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Фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 51751—51775 из 51941.

  • Wody g??bokie jak niebo
  • Brzezi?ska Anna
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Anna Brzezi?ska zd??y?a przyzwyczai? swoich czytelnik?w do dw?ch charakterystycznych cech swojej fantastyki – po pierwsze, do osza?amiaj?cego rozmachu, z jakim tworzy wyimaginowane ?wiaty, po drugie, do bardzo pesymistycznego, wr?cz okrutnego spojrzenia na ludzk? natur?.Mo?na to by?o obserwowa? ju? w jej debiutanckim "Zb?jeckim go?ci?cu", kt?rego akcja dzia?a si? w wyj?tkowo ponurej krainie, lu?no wzorowanej na polsko-sarmackim ?redniowieczu.Najnowszy zbi?r opowiada? "Wody g??bokie jak niebo" przenosi czytelnika do zupe?nie innego ?wiata – tym razem przypominaj?cego p??no?redniowieczne W?...

  • Wojna
  • Williams Walter
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Straszliwe imperium tyran?w Shaa przesta?o istnie?, wszech?wiat znalaz? si? na ?asce bezlitosnych, spragnionych w?adzy gadopodobnych Naksyd?w. Wsz?dzie zapanowa? krwawy chaos. Jednak dalecy potomkowie Terry ceni? sobie wolno??, a ich bohaterscy wojownicy nie poddaj? si?. Lord Gareth Martinez i tajemnicza Caroline Sula, kt?ra prowadzi walk? w podziemiu, oddzieleni s? latami ?wietlnymi, ale d??? w?asnymi drogami do decyduj?cej bitwy o przysz?o??, gdy? nowy porz?dek mo?e si? okaza? jeszcze bardziej przera?aj?cy od starego. Jedyna nadzieja w tym, ?e powiedzie si? ostatni desperacki plan, kt?ry scali rozbit? galaktyk?.

  • Wojna Honor
  • Weber David
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Nikt nie chcia? tej wojny — ani Thomas Theisman, ani Kr?lestwo Manticore, ani Imperium Anderma?skie. A ju? na pewno nie Honor Harrington. Mimo to wybuch?a, i to na kilku frontach r?wnocze?nie. Teraz za? nie by?o ju? szans na ucieczk? w ci?gn?ce si? latami negocjacje pokojowe. Co gorsza, wszystko zacz??o wskazywa? na to, ?e zwi?kszy si? zar?wno jej skala, jak i liczba uczestnik?w. Tymczasem kolejna pr?ba pozbycia si? admira? Harrington spe?z?a na niczym za spraw? jej wiernych przyjaci?? i nieprzeci?tnych zdolno?ci taktycznych.

  • Wojna o Ksi??yc
  • Бова Бен
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Sze?ciokrotny laureat Nagrody Hugo prezentuje wspania?y cykl powie?ci o eksploracji przez cz?owieka Uk?adu S?onecznego, o pionierskiej walce z przeciwno?ciami losu, eksperymentaln? technologi? i groz? pustki kosmicznej. Baza Ksi??ycowa nie mo?e si? obej?c bez nanotechnologii — dzi?ki niej rozrasta si?, otrzymuje tlen, wod? i diament, z kt?rego budowane s? rakietowe klipry. Ale nanotechnologia zostaje zakazana przez Ziemi? i ruch bigot?w, zwany Now? Moralno?ci?. Sterowana przez nich ONZ postanawia wys?a? na Ksi??yc si?y „pokojowe”, celem zamkni?cia Bazy. Lunonauci odpowiadaj? og?oszeniem niepodleg?o?ci.

  • Wojna wspomaganych
  • Brin David
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Ewolucja we wszech?wiecie powie?ci Brina nie jest tylko si?? naturaln? — rozwini?te gatunki istot inteligentnych przyspieszaj? rozw?j innych, „ni?szych” ras w ramach galaktycznego porz?dku wspomagania. Wi??e si? z tym tak?e system powiernictwa planet — Ziemianie otrzymali Garth w celu przyspieszenia odbudowy jego zniszczonego ekosystemu. Jednak ptasiopodobni Gubru szykuj? inwazj? na Garth. Chc? nie tylko przej?? planet?, ale tak?e wykorzysta? j? w szanta?u, maj?cym na celu ujawnienie miejsca stacjonowania odkrytej przez ziemski statek „Streaker” kosmicznej floty staro?ytnej rasy. Rozpocz?ta wojna toczy si? nie tylko na powierzchni Garth, gdzie pozbawione ludzkich zwierzchnik?w neoszympansy organizuj? partyzantk?, ale i na poziomie galaktycznego systemu wspomagania, w ramach kt?rego Ziemianie walcz? o swoje prawo do planety.

