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Книги 7951—7975 из 10588.

  • A m?gia f?nye
  • Prachett Terry
  • Nagy A’Tuin, a Korongvil?got h?t?n cipel? csillagtekn?c az egyetlen l?ny kerek e vil?gon, aki pontosan tudja, hov? tart. Hamarosan a Korong var?zsl?i is megtudj?k, ?s akkor kezdhetnek csak igaz?n agg?dni…A vil?got katasztr?fa fenyegeti, s az egyetlen ember, aki megmenthetn?, Sz?ltol?, egy meglehet?sen k?tes h?r? ?s gy?va var?zsl?, aki elt?nt. ?ll?t?lag legut?bb a Peremr?l lezuhanni l?tt?k egy n?gyszem? turista t?rsas?g?ban… A legm?k?sabb ?s legszokatlanabb fantasy t?rt?net az eg?sz galaxisban. (Vagy b?rmely m?s galaxisban.)

  • A Night in the Lonesome October
  • Zelazny Roger
  • After years of unprepossessing folderol--the wearisome Nine Princes in Amber retreads are depressingly typical--Zelazny bursts forth with, well, ``Victorian light supernatural fantasy'' just about covers it. Narrator Snuff, a guard dog who performs complex thaumaturgical calculations in his head, has many duties: to keep various Things firmly trapped in mirrors, wardrobes, and steamer trunks; to accompany his master, Jack--he of the magical blade--on weird collecting expeditions into the graveyards and slums of Victorian London; and--for a single hour each night--discuss the day's goings-on in human speech. Snuff's neighbors include: Jill the witch and her familiar, Graymalk the cat, with ...

  • A Nomadic Witch
  • Geary Debora
  • A Note from Debora: For those of you who haven't discovered my witches yet, I invite you to start with book one, A Modern Witch. Some series can be read out of order – this isn't one of them:).For the rest of you who have been eagerly awaiting this release… happy reading – and thank you!***Spring brings a traveler to Nova Scotia – a tiny babe who will turn Marcus's life upside down and reincarnate the horrifying events of his past.Can Marcus find his way through the pain to love and healing? And can the witching community finally learn to keep their astral travelers safe?A Nomadic Witch is book four of the top-rated A Modern Witch series. Light contemporary fantasy with a good dose of humor, a little romance, and characters you won't want to leave.

  • A praia mais long?nqua
  • Ле Гуин Урсула
  • A Praia mais Long?nqua ? o terceiro volume desta s?rie e promete ser t?o fant?stico como os anteriores. Desta vez, Gued, o poderoso arquimago, ter? como miss?o descobrir por que raz?o a magia foi secando como um rio no mundo de Terramar. Os encantamentos deixaram de ter poder e as palavras de feiti?aria foram esquecidas. A fim de restaurar os poderes m?gicos perdidos, Gued embarca com Arren, pr?ncipe de Enland, para bem longe, isto ?, para o terr?vel reino dos mortos, onde encontram pessoas muito estranhas e tamb?m alguns drag?es. No fim desta empreendedora viagem, conseguir? Gued alcan?ar o seu objetivo ou a feiti?aria acabar? mesmo por desaparecer? N?o perca esta empolgante obra j? com milh?es de exemplares vendidos em todo o mundo.

  • A Storm of Wings
  • Harrison M.
  • It is the time of the Locust. 'Fear death from the air, and avoid the North -' Eighty years have passed since Lord tegeus-Cromis broke the yoke of Canna Moidart, since the horror of the geteit chemosit. The Reborn Men, awoken from their long sleep, have inherited the Evening Cultures. In the wastelands to the north and west of Virconium a city is being built. But not by men. In the Time of the Locust a paralysing menace threatens to turn the inhabitants of the Pastel City into hideous, mindless insects..

  • A Suitable Present for a Sorcerous Puppet
  • Nix Garth
  • GARTH NIX grew up in Canberra, Australia. When he turned nineteen, he left to drive around the United Kingdom in a beat-up Austin with a boot full of books and a Silver-Reed typewriter. Despite a wheel literally falling off the car, he survived to return to Australia and study at the University of Canberra. He has since worked in a bookshop, as a book publicist, a publisher’s sales representative, an editor, a literary agent, and as a public relations and marketing consultant. His first story was published in 1984 and was followed by novels , , , , , the six-book YA fantasy series the Seventh Tower, and, most recently, the seven-book the Keys to the Kingdom series. He lives in Sydney with his wife and their two children.