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Фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 51676—51700 из 51942.
  • Wicked Deeds on a Winters Night
  • Cole Kresley
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • Her breathless kiss haunts him...Bowen MacRieve of the Lykae clan was nearly destroyed when he lost the one woman meant for him. The ruthless warrior grew even colder, never taking another to his bed -- until a smoldering encounter with his enemy, Mariketa the Awaited, reawakens his darkest desires. When sinister forces unite against her, the Highlander finds himself using all his strength and skill to keep her alive.His slow, hot touch is irresistible...Temporarily stripped of her powers, Mari is forced to take refuge with her sworn adversary. It's rumored that no one can tempt Bowen's hardened heart, but soon passion burns between them. Though a future together is impossible, she fears he has no intention of letting her go.No deed is too wicked for her seduction...If they defeat the evil that surrounds them, can Mari deny Bowen when he demands her body and soul -- or will she risk everything for her fierce protector?

  • Wicked Gentlemen
  • Hale Ginn
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Belimai Sykes is many things: a Prodigal, the descendant of ancient demons, a creature of dark temptations and rare powers. He is also a man with a brutal past and a dangerous addiction. And Belimai Sykes is the only man Captain William Harper can turn to when faced with a series of grisly murders. But Mr. Sykes does not work for free and the price of Belimai's company will cost Captain Harper far more than his reputation. From the ornate mansions of noblemen, where vivisection and sorcery are hidden beneath a veneer of gold, to the steaming slums of Hells Below, Captain Harper must fight for justice and for his life. His enemies are many and his only ally is a devil he knows too well.

  • Wicked Highlander
  • Grant Donna
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • The most reckless and fierce of the MacLeod brothers, Quinn is a prisoner of the god inside him, tormented by his inability to save his family from slaughter. His fury governs him, and day by day he loses himself to the darkenss in his soul. But Quinn has a profound yearning for a woman’s love….Raised by Druids, the achingly beautiful Marcail is as spellbinding as the ancient magic that surges through her body. To Quinn, she is most desirable woman he has ever known. But to his enemy Deirdre, she is the perfect bait to lure Quinn into her trap. Once the two lovers are in her wicked grasp, their passion will be put to the ultimate test…

  • Wicked Lovely
  • Marr Melissa
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The clash of ancient rules and modern expectations swirl together in this cool, urban 21st century faery tale. Rule #3: Don't stare at invisible faeries. Aislinn has always seen faeries. Powerful and dangerous, they walk hidden in the mortal world, and would blind her if they knew of her Sight. Rule #2: Don't speak to invisible faeries. Now faeries are stalking her. One of them, Keenan, who is equal parts terrifying and alluring, is trying to talk to her, asking questions Aislinn is afraid to answer. Rule #1: Don't ever attract their attention. But it's too late. Keenan is the Summer King and has sought his queen for nine centuries. Without her, summer itself will perish. He is determined that Aislinn will become the Summer Queen at any cost! Suddenly none of the rules that have kept Aislinn safe are working any more, and everything is on the line: her freedom; her best friend, Seth; her life; everything.

  • Wicked Nights
  • Showalter Gena
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • Leader of the most powerful army in the heavens, Zacharel has been deemed nearly too dangerous, too ruthless—and if he isn’t careful, he’ll lose his wings. But this warrior with a heart of ice will not be deterred from his missions, at any cost…until a vulnerable human tempts him with a carnal pleasure he’s never known before.Accused of a crime she did not commit, Annabelle Miller has spent four years in an institution for the criminally insane. Demons track her every move, and their king will stop at nothing to have her. Zacharel is her only hope for survival, but is the brutal angel with a touch as hot as hell her salvation—or her ultimate damnation?

  • Wie?a jask??ki
  • Sapkowski Andrzej
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Czwarty tom tak zwanej "Sagi o wied?minie".Ciri staje przed swoim przeznaczeniem.Drakkar wioz?cy Yennefer trafia w oko czarodziejskiego cyklonu.Czy w?r?d przyjaci?? wied?mina ukrywa si? zdrajca?Czwarta, przedostatnia od?ona epopei o ?wiecie wied?mina i wojnach, jakie nim wstrz?saj?. W zagubionej w?r?d bagien chacie pustelnika ci??ko ranna Ciri powraca do zdrowia. Jej tropem pod??aj? bezlito?ni zab?jcy z Nilfgaardu. Tymczasem dru?yna Geralta, unikaj?c coraz to nowych niebezpiecze?stw, dociera wreszcie do ukrywj?cych si? druid?w. Czy wied?minowi uda si? odnale?? Ciri? Jak? rol? odegra osnuta legend? Wie?a Jask??ki?

