Not so very long ago, Eragon-Shadeslayer, Dragon Rider-was nothing more than a poor farm boy, and his dragon, Saphira, only a blue stone in the forest. Now the fate of an entire civilization rests on their shoulders.Long months of training and battle have brought victories and hope, but they have also brought heartbreaking loss. And still, the real battle lies ahead: they must confront Galbatorix. When they do, they will have to be strong enough to defeat him. And if they cannot, no one can. There will be no second chances. The Rider and his dragon have come further than anyone dared to hope. But can they topple the evil king and restore justice to Alagaesia? And if so, at what cost?This is the much-anticipated, astonishing conclusion to the worldwide bestselling Inheritance cycle.
Unbeknownst to mortals, a power struggle is unfolding in a world of shadows and danger. After centuries of stability, the balance among the Faery Courts has altered, and Irial, ruler of the Dark Court, is battling to hold his rebellious and newly vulnerable fey together. If he fails, bloodshed and brutality will follow.Seventeen-year-old Leslie knows nothing of faeries or their intrigues. When she is attracted to an eerily beautiful tattoo of eyes and wings, all she knows is that she has to have it, convinced it is a tangible symbol of changes she desperately craves for her own life.The tattoo does bring changes — not the kind Leslie has dreamed of, but sinister, compelling changes that are more than symbolic. Those changes will bind Leslie and Irial together, drawing Leslie deeper and deeper into the faery world, unable to resist its allures, and helpless to withstand its perils. .
Life in the Inkworld has been far from easy since the extraordinary events of Inkspell, when the story of Inkheart magically drew Meggie, Mo and Dustfinger back into its pages. With Dustfinger dead, and the evil Adderhead in control, the story in which they are all caught has taken an unhappy turn. Elinor, left alone in the real world, believes her family to be lost - lost between the covers of a book. But as winter comes there is reason to hope - if only Meggie and Mo can rewrite the wrongs of the past and make a dangerous deal with death...
One cruel night, Meggie's father, Mo, reads aloud from INKHEART, and an evil ruler named Capricorn escapes the boundaries of fiction, landing instead in their living room. Suddenly, Meggie's in the middle of the kind of adventure she thought only took place in fairy tales. Somehow she must master the magic that has conjured up this nightmare. Can she change the course of the story that has changed her life forever
Although a year has passed, not a day goes by without Meggie thinking of INKHEART, the book whose characters became real. But for Dustfinger, the fire-eater brought into being from words, the need to return to the tale has become desperate. When he finds a crooked storyteller with the ability to read him back, Dustfinger leaves behind his young apprentice Farid and plunges into the medieval world of his past. Distraught, Farid goes in search of Meggie, and before long, both are caught inside the book, too. But the story is threatening to evolve in ways neither of them could ever have imagined.
?Para qu? usar?amos la inmortalidad? Una historia de amor y venganza a trav?s de los siglos, con Maine, Boston, Par?s yHungr?a como tel?n de fondo.En St. Andrews, un peque?o pueblo de Maine, ingresa en urgencias una joven acusada de haber matado a un hombre. Luke, el m?dico de guardia, un hombre atormentado por demonios interiores tras haber abandonado a esposa e hijas, est? dispuesto a escuchar la versi?n de la bella Lanore. Dice ser una inmortal desde hace doscientos a?os.Tiempo atr?s, con el ...
Set in a shadowy world of magic and mystery, a fantasy novel in which a young man sets off on a wild ride in pursuit of the lover whose death and resurrection he witnessed. From the author of THE LAST UNICORN and A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE.
Ты совершаешь глубокую философскую ошибку, Колин. Реальный мир, это кванты, электроны, протоны, нейтроны и атомы, в общем - вся та хрень, которой занимаются физики в лабораториях. А то, о чем ты говоришь – политическое влияние, коррупция, индонезийская полиция, американское FBI, и даже те доллары, которыми достигается политическое влияние – это кино. Это вымысел, который существует лишь постольку, поскольку миллионы людей в это верят. Да, Колин. Миллионы людей верят во всякую ерунду: в доллары и демократию, в бога и ангелов, в полицию и спецслужбы, в агента Купера, борца с инопланетянами, и в Санта Клауса с северными оленями. Наш Ктулху, кошмарный пришелец с темных звезд, спящий в древней каменной цитадели, не менее достоверен, чем все эти штучки.
Mimo powrotu prawowitego kr?la w Ziemiomorzu nie dzieje si? najlepiej. Prosty czarownik Olcha we ?nie odwiedza krain? umar?ych, gdzie przebywa jego ukochana ?ona. Jej poca?unek staje si? pocz?tkiem zmian. Umarli pragn? opu?ci? sw?j kraj, a Olcha mo?e otworzy? im drog?. Zwraca si? zatem o pomoc do dawnego Arcymaga Geda, kt?ry posy?a go do Tenar, Tehanu i m?odego kr?la w Havnorze. Wraz z dziewczyn?-smokiem Irian musz? stawi? czo?o najwi?kszemu z zagro?e?.W „Innym wietrze” powracamy do Ziemiomorza, Archipelagu, w kt?rym mieszkaj? magowie i smoki, i do bohater?w znanych z poprzednich tom?w: Geda, Tenar, Tehanu, Arrena, Irian… Czas bowiem po??czy? rozproszone w?tki, czas pokaza?, ku czemu wiod?o przeznaczenie.
A hand-picked team of the most capable drow adventures begin a perilous journey through the treacherous Underdark, all the while surrounded by the chaos of war. Ther path will take them through the very heart of darkness, and the Underdark will be shaken to its core. If the powerful dark elves falter, the world below is open for .
Joey Harker nie jest bohaterem. W istocie potrafi si? zgubi? nawet we w?asnym domu. Lecz pewnego dnia Joey naprawd? si? gubi. Ze swego ?wiata przechodzi do innego wymiaru. W?dr?wka mi?dzy ?wiatami ?ci?ga na niego uwag? dw?ch straszliwych pot?g. Armie magii i nauki zrobi? wszystko, byle zdoby? jego moc, umo?liwiaj?c? podr??e mi?dzy wymiarami. Odkrywszy, jak wielkie z?o czyni? obie pot?gi, Joey do??cza do armii, z?o?onej z r??nych wersji samego siebie, pochodz?cych z alternatywnych Ziemi i bez wyj?tku dysponuj?cych podobn? moc?. Razem gotowi s? walczy? w obronie wszystkich ?wiat?w.
Przysz?o??. Nasz ?wiat opanowa? niewidzialny wr?g. Naje?d?cy przej?li ludzkie cia?a oraz umys?y i wiod? w nich na poz?r niezmienione ?ycie. W ciele Melanie jednej z ostatnich dzikich istot ludzkich zostaje umieszczona dusza o imieniu Wagabunda. Wertuje ona my?li Melanie w poszukiwaniu ?lad?w prowadz?cych do reszty rebeliant?w. Tymczasem Melanie podsuwa jej coraz to nowe wspomnienia ukochanego m??czyzny, Jareda, kt?ry ukrywa si? na pustyni. Wagabunda nie potrafi oddzieli? swoich uczu? od pragnie? cia?a i zaczyna t?skni? za m??czyzn?, kt?rego mia?a pom?c schwyta?. Wkr?tce Wagabunda i Melanie staj? si? mimowolnymi sojuszniczkami i wyruszaj? na poszukiwanie cz?owieka, bez kt?rego nie mog? ?y?.