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Книги 8051—8075 из 10588.

  • ?arod?jky na cest?ch
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Cel? posl?n? se jevilo velmi jednoduch?. Koneckonc?, co t??k?ho je na tom, postarat se, aby si oby?ejn? slu?ebn? d?v?e nevzalo prince, zvl??t? kdy? ho nechce? Jen?e pon?kud net?kav? a samolib? kmot?i?ka sudi?ka tak jednou rozhodla a na s?atku trv?. B?bi Zlopo?asn?, Sta?enka Oggov? a Magr?ta ?esnekov? cht?j? uboh?mu d?v?eti pomoci, a vyd?vaj? se proto na cestu do dalek?ho m?sta Genovy. H??ek je v tom, ?e krom? sv?ch kouzel, zalo?en?ch p?edev??m na hlavologii, s sebou maj? pouze tajemn? v?d? pan? Gogolov?, jednook?ho kocoura Silvera a magickou h?lku, kter? dok??e jedin? — vykouzlit d?n?.

  • Arrivald z Wybrze?a
  • Piekara Jacek
  • Mimo podesz?ego wieku, obdarzony nadzwyczajn? si?? fizyczn? i niema?ymi (chocia? nie popartymi gruntownymi studiami) zdolno?ciami czarodziejskimi Arivald wiedzie ?ywot, jakiego nie powstydzi?by si? znacznie m?odszy mi?o?nik kobiet i mocnych trunk?w. Ochoczo stawia czo?o danskarskim piratom, rozprawia si? z wampirami, spieszy z odsiecz? ksi??niczkom uwi?zionym w innym wymiarze, wyja?nia zagadk? z?owieszczych kopal? Ghorlagru. Z pewno?ci? trudno by go nazwa? ozdob? salon?w, ale i jemu niezbyt tam by?o spieszno: po dniu pe?nym przyg?d najch?tniej zasiada w gospodzie przy suto zastawionym stole, z wiernymi kompanami u boku, i snuje opowie?ci o swych nadzwyczajnych dokonaniach, zerkaj?c z ukontentowaniem na urodziw? karczmark?…

  • Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
  • Golden Christie
  • Frostmourne.It was caught in a hovering, jagged chunk of ice, the runes that ran the length of its blade glowing a cool blue. Below it was a dais of some sort, standing on a large gently raised mound that was covered in a dusting of snow. A soft light, coming from somewhere high above where the cavern was open to daylight, shone down on the runeblade. The icy prison hid some details of the sword's shape and form, exaggerated others. It was revealed and concealed at the same time, and all the more tempting, like a new ...

  • Assassin of Gor
  • Norman John
  • Welcome to Gor, a parallel Earth, where social norms are exotic and the way of life is brutal. In the fifth book in the Gorean Series, the deadly assassin Kuurus is intent on a bloody mission of vengeance. His adventure takes him from the caste of the pleasure-slaves, which are rigorously trained in the rules and techniques of sexual ecstasy, to the brutal arenas where humans participate in deadly hand-to-hand combat. He witnesses violence, conflict and uncertainty, as the inhabitants of Counter-Earth are forced to confront their destinies.no matter how exalted or debased.

  • Assassins Apprentice
  • Хобб Робин
  • The bastard sons of kings play a noble role in fantasy: not only were King Arthur and Modred by-blows, but it is often suggested that Merlin himself came to power from the "wrong side of the bed." While Hobb's offering has a few too many illegitimate heirs backstabbing around, this is still a delightful take on the powers and politics behind the throne. Fitz, who is often called the "Boy" or the "Bastard," was begotten by good Prince Chivalry upon some "peasant" woman. At age six, he is given over to the safekeeping of the prince's man, Burrich. Fitz's ...