  • Wied?ma
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Griselda jest prawdziw? wied?m?. Za spraw? specjalnej ma?ci doprowadza m??czyzn do szale?stwa z po??dania, p??niej za? zakl?ciami zsy?a na nich zapomnienie. Wiele niewinnych kobiet skazano przez ni? na ?mier? za uprawianie czar?w. Po przybyciu do Kr?lestwa ?wiat?a Griselda stwierdzi?a, ?e jeszcze nigdy nie spotka?a tylu przystojnych m??czyzn naraz. Postanowi?a zarzuci? na nich sieci, najpierw jednak musi usun?? z drogi stoj?ce jej na przeszkodzie m?ode kobiety…

  • wied?ma.com.pl
  • Bia?o??cka Ewa
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Z ni? zdradzicie nawet sw?j komputer!S? rzeczy na niebie i ziemi, o kt?rych nie ?ni?o si? internautom… Jak cho?by upierdliwa ciotka w stanie wskazuj?cym na nie-?ycie.Obdarza spadkiem Krystyn? zwan? Reszk?, samotn? matk?, redaktork? z wydawnictwa i netomank?.Na co dzie? przyspawana do laptopa Reszka, musi wi?c wyrwa? si? z sieci i rusza do zabitej dechami wsi. W odziedziczonej cha?upie udaje jej si? nawet rozpali? ogie? pod kuchni?.I TO BEZ POMOCY GOOGLE!Niestety, zaczyna widzie? na jawie i we ?nie: duchy, mary czy trupy, nie tylko w szafie. Sama nie wie, czy szajba to, czy gen, bonus do schedy po ekscentrycznej zo?zie…Horror daleko od szosy i romans daleki od harlequina – mix o idealnie wywa?onych proporcjach…Powie?? nominowana do Nagrody Fandomu Polskiego im. Janusza A. Zajdla za rok 2008.

  • Wied?miko?aj
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Zapad?a noc przed Noc? Strze?enia Wied?m.I jest zbyt spokojnie.Jest te? ?nieg, lataj? rudziki i gile, stoj? ubrane drzewka, ale daje si? wyra?nie zauwa?y? brak grubego osobnika, kt?ry przynosi zabawki...Susan musi go odnale?? przed ?witem. Inaczej nie wzejdzie s?o?ce. Niestety, do pomocy ma tylko kruka z apetytem na ga?ki oczne, ?mier? Szczur?w i o boga kaca. Co gorsza, kto? wsuwa si? jednak przez komin. Tym razem niesie worek zamiast kosy, ale jest w nim co? nieprzyjemnie znajomego…HO. HO. HO.To prawda, co m?wi?: „Lepiej uwa?aj…”

  • Wielobarwny kraj
  • May Julian
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • ?rodowisko Galaktyczne XXI wieku, zamieszkiwane przez uporz?dkowane i pokojowe mi?dzygwiezdne spo?ecze?stwo, nie by?o stosownym miejscem dla nieuleczalnych awanturnik?w, ukrytych psychotyk?w czy bezwzgl?dnych oszust?w. Tak wi?c gdy na Ziemi odkryto jednokierunkowy tunel czasowy prowadz?cy w przesz?o?? odleg?? o sze?? milion?w lat, niedostosowani spo?ecznie — zg?odniali przyg?d, romantyki nieznanego ludzie — zapragn?li ?ycia wolnego od d?awi?cych praw ?rodowiska. Ka?dy z nich poszukiwa? szcz??cia takiego, jakie sobie wyobra?a?. Ale kto m?g?by przewidzie?, co ich tam czeka

  • Wild About You
  • Sparks Kerrelyn
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • It's not every day that Elsa Bjornberg feels delicate, not when she hosts a home renovation show where she can effortlessly demolish a kitchen. But from the moment she meets Howard Barr, this bear of a man makes her feel like a woman. And the way he looks at her, as if she were a pot of honey he'd like to lick . . . Howard is not like most men. For one thing, he's a shapeshifter. And he always thought his celebrity crush would never amount to anything more than drooling at Elsa on TV. When his meddling vampire employer gets involved, the star is suddenly within his grasp — and within a hair of her life. For an ancient curse forbids their newfound love, and Howard is suddenly torn between his desire for her and his desire to keep her alive.

  • Wilk
  • Miszczuk Katarzyna
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Akcja powie?ci rozgrywa si? gdzie? na prowincji, w miasteczku o wiele m?wi?cej nazwie Wolftown, a jej bohaterami s? r?wie?nicy autorki, grupa wyj?tkowych uczni?w miejscowej szko?y ?redniej. To, co wydarzy?o si? w ich dzieci?stwie, pozostawi?o na nich pi?tno i odmieni?o ca?e ich ?ycie. Odkrywaj? w sobie niezwyk?e, wr?cz nieludzkie cechy i umiej?tno?ci… Wydarzenia nabieraj? tempa, gdy w szkole pojawia si? nowa uczennica, Margo Cook. Z t? nie?mia??, cho? pe?n? ukrytych talent?w dziewczyn? ?ci?le splot? si? losy naszych bohater?...

  • Wind Riders Oath
  • Weber David
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • In The War God’s Own, Bahzell had managed to stop a war by convincing Baron Tellian, leader of the Soth?ii, to “surrender” to him, the War God’s champion. Now, he has journeyed to the Soth?ii Wind Plain to oversee the parole he granted to Tellian and his men, to represent the Order of Toman?k, the War God, and to be an ambassador for the hradani. What’s more, the flying coursers of the Soth?ii have accepted Bahzell as a windrider-the first hradani windrider in history. And since the windriders are the elite of ...