In the realm of Faerie, the time has come for Roiben's coronation. Uneasy in the midst of the malevolent Unseelie Court, pixie Kaye is sure of only one thing -- her love for Roiben. But when Kaye, drunk on faerie wine, declares herself to Roiben, he sends her on a seemingly impossible quest. Now Kaye can't see or speak to Roiben unless she can find the one thing she knows doesn't exist: a faerie who can tell a lie. Miserable and convinced she belongs nowhere, Kaye decides to tell her mother the truth -- that she is a ...
A sweeping novel about Isildur, King of Gondor, and the saga of the war against the Great Enemy Sauron. Learn the origin of the Oathbreakers and the Mouth of Sauron. See the great naval battle between the White Fleet of Lindon and the Black Fleet of Umbar. Learn the truth about the final struggle on Osgiliath and the taking of the One Ring.
Si dice che al mondo niente sia inevitabile, tranne la morte e le tasse. Ma questo forse prima che Morte venisse licenziato in tronco. L’ultima cosa di cui un universo pu? aver bisogno ? di un Tristo Mietitore disoccupato, perch? quando un importante servizio pubblico viene a mancare la conseguenza ? sempre il caos. Ora Mondo Disco pullula di zombie e non-morti. Reg Scarpa, attivista per i diritti dei defunti, improvvisamente ha molto pi? lavoro di quanto si sia mai sognato. E il mago Windle Poons, trapassato di fresco, si risveglia nella tomba scoprendo di essere. morto e vegeto. Ma ...
The story is set in New Crobuzon, a city in Mieville's created world Bas-Lag and the setting of Perdido Street Station and Iron Council. It takes place after the capture of the infamous New Crobuzon criminal/terrorist, Jack Half-a-Prayer, and is narrated by one of his former associates.
Vampires versus Zombies, round one. .Vampire detective Felix Gomez has seen a lot of weird things since becoming one of the undead — nymphomaniacs, aliens, and X-rated bloodsuckers, just to name a few — but now he comes face-to-face with the worst sort of undead.To stop a ravenous army of zombies, Gomez must team up with a precocious teen with clairvoyant powers whose cooperation comes at a price: she won't help unless Felix makes her a vampire. . if the zombies don't get her first.
Es ist Zeit f?r neue Helden!Jake Djones f?hrt ein ganz gew?hnliches Leben – bis er eines Tages vom Geheimbund der Geschichtsh?ter erf?hrt. Die Agenten dieses Bundes er?ffnen Jake nicht nur, dass er durch die Zeit reisen kann, sie ben?tigen auch noch seine Hilfe. Der skrupellose Prinz Xander Zeldt will die Vergangenheit nach seinem Willen ver?ndern und der Welt damit f?r alle Zeit seine Herrschaft aufzwingen. Gemeinsam mit den besten Agenten der Geschichtsh?ter begibt Jake sich auf eine gef?hrliche Mission ins Venedig des 16. Jahrhunderts. Das Schicksal der Menschheit ...
High Druid of Shannara. More than a quarter of a century after The Sword of Shannara carved out its place in the pantheon of great epic fantasy, the magic of Terry Brooks's New York Times bestselling saga burns as brightly as ever. Three complete series have chronicled the ever–unfolding history of Shannara. But more stories are still to be told–and new adventures have yet to be undertaken. Book One of High Druid of Shannara invites both the faithful longtime reader and the curious newcomer to take the first step on the next extraordinary quest. Twenty years have ...
La nostalgica storia di un bambino che si rifiuta di crescere, per continuare ad ascoltare i programmi del passato.Vincitore dei premi Hugo e Nebula per il miglior racconto breve in 1978.Vincitore del British Fantasy Award in 1979.Nominato per il World Fantasy Award in 1978.
