As Napoleon's tenacious infantry rampages across Europe and his armada lies in wait for Nelson's smaller fleet, the war does not rage on land and water alone. Squadrons of aviators swarm the skies - a deadly shield for the cumbersome canon-firing vessels. Raining fire and acid upon their enemies, they engage in a swift, violent combat with flying tooth and claw... for these aviators ride dragons.Captain Laurence is a satisfied man with a respectable commission aboard the ship Reliant. His career is born from a love for the sea and he takes his duty very seriously ...
Druh? kniha p??b?h? o Willovi a jeho p??tel?ch z hradu Redmontu. Araluensk? kr?lovstv? se chyst? na v?lku proti Morgarathovi a Will s Hor?cem doprov?zej? Gilana s poselstv?m do Celtiky. Celtick? vesnice a doly jsou v?ak opu?t?n?. T?i poslov? zjist?, pro? tomu tak je, a? kdy? objev? hladovou a vy?erpanou d?vku: Morgarath poslal sv? odporn? stv?ry, aby Celtiky zotro?ily.Zat?mco Gilan rychle uj??d? zp?tky do Araluenu, aby podal zpr?vu kr?li, Will s Hor?cem odhal? pravou p???inu Morgarathova jedn?n?. Chyst? se p?ekvapiv? ?tok ze t?? stran a Araluenu hroz? neodvratn? por??ka - pokud na?i dva p??tel? n?co nepodniknou.
Najnowsze wydanie klasycznego dzie?a Tolkiena. Hobbit to istota wi?ksza od liliputa, mniejsza jednak od krasnala. Fantastyczny, przemy?lany do najdrobniejszych szczeg???w ?wiat z powie?ci Tolkiena jest r?wnie? jego osobistym tworem, a pod barwn? fasad? nietrudno si? dopatrzy? g??bszego sensu i pewnych analogii do wsp??czesno?ci.
“?S? un HOMBRE en la Guardia de la Ciudad! ?La Guardia de la Ciudad necesita HOMBRES!”Hasta ahora, sin embargo, la Guardia Nocturna solo cuenta con el cabo Zanahoria (t?cnicamente un enano), el agente Cuddy (realmente un enano), el agente Detritus (un troll), la agente Angua (una mujer… la mayor parte del tiempo) y el cabo Nobbs (descalifica do de la carrera evolutiva por hacer trampas).Y necesitan toda la ayuda que puedan conseguir. Porque hay un asesino suelto en las calles, con un arma nueva y mort?fera y, lo m?s peligroso, un PLAN ...
«Homecoming» is a short story, published in the 2003 Legends II anthology. This is the tale of Carillion, a Jamaillian noblewoman and artist, exiled to the Rainwilds. This story is a prequel to the The Liveship Traders Trilogy, and explains the backstory of the Bingtown and Rain Wild Traders.
With his epic novels of alternate history, Harry Turtledove shares a stunning vision of what might have been—and what might still be—if one moment in history were changed. In the WorldWar and Colonization series, an ancient, highly advanced alien species found itself locked in a bitter struggle with a distant, rebellious planet—Earth. For those defending the Earth, this all-out war for survival supercharged human technology, made friends of foes, and turned allies into bitter enemies. For the aliens known as the Race, the conflict has yielded dire consequences. Mankind has developed nuclear technology years ahead of ...
Hartraft's Marauders are heading for a frontier garrison. But a