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Книги 51576—51600 из 51942.

  • Watership Down. Unten am Flu?
  • Адамс Ричард
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Die weltbekannte Saga vom Exodus der Kaninchen enth?lt in ungew?hnlicher Frische alles, was die Abenteuer eines wandernden Volkes ausmacht: Bedrohung der alten Heimat, Prophezeiung des Untergangs, Auszug unter einem jungen Hei?sporn, Abenteuer ohne Zahl im feindlichen wie im gelobten Land, Meuterei, Treuebruch und Heldenmut, Schlachten mit hohem Blutzoll - und schlie?lich Einzug ins Land der Freiheit, des Friedens und allgemeinen Gl?cks. »Richard Adams erz?hlt gl?nzend«, schrieb Sybil Gr?fin Sch?nfeldt in der »Es ist ein Vergn?gen, diese Geschichte zu lesen.« Die nannte diesen Weltbestseller »lecker wie frische Salatbl?tter« und ...

  • Wayfinder
  • Murphy C. E.
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE — IF IT DOESN'T KILL YOU FIRSTLara Jansen is a truthseeker, gifted — or cursed — with the magical ability to tell honesty from lies. Once she was a tailor in Boston, but now she has crossed from Earth to the Barrow-lands, a Faerie world embroiled in a bloody civil war between Seelie and Unseelie. Armed with an enchanted and malevolent staff which seeks to bend her to its dark will, and thrust into a deadly realm where it's hard to distinguish friend from foe, Lara is sure of one thing: her love for ...

  • We
  • Zamyatin Yevgeny
  • Жанр: Социальная фантастика
  • In the One State of the great Benefactor, there are no individuals, only numbers. Life is an ongoing process of mathematical precision, a perfectly balanced equation. Primitive passions and instincts have been subdued. Even nature has been defeated, banished behind the Green Wall. But one frontier remains: outer space. Now, with the creation of the spaceship Integral, that frontier—and whatever alien species are to be found there—will be subjugated to the beneficent yoke of reason.One number, D-503, chief architect of the Integral, decides to record his thoughts in the final days before the launch for ...

  • We Have Fed Our Sea
  • Anderson Poul
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • The time is the 23rd century, and ships are crawling outward from Earth into the interstellar depths. It will take them centuries to reach even the nearer stars, but once they do, future travel will be instantaneous. The ships carry matter transmitters which are not subject to the limitations of lightspeed. In the meantime crews can flit back and forth between the ships and Earth, but until now their only purpose has been to stand watch. Until now. At last one ship has made contact with the stars.First published in magazine in 1958. Later published in slightly changed book form as .Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1959.

  • We?misz czarn? kur?
  • Pilipiuk Andrzej
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Z k?ta recenzentaDzi?, w naszym wrednym k?cie kulturalnym literata ocenia literat. W filmowym skr?cie. „We?misz czarno kure…” to „Blade Runner” opisany w klimacie „Samych swoich” – podsumowuje Andrzej Ziemia?ski.Hymn bimbrownikaWytw?rnie p?ytowe ju? bij? si? o to nagranie. Po wczorajszej konferencji prasowej zwi?zanej z afer? pods?uchow? w stodole Jakuba W., znanego bimbrownika i wiejskiego egzorcysty, nasz reporter, na dyktafon wszyty w ucho, nagra? piosenk? nucon? pod nosem przez Rafa?a A. Ziemkiewicza. Oto tre?? zapisu:Powtarza mi codziennie moja luba:dlaczego ty nie przypominasz mi Jakuba?A ty maszeruj, maszeruj, g?o?no krzycz:Niech ?yje nam Jakub W?drowycz. (x2)Jakub W?drowycz to wspania?y egzorcysta,A jego bimber lepszy jest ni? w?dka czystaA ty maszeruj… etc.

  • Web of Lies
  • Estep Jennifer
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • You might know me as the Spider, the most feared assassin in the South. I’m retired now, but trouble still has a way of finding me. Like the other day when two punks tried to rob my popular barbecue joint, the Pork Pit. Then there was the barrage of gunfire on the restaurant. Only, for once, those kill shots weren’t aimed at me. They were meant for Violet Fox. Ever since I agreed to help Violet and her grandfather protect their property from an evil coalmining tycoon, I’m beginning to wonder if I’m really retired. So is Detective Donovan Caine. The only honest cop in Ashland is having a real hard time reconciling his attraction to me with his Boy Scout mentality. And I can barely keep my hands off his sexy body. What can I say? I’m a Stone elemental with a little Ice magic thrown in, but my heart isn’t made of solid rock. Luckily, Gin Blanco always gets her man. . dead or alive.