  • Assassins Quest
  • Хобб Робин
  • In this conclusion to the Farseer saga, Fitz Chivalry's quest for revenge on the usurping Regal requires him to journey to the Elderlings (wise old mages in the classic mold) and afterwards to realize the emergence of his own magical gifts, at which point the quest comes to an end after a mere 688 pages. Like much high fantasy these days, the book could have been pruned more than a trifle; on the other hand, along with the extra wordage come extra measures of characterization, world building, and emotionally compelling scenes of both magic and battle. And this is definitely the end of one story, although the world Hobb has created is now sufficiently developed (even why the characters have such archetypical names is explained) to be the scene of future books. In all, this is an improvement over its predecessors that will please their readers and probably whet their appetites for more from Hobb.

  • At Grave’s End
  • Frost Jeaniene
  • Some things won't stay buried… at grave's endIt should be the best time of half-vampire Cat Crawfield's life. With her undead lover Bones at her side, she's successfully protected mortals from the rogue undead. But though Cat's worn disguise after disguise to keep her true identity a secret from the brazen bloodsuckers, her cover's finally been blown, placing her in terrible danger.As if that wasn't enough, a woman from Bones's past is determined to bury him once and for all. Caught in the crosshairs of a vengeful vamp, yet determined to help Bones stop a lethal magic from being unleashed, Cat's about to learn the true meaning of bad blood. And the tricks she's learned as a special agent won't help her. She will need to fully embrace her vampire instincts in order to save herself – and Bones – from a fate worse than the grave.

  • Atomowy Sen
  • ?ukjanienko Siergiej
  • Galaktyka, gdzie w?r?d walk i intryg pot??ne Imperium Ludzi d??y do pokojowego wsp??istnienia z Obcymi…M?oda prawniczka, kt?ra tropi?c zagadk? ucieczek z wirtualnego wi?zienia, odkrywa jego prawdziwe przeznaczenie…Ludzie, degeneraci i smoki walcz?cy o byt w przeddzie? katastrofy j?drowej i tajemniczy ch?opiec znik?d, kt?ry mo?e zmieni? bieg dziej?w…Oto historie z odleg?ych ?wiat?w „Cieni sn?w”, „Przezroczystych witra?y” i „Atomowego snu”.

  • Atuan s?rjai
  • Ле Гуин Урсула
  • A fantasy m?fajban imm?r klasszikusnak sz?m?t? amerikai ?r?n? tril?gi?j?nak m?sodik k?tet?t tartja kez?ben az Olvas?. A szigetvil?g var?zsl?j?b?l megismert ifj? K?bor halhatatlan figur?ja itt ism?t felbukkan, mint a gonosz elleni harc k?pvisel?je. A reg?ny f?szerepl?je azonban m?giscsak Tenar, akit ?t?ves kor?ban elszak?tanak sz?leit?l, hogy a s?t?ts?g birodalm?nak mindenre elsz?nt ?rz?j?v? idom?ts?k. S?t?t lelk? nevel?i 15 ?ves kor?ig a k?lvil?gt?l elz?rtan, vak engedelmess?gre szoktatj?k a t?r?keny kisle?nyt, m?gnem egy napon ismeretlen idegennel tal?lkozik a tiltott s?rkamr?k m?ly?n. Le Guin reg?nye k?ts?gk?v?l az irodalmi min?s?g kit?ntet? jegyeivel dicsekedhet, s nem maradhat ki a High fantasy ig?nyes olvas?inak a sci-fi irodalom ?rt?keit tartalmaz? gy?jtem?ny?b?l.

  • Au guet !
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Une soci?t? secr?te d’encagoul?s complote pour renverser le seigneur V?t?rini, Patricien d’Ankh-Morpork, et lui substituer un roi.C’est sans compter avec le guet municipal et son ?quipe de fins limiers.Une affaire ? la mesure du capitaine Vimaire — s’il boit, c’est pour oublier les laideurs de la vie — et de ses brillants adjoints. (« Tous pour un ! ») Et lorsqu’on retrouve au petit jour dans les rues les corps de citoyens transform?s en biscuits calcin?s, l’enqu?te s’oriente r?solument vers un dragon de vingt-cinq m?tres qui crache le feu ; on aurait quelques questions ? lui poser.Mais peut-?tre la collaboration du biblioth?caire de l’Universit? ne sera-t-elle pas inutile : n’arbore-t-il pas aussi une plaque de la DST (D?fense simienne du territoire) ?