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Фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 48451—48475 из 51942.

  • Sapphique
  • Фишер Кэтрин
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The Sequel to the bestseller INCARCERONFinn has escaped from the terrible living Prison of Incarceron, but its memory torments him, because his brother Keiro is still inside. Outside, Claudia insists he must be king, but Finn doubts even his own identity. Is he the lost prince Giles? Or are his memories no more than another construct of his imprisonment? And can you be free if your friends are still captive? Can you be free if your world is frozen in time? Can you be free if you don't even know who you are? Inside Incarceron, has the crazy sorcerer Rix really found the Glove of Sapphique, the only man the Prison ever loved. Sapphique, whose image fires Incarceron with the desire to escape its own nature. If Keiro steals the glove, will he bring destruction to the world? Inside. Outside. All seeking freedom. Like Sapphique.

  • Sargasi kosmos?
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • E. NORTONESargasi kosmos?IZDEVNIEC?BA «ZIN?TNE» R?GA 1977A(Amer) No 509Эндрю Нортон СaРГaССЫ В КОСМОСЕ Серия «В мире фантастики» Издательство «Зинатнe» Рига 1977На латышском языке Перенод с английского И. Кундзнньш Предисловие А. Стругацкого и Б. Стругацкого Оформление Э. БуровойNo ang?u valodas tulkojis I. K u n d z i ? ? A. Strugacka un B. Strugacka priek?v?rds Noform?jusi E. B u r o v a(Ј) Tulkojums latvie?u valod? Izdevniec?ba «Zin?tne». 1977PRIEK?V?RDSAmerik??u fantastik? ir vair?ki v?rdi, kuri bauda cie?u sav? dzimten?, bet tikpat k? nav paz?stami aiz t?s robe??m. Iz?emot speci?listus, maz pie mums ir t?...

  • Saturn
  • Бова Бен
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Second in size only to Jupiter, bigger than a thousand Earths but light enough to float in water, home of cushing gravity and delicate, seemingly impossible rings, it dazzles and attracts us: Saturn.Earth groans under the rule of fundamentalist political regimes. Crisis after crisis has given authoritarians the upper hand. Freedom and opportunity exist in space, for those with the nerve and skill to run the risks.Now the governments of Earth are encouraging many of their most incorrigible dissidents to join a great ark on a one-way expedition, twice Jupiter’s distance from the Sun, to Saturn, the ringed planet that baffled Galileo and has fascinated astronomers ever since.But humans will be human, on Earth or in the heavens — so amid the idealism permeating Space Habitat are many individuals with long-term schemes, each awaiting the right moment. And hidden from them is the greatest secret of all, the real purpose of this expedition, known to only a few…

  • Saturns Children
  • Stross Charles
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Sex oozes from every page of this erotic futuristic thriller. In a far-future class-driven android society, most of the populace are slave-chipped and owned by wealthy aristos. When low-caste but unenslaved android Freya offends an aristo and needs to get off-world, she takes a courier position with the mysterious Jeeves Corporation, but the job turns out to have dangers of its own. Designed as a pleasure-module, Freya isn’t quite as obsolete as she could be, as androids have sex with each other incessantly. Hugo-winner Charles Stross has a deep message of how android slavery recapitulates humanity’s past mistakes, but he struggles to make it heard over the moans and gunshots. Readers nostalgic for the SF of the ’60s will find much that’s familiar (including Freya’s jumpsuit-clad form on the cover), but that doesn’t quite compensate for the flaws.

  • Sav?s atradimas
  • Sav?enka Vladimiras
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • V. Sav?enka gim? 1933 metais Poltavoje. Pagal profesij? jis — in?inierius elektrikas. Eil? met? dirbo mokslinio tyrimo institute, yra i?radimo ir mokslini? darb? puslaidininki? ir mikroelektronikos srityje autorius.B?damas studentu, prad?jo ra?yti fantastinius apsakymus. Pirmoji mokslin? fantastin? apysaka „Juodos ?vaig?d?s” i??jo 1960 metais. Fantastikos rinkiniuose buvo i?spausdinti jo apsakymai „Profesoriaus Berno pabudimas”, „Antroji ekspedicija ? Keist?j? planet?”, nedidel? apysaka „S?km?s algoritmas” ir pjes? „Naujasis ginklas”. Ukrainie?i? kalba i?leistos jo apysakos „Laiko ?m?kla” ir „Talento valanda”.

  • Savages of Gor
  • Norman John
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The Kur came to Port Karl! Two of the terrible space beasts came to make Tarl Cabot an offer. They were a death-squad seeking the renegade Kur commander, the great Half-Ear whom Tarl had once fought against in the Far North. But Tarl refused their offer, for Half-Ear was more valuable to the Priest-Kings alive than to the Kur dead. And now he knew it was imperative for him to save that monster from the doom that would fast overtake him.

  • MIHAILOVS Vladimirs.
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • VLADIMIRS MIHAILOVSSAVAM BR?LIM SARGSFANTASTISKS ROM?NSRom?ns, kur? aptvertais laikposms sniedzas t?lu uz ab?m pus?m no m?sdien?m, velt?ts at??ir?gu civiliz?ciju sapra?anas un l?dz?spast?v??anas probl?mai, kas ir nopietns p?rbaud?jums gan atsevi??u cilv?ku, gan visas sabiedr?bas mor?les principiem.R?GA «ZIN?TNE» 1981Владимир Михайлов СТОРОЖ БРАТУ МОЕМУ Фантастический роман Издательство «Лиесма* • Рига 1976No krievu valodas tulkojis P. Zirn?tis P. Zirn??a p?cv?rds M?kslinieks A. ?ipinsIzdota saska?? ar Latvijas PSR Zin?t?u akad?mijas Redakciju un izdevumu padomes l?mumuTulkojums latvie?u valod?, p?cv?rds l/.dcvnicciba «Zin?tne», 1981

  • Scardown
  • Bear Elizabeth
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The year is 2062, and after years on the run, Jenny Casey is back in the Canadian armed forces. Those who were once her enemies are now her allies, and at fifty, she’s been handpicked for the most important mission of her life — a mission for which her artificially reconstructed body is perfectly suited. With the earth capable of sustaining life for just another century, Jenny — as pilot of the starship Montreal — must discover brave new worlds. And with time running out, she must succeed where others have failed.Now Jenny is caught in a desperate battle where old resentments become bitter betrayals and justice takes the cruelest forms of vengeance. With the help of a brilliant AI, an ex — crime lord, and the man she loves, Jenny may just get her chance to save the world. If it doesn’t come to an end first…