Na pytanie, ile jest 6 x 6, mo?na czasem us?ysze?: 66.Wys?annicy Piek?a s? w?r?d nas, koniec ?wiata ju? blisko!Agent Do?u ujawnia teczk? TW 0001.Meff Fason by? normalnym, lubi?cym si? zabawi? facetem. Pracownikiem dobrze notowanego na gie?dzie konsorcjum, specjalist? od opakowa? do opakowa?. Do dnia, kiedy si? dowiedzia?, ze jest ostatnim przedstawicielem diabelskiego rodu i ?e jego matka, Abigail, by?a w prostej linii potomkini? jednej ze spalonych w Salem czarownic. Chc?c wype?ni? historyczn? misj?, odszukuje innych ‘u?pionych’ agent?w Do?u: Drakul?, barona Frankensteina, ostatniego ?yj?cego wilko?aka, powi?zan? z ruchami kontrkulturowymi topielic? i pokracznego gnoma o imieniu Mister Priap. I razem z nimi przygotowuje ludzko?ci Rozwi?zanie Ostateczne.
Первая часть трилогии в цикле "Хроники Ориона". Каждый новый день, она проживала, свято веря, что привычной жизни никогда не наступит конца, что все, кто её любит и ценит, всегда будут рядом. Но в день равенства - праздник мира и спокойствия, этой вере пришёл конец: все, кого она любила, были убиты, а её родная планета уничтожена. Ей лишь чудом удалось спасти свою жизнь. И в этот момент судьба столкнула её с Блейком Бентоном - человеком, который не ведал преград на своем пути, и чья сила воли могла подчинить себе любого. Будучи примером, для подражания и лучшим в своей сфере, этот мужчина, олицетворяющий идеал, даже не догадывался, что теперь, когда в его жизни появилась эта таинственная незнакомка, отнюдь не все будут играть по его правилам. Он спас ей жизнь, заключив фиктивный брак, и дал ей своё имя. Но к чему приведёт столкновение двух равных характеров под покровом тайного брака? К войне? К ненависти? К неожиданной и прекрасной любви? Или, может, им суждено стать спасением друг для друга...
My name is Raine Benares—and it sucks to be me. The Saghred, a soul-stealing stone that has given me unlimited power, has been stolen by a goblin prince, and with it went my magic. The Saghred is in the goblin capital of Regor, in the hands of Sarad Nukpana, who's on the verge of becoming the most powerful mage ever... just as soon as I'm dead.Because Sarad can't use the stone while I'm alive. Incentive enough to plan a little trip to Regor with a small band of good friends, not-so-good friends, and outright enemies. All we need to do is destroy the Saghred, kill Sarad, and put a renegade prince on the throne. Did I mention I'll be doing this without magic?
The quest for the Vampaneze Lord continues for the hunters of the dusk. Darren gets an unwelcome taste of reality when he is forced to go back to school and his past catches up with him. THE SAGA OF DARREN SHAN BOOK 8 Maturing at one fifth the rate of a normal human, Darren has the looks of a fifteen year old, even though he is very much older. Vampire Prince and vampaneze killer he may be, but someone has shopped him to the authorities and it's time for Darren to go back to school. But school is not the only thing Darren has to come to terms with: faces from the past, the death of a clan member, a clash with a vampire hunter and blood-thirsty vampaneze mean Darren's past is catching up with him — fast. It's time for the allies of the night to join forces. The hunt is on…
The dragonrider Vetch escapes to Alta, the subjugated land of his birth. There, he hopes to teach his people to raise and train dragons-and build an army that will liberate his homeland.
Napoleon is in New Orleans in William Sanders's «Empire»; the German Empire thrives in 1929 in Harry Turtledove's "Uncle Alf"; Pancho Villa's about to become the vice-president in S.M. Stirling and Richard Foss's «Compadres»; and General Patton gets a new diary in Roland J. Green's "George Patton Slept Here." In II, a collection of 13 wild speculations for those who enjoy specifically military alternative histories, Harry (Colonization: Aftershocks) also gathers stories from the likes of Chris Bunch, Michael F. Flynn and Susan Shwartz.
With its dual portrait of Grant and Lee on opposing sides of the Civil War, the jacket of editor Turtledove's solid third alternative military history anthology neatly evokes this popular subgenre. While there's no such story, Robert E. Lee must decide, as the ambassador to Britain of a victorious but ostracized Confederacy, where his true loyalties lie in Lee Allred's provocative "East of Appomattox." Similarly, Roland J. Green's " 'It Isn't Every Day of the Week' " shows how altering the outcome of a few minor incidents can turn history on its head, making General "Old Hickory" Jackson and the Cherokee ...
Alvin Smith znowu wyrusza w ?wiat i szybko trafia do wiezienia, oskar?ony przez swego dawnego mistrza o kradzie? z?otego p?uga. Proces musi w?a?ciwie wykaza?, ?e Alvin naprawd? jest Stw?rc?. Tymczasem jego brat, Calvin, p?ynie do Europy, gdzie spotyka Napoleona i Balzaca. Od Napoleona uczy si? manipulowania lud?mi, z Balzakiem wraca do Ameryki. Razem stanowi? gro?n? par?.
In un mondo dominato da magie, incantesimi e misteriose potenze negative, nasce Alvin “Settimo figlio di un settimo figlio” che possiede tutte le energie positive del Creato ed ? destinato a combattere per la salvezza degli uomini e della Terra. Il giorno in cui nacque Alvin, Peggy — colei che vede tutti i futuri possibili — ne lesse il destino carico di dolori e pericoli, ma vide anche la missione a cui era predestinato. Una missione che gli avrebbe dato la gloria di essere ricordato come il costruttore di un mondo migliore.
“Outstandingly exciting!” – Fallen Angel Reviews“Extremely talented and guaranteed to keep you reading.” – Paranormal Romance Reviews***Meet Mel: Business owner. Dedicated mom. Natural-born Amazon.It's been ten years since Melanippe Saka left the Amazon tribe in order to create a normal life for her daughter, Harmony. True, running a tattoo parlor in Madison, Wisconsin, while living with your Amazon warrior mother and priestess grandmother is not everyone's idea of normal, but Mel thinks she's succeeded at blending in as human.Turns out she's wrong. Someone knows all about her, someone who's targeting young Amazon ...
Being an Amazon ruler just became a royal pain.Amazon queen Zery Kostovska has never questioned tribe traditions. After all, these rules have kept the tribe strong for millennia and enabled them to live undetected, even in modern-day America. Zery is tough, fair, commanding—the perfect Amazon leader.At least, she was. A new high priestess with a penchant for secrecy and technology is threatening Zery’s rule. Plus, with the discovery of the Amazon sons, males with the same skills as their female counterparts, even Zery can’t deny that the tribe must change. But how? Some want ...
Shadow si ? fatto tre anni dentro. Sta per uscire ma proprio il giorno prima di tornare in libert? lo informano che sua moglie e il suo migliore amico sono morti in un misterioso incidente. Sull’aereo che lo riporta a casa, Shadow fa conoscenza con un enigmatico Mister Wednesday che gli offre di lavorare per lui. Shadow finisce per accettare: un lavoro gli risolve il problema di cosa fare della sua vita, anche se gli arriva da un vecchio bevitore di Jack Daniel’s dall’aria poco raccomandabile. Il contratto con il losco Mr Wednesday viene annaffiato da una ...
Mike Ainsell h?rom ?vet t?lt?tt b?rt?nben, ?m a sorscsap?sok ezzel nem ?rtek v?get sz?m?ra. Szabadul?sa el?tt n?h?ny nappal a feles?ge ?s a legjobb bar?tja meghal aut?balesetben, ?gy azut?n els? ?tja a temet?sre vezet. ?tk?zben tal?lkozik egy furcsa idegennel, aki Szerda n?ven mutatkozik be, ?s munk?t k?n?l Mike-nak. A b?ntetett el??let? f?rfinak nincs m?s v?laszt?sa: elfogadja az aj?nlatot, nem sejtve, hogy ezzel k?l?n?s, term?szetf?l?tti esem?nyek sodr?ba ker?l. Fokozatosan der?l f?ny Szerda s?t?t terv?re, ?s egyre nyilv?nval?bb? v?lik, hogy a mindennapi ?let felsz?ne alatt k?l?n?s h?bor? d?l, amelynek t?tje nem m?s, mint Amerika lelke…