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Книги 7976—8000 из 10588.

  • A World of Difference
  • Turtledove Harry
  • When the Viking lander on the planet Minerva was destroyed, sending back one last photo of a strange alien being, scientists on Earth were flabbergasted. And so a joint investigation was launched by the United States and the Soviet Union, the first long-distance manned space mission, and a symbol of the new peace between the two great rivals.Humankind's first close encounter with extraterrestrials would be history in the making, and the two teams were schooled in diplomacy as well as in science. But nothing prepared them for alien war -- especially when the Americans and the Soviets found themselves on opposite sides...

  • Academs Fury
  • For one thousand years, the people of Alera have united against the aggressive and threatening races that inhabit the world, using their unique bond with the Furies--elementals of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Metal. But now, the unity of the Alerians hangs in precarious balance. The First Lord of Alera has fallen in his efforts to protect his people from the vicious attacks of their enemies. Now, the fate of the Alerians lies in the hands of Tavi, a young man who must use all of his courage and resourcefulness to save his people--and himself.

  • Achaja - Tom I
  • Ziemia?ski Andrzej
  • Znakomicie napisana powie??, ??cz?ca elementy science fiction z klimatem fantasy. Udana pr?ba wydobycia z obu podgatunk?w fantastyki tego, co w nich najlepsze. Ziemia?ski po raz kolejny dowodzi, ?e sztuka pisania dobrej prozy nie jest mu obca. – Feliks W. Kres Nowa powie?? Ziemia?skiego to naprawd?, na wymagaj?cym polskim rynku fantasy, znacz?ca pozycja. Ba, jestem pewien, ?e pisarz, nie maj?c ?adnych kompleks?w przed Sapkowskim, Tolkienem, stworzy? w?asn?, zupe?nie now? wersj? naszych dziej?w fantastycznych i to w pe?ni kompletn?, gdzie pierwszy i drugi plan ma bogat? artystyczn? g??bi? "odtworzon?" z inteligencj? i humorem.

  • Achaja - Tom II
  • Ziemia?ski Andrzej
  • W pierwszym tomie powie?ci Andrzeja Ziemia?skiego ?ledzili?my losy upadku i upokorzenia Achai, ksi??niczki Troy. Drugi tom to historia powolnego, konsekwentnego acz zupe?nie przypadkowego pi?cia si? w g?r? drabiny spo?ecznej przez tytu?ow? bohaterk?.Od pierwszych stron mamy do czynienia z dowcipnymi, b?yskotliwymi, doskonale skonstruowanymi dialogami, nadaj?cymi wartko?? akcji, a zarazem ?wietnie uwypuklaj?cymi charaktery, wykszta?cenie czy pochodzenie postaci.Bohater?w znanych z tomu pierwszego Achai spotykamy na pocz?tku ksi??ki dok?adnie w tym samym miejscu, w kt?rym autor porzuci? ich w poprzedniej cz??...

  • Achaja - Tom III
  • Ziemia?ski Andrzej
  • Cesarstwo Luan atakowane przez kr?lestwo Troy i przez armi? niewielkiego Arkach. Wydawa?oby si?, ?e z oddzia?ami tego ostatniego rozprawi si? bardzo szybko.Nikt w Luan nie s?dzi, ?e cokolwiek mo?e zachwia? pot?g? Tradycji i Zakonu. Nikt opr?cz tych, kt?rzy ju? przeszli na stron? Biafry i Zaana? Achaja s?dzi, ?e odnalaz?a swoje miejsce. Ale Biafra ma wobec niej inne plany: jej r?ka, r?ka ksi??niczki Arkach i Troy, stanie si? kart? przetargow? w politycznej grze z Zakonem, cesarstwem i ksi?ciem Orionem. Stary ?wiat leg? w gruzach. Jaki b?dzie nowy?

  • Across the Great Barrier
  • Wrede Patricia
  • Eff is an unlucky thirteenth child — her twin brother, Lan, is a powerful seventh son of a seventh son. And yet, Eff is the one who saved the day for the settlements west of the Great Barrier. Her unique ways of doing magic and seeing the world, and her fascination with the magical creatures and land in the Great Plains push Eff to work toward joining an expedition heading west. But things are changing on the frontier.There are new professors of magic for Eff and Lan to learn to work with. There's tension between William and his father. And there are new threats on the frontier and at home. To help, Eff must travel beyond the Barrier, and come to terms with her magical abilities-and those of her brother, to stop the newest threat encroaching on the settlers.With wit, magic, and a touch of good pioneer sense, Patricia C. Wrede weaves a fantastic tale of the very wild west.

  • Advance and Retreat
  • Turtledove Harry
  • Turning the American Civil War literally upside-down, this winning fantasy brings to life a war to free the blond serfs of the North and raise them to equality beside their swarthy masters. Turtledove not only swaps South for North but replaces rifles with crossbows, horses with unicorns and railways with magic carpets. The book opens in the fourth year of the war, when it's clear that the gray-clad armies of King Avram of Detina have the advantage over the followers of the traitorous Grand Duke Geoffrey, who has proclaimed himself king of the seceded North. Many Northern infantrymen have ...

  • Aerie
  • Lackey Mercedes
  • Kiron, the man who had once been a dragon-boy called Vetch, has united the dragon riders and managed to rid their world of both war and magical domination. But are the evil Magi really gone for good? As Kiron tries to build a new civilization at the site of an abandoned cliff dweller's city, called Aerie, conflicts arise, and he soon realizes there is a vast conspiracy at work, which includes individuals who have infiltrated every walk of life-even his own family. Once the heads of the Magi, these conspirators are determined to regain their sinister control.

  • Afterlight
  • Jasper Elle
  • Jasper introduces tattoo artist Riley Poe in this shallow launch of a Southern-fried vampire romance trilogy. Once a wild child, Riley is now a surrogate parent to her younger brother, Seth. Riley's adopted Gullah relatives provide a living blood bank for the Dupr? family of "good" vampires, who kept deadly undead "strigoi" bloodsuckers encrypted in Savannah's Bonaventure Cemetery until Seth's teenage prank freed them. Now evil strigoi Victorian and Valerian are bent on recruiting Seth and slaking their thirst on Riley's rare blood. Mysterious and magnetic Eli Dupr?, entrusted with Riley's protection, both thrills her and freaks her out with vampiric cravings and sensual caresses. This superficial addition to today's vampire craze, couched in superheated first-person tough-girl lingo, adds only a few meager drops of insight into the current popularity of Dracula's literary descendants.

  • Aftershocks
  • Turtledove Harry
  • The nuclear war between Nazi Germany and the Race ends with a Germany surrender after Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the Fuhrer, is killed and replaced by Walter Dornberger. Dornberger agrees to disband the Axis Forces, withdraw German troops from occupied France, and disband the German rocket and nuclear forces. The German withdrawal results in instability in the governments of its allies, such as the British Union of Fascists in Britain, as well as clashes between the Free French Forces and the new government of liberated France and radioactive drift into the Soviet Union. However, Dornberger secretly begins stockpiling weapons and missile ...

  • Against the Tide
  • Ringo John
  • In the distant future, the world was a paradise — and then, in a moment, it was ended by the first war in centuries. People who had known godlike power, to whom hunger and pain were completely unknown, desperately scrabbled to survive. As the United Free States, the bastion of freedom and center of opposition to the tyrants of New Destiny, prepared for the long-feared invasion by the Changed legions of Ropasa, Edmund Talbot realized that bureaucratic ineptitude and overconfidence was setting the USF naval forces of ships and dragons up for a disastrous defeat at sea. His fears came ...