Paolo durante i bombardamenti nazisti ? considerata un livello dieci di pericolosit?.Vincitore dei premi Hugo e Nebula per il miglior racconto in 1983.Anche pubblicato come “Squadra antincendio” e “Guardia antincendi”.
Rom?n klasika sv?tov? sci-fi n?s zavede do roku 2131, kdy lidstvo kolonizovalo u? n?kolik planet a setk?v? se s kosmickou lod? vysp?l? mimozemsk? civilizace.
This is the anarchic comedy of one man who realizes his secret ambition to get into the music industry - managing a band called Gandhi's Hairdryer, but he's soon to find out something very odd about the band - something other-worldly.
Comprised of seven short stories set during varying points of an undead apocalypse, this collection explores the roles sex and sexuality may play in determing survival in this nightmare landscape. Stories include , , , , , and . Sex… Zombies… Let the infection begin.Even in a world filled with the living dead, sex exists. A stripper hell-bent on survival faces off against the living dead in a no-holds barred dance of death. A lone soldier, separated from his unit, finds that the ghosts of his past may very well be more dangerous than a hotel overrun with zombified furries. A boy faces ...
Who's the ? Without a doubt, it's undead playboy Gregori Holstein, the dashing immortal hero of this wity, charming, and super-hot paranormal romance winner from bestseller Kerrelyn Sparks. Another fabulous entry in her Love at Stake series — which author Lynsay Sands, creator of the popular Argeneau vampire family novels, has called, 'an absolute delight' -- the Sexiest Vampire Alive has met his match, and she's the beautiful, brave, and brainy daughter of the President of the United States, whom Gregori must accompany on a dangerous secret mission to China. Kerrelyn Sparks does vampire romance to perfection, which is why she is up there at the very top with the other paranormal superstars, like Sands, Katie MacAlister, and Mary Janice Davidson.
Autor cunoscut mai mult pentru «Odiseea spatiala 2001…2010», precum si pentru inventarea satelitului artificial, Clarke este un scriitor bland, care nu socheaza, nu sperie si nu nelinisteste. In «Sfarsitul copilariei», viziunea lui despre viitor este una optimista. In fata tuturor razboaielor ce macina oamenii de mii de ani, in fata poluarii, a amenintarii nucleare, a mutatiilor genetice, a urii rasiale si a multor altor nenorociri, Clarke viseaza frumos si, prin cartile lui, ne facem sa speram.«Sfarsitul copilariei» are un final trist, dar plin de speranta. O carte ce loveste adanc in mandria omului redus la cotidian, dar care glorifica acelasi om care isi doreste un viitor mai bun pentru copilul sau. O carte clasica, nerecomandata iubitorilor de nave spatiale, lasere si batalii galactice. O carte ce merita citita.
TV Series Placement: Summer 2001 – Post-Season 2Ghost StoryNow that their best chance for returning to the home planet has left without them, the "Czechoslovakian" residents of Roswell (code for aliens) must adjust to a more permanent existence on earth than they were expecting. Seeing a possible future for the two of them, Maria nags Michael about money, sending him packing on a salaried weekend trip to help a geologist study a proposed chemical company site. As the group camps out under the stars, a round of spooky ghost stories provides entertainment -- until one of the guys sees a real ...
This inventive fantasy from bestseller Fforde (The Eyre Affair) imagines a screwball future in which social castes and protocols are rigidly defined by acuteness of personal color perception. Centuries after the cryptically cataclysmic Something That Happened, a Colortocracy, founded on the inflexible absolutes of the chromatic scale, rules the world. Amiable Eddie Russett, a young Red, is looking forward to marrying a notch up on the palette and settling down to a complacent bourgeois life. But after meeting Jane G-23, a rebellious working-class Grey, and a discredited, invisible historian known as the Apocryphal man, Eddie finds himself questioning the hitherto sacred foundations of the status quo. En route to finding out what turned things topsy-turvy, Eddie navigates a vividly imagined landscape whose every facet is steeped in the author's remarkably detailed color scheme. Sometimes, though, it's hard to see the story for the chromotechnics.