  • Woken Furies
  • Морган Ричард
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • This is high action, ideas driven noir SF of the highest order. Morgan has already established himself as an SF author of global significance. Takeshi Kovacs has come home. Home to Harlan's World. An ocean planet with only 5 per cent of its landmass poking above the dangerous and unpredictable seas. Try and get above the weather in anything more sophisticated than a helicopter and the Martian orbital platforms will burn you out of the sky. And death doesn't just wait for you in the seas and the skies. On land, from the tropical beaches and swamps of ...

  • Wolf and Iron
  • Dickson Gordon
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The U.S. has been devastated by worldwide financial collapse. Civilization as readers know it has disappeared. Marauding bands are terrorizing the countryside, killing and looting. Jeremy Bellamy Walthers’ goal is to cross 2,000 miles of ravaged countryside to reach the security of his brother’s Montana ranch. En route he befriends a wolf who becomes a partner and companion via verbal and nonverbal communication. The story deals with Jeremy’s interaction with the wolf and the other human survivors of the economic collapse. Dickson has created another superior novel; it’s colorful, well written, and peopled with well-developed, multidimensional characters. The wolf is especially fascinating. YAs who have cut their teeth on such works as George’s (Harper, 1972) or Mowatt’s (Little, 1963) will enjoy this survival story in sci/fi clothing.

  • Wolf Flight
  • Arend Vivian
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • Tad Maxwell’s workaholism serves to keep his bush pilot company in the air, and his inner werewolf in check. In the two years since he discovered his heritage, he’s resisted the longing to test the power of his wolf side. It would mean compromising his human principals.Then Missy Leason re-enters his life. Ten years ago, their teenage attraction never went beyond hand-holding. Now their chemistry is off the charts, pushing him closer to the step he’s not sure it’s safe to take, especially with a human.But Missy is more like ...

  • Wolf Games
  • Arend Vivian
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • After seven years of total denial, Maggie Raynor’s body—and her inner wolf—are in full revolt. Weak and shaky, she literally falls into the very large and capable arms of the Granite Lake Beta, Erik Costanov. The last thing she wants is a mate, particularly when just looking at another wolf scares her to death. And one as big and sexy as Erik? Really bad idea, no matter what her libido says.Erik expected to meet Maggie in Whitehorse to escort her to the home of her sister, his pack’s Omega. Sheer chance ...

  • Wolf Sings
  • Arend Vivian
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • Robyn Maxwell doesn’t care that her brother has to cancel out on WolfSigns300their backcountry ski trip. She can do it alone. The fact she’s deaf doesn’t make her survival skills any weaker. The chance to get away from it all and relax in the Yukon wilderness is just what she’s been craving.Meeting wilderness guide Keil at the cabin starts cravings of another kind. Keil’s one hot hunk of ripped, tasty male. Now she has to deal with raging hormones as well as strange questions about wolves and mates and challenges ...

  • Wolf Tracks
  • Arend Vivian
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • Score one for the underdog…er…wolf.TJ Lynus is a legend in Granite Lake, both for his easygoing demeanor—and his clumsiness. His carefree acceptance of his lot vanishes, though, when his position as best man brings him face to face with someone he didn’t expect. His mate. His very human mate. Suddenly, one thing is crystal clear: if he intends to claim her, his usual laid-back attitude isn’t going to cut it.After fulfilling her maid-of-honor duties, Pam Quinn has just enough time for a Yukon wilderness trip before returning south. The ...

  • Wolfs Bane
  • Murphy Warren
  • Жанр: Детективная фантастика
  • A wild child of the bayous, Leon Grosvenor is a two-legged freak show of shaggy hair and talons with an insatiable hunger for raw flesh. His unique abilities as a bona fide loup-garou have earned him gainful employment as a contract killer for Cajun mafia boss Armand "Big Crawdaddy" Fortier.Remo's not buying this werewolf business, but when he gets a glimpse of good ol' Leon?§s wet work, well, he's still not a believer, but he is certain that Leon needs to be put out of everybody's misery. And damn soon. The swamps stink, Mardi Gras is giving him a headache and all this talk about silver bullets is getting tedious. But as Leon and his pack circle ever closer to the Destroyer, the question remains: Who is the hunter... and who is dog meat?