Jestem Ksi??niczk?. Zabij?, je?li trzeba zabi?. U?askawi?, je?li przekonasz, ?e warto.Jestem obca. Zrodzona z ognia i opadaj?cych li?ci. W moich ?y?ach p?ynie z?ota krew. Moje cia?o spowite p?omieniem. Unicestwiam, spalam, morduj?. Mam swoje powody. Tak zdecydowa?am. Dobrze wiedz?c w co si? pakuj?.Usi?d?. Opowiem Ci histori? Jesiennych Ogni. O nienawi?ci szale?czej i nami?tnej, o rzezi, co pogrzeba?a niewinnych i o dziewczynie, kt?rej r?ce umazane ojcowsk? krwi?.Rzu? wyzwanie wszystkim prawom. Pos?uchaj historii, w kt?rej zdarzy? si? mo?e wszystko – zab?jca zosta? ofiar?, a ofiara katem. Historii, w kt?rej nawet Tkaczka nie wie, jakie nici splot? si? w jej kunsztownej tkaninie.
A charmingly gothic, fiendishly funny Faustian tale about a brilliant scientist who makes a deal with the Devil, twice.Johannes Cabal sold his soul years ago in order to learn the laws of necromancy. Now he wants it back. Amused and slightly bored, Satan proposes a little wager: Johannes has to persuade one hundred people to sign over their souls or he will be damned forever. This time for real. Accepting the bargain, Jonathan is given one calendar year and a traveling carnival to complete his task. With little time to waste, Johannes raises a motley crew from the dead and enlists his brother, Horst, a charismatic vampire to help him run his nefarious road show, resulting in mayhem at every turn.
Anglia, pocz?tek XIX wieku. Tajemniczy pan Norrell jest jednym z nielicznych, kt?rzy zajmuj? si? jeszcze czarami. Ale to w?a?nie dzi?ki niemu i jego m?odemu przyjacielowi — Jonathanowi Strange’owi, Anglia stanie si? na powr?t krain? tajemnej sztuki. Dwaj bohaterowie posi?d? niezwyk?? w?adz?, a sam rz?d poprosi ich o pomoc w walce z Napoleonem. Lecz magia ma swoj? cen?…
A young slave who dreams of becoming a jouster-one of the few warriors who can actually ride a flying dragon. And so, in secret, he begins to raise his own dragon...
Moszkva utc?in a h?tk?znapi emberek k?z?tt term?szetf?l?tti l?nyek j?rnak ?szrev?tlen. A Set?t ?s a F?ny er?i egyar?nt jelen vannak, s a k?t t?bor k?z?tti t?r?keny fegyversz?netet az ?jszakai ?s a Nappali ?rs?g vigy?zza.Most azonban viharfelh?k gy?lekeznek a v?ros komor b?rkasz?rny?i felett: a var?zsl?k, v?mp?rok, alakv?lt?k ?s boszork?nyok hidegh?bor?ja forr?sodni kezdett. Ha ?sszecsap?suknak nem siker?l elejet verini, maga a pokol szabadul el a f?ld?n.Szergej Lukjanyenko sorozatind?t? reg?nye hihetetlen n?pszer?s?gre tett szert az els? megjelen?se ?ta eltelt ?vekben, ?s rajong?t?bora m?r nem korl?toz?dik Oroszorsz?gra. A k?nyvb?l k?sz?lt film elvitte h?r?t Amerik?ba ?s a vil?g szinte minden szeglet?be. Az?ta az ?jszakai ?rs?g m?r valamennyi fontosabb nyelven olvashat?.A GFK sorozatban v?gre magyarul is hozz?f?rhet? lesz hamarosan a teljes sorozat.
Tras el largo verano, el invierno se acerca a los Siete Reinos. Lord Eddars Stark, se?or de Invernalia, deja sus dominios para unirse a la corte del rey Robert Baratheon el Usurpador, hombre d?scolo y otrora guerrero audaz cuyas mayores aficiones son comer, beber y engendrar bastardos. Eddard Stark desempe?ar? el cargo de Mano del Rey e intentar? desentra?ar una mara?a de intrigas que pondr? en peligro su vida… y la de los suyos. En un mundo cuyas estaciones duran d?cadas y en el que retazos de una magia inmemorial y olvidada surgen en los rincones m?s sombr?os y maravillosos, la traici?n y la lealtad, la compasi?n y la sed de venganza, el amor y el poder hacen del juego de tronos una poderosa trampa que atrapa en sus fauces a los personajes… y al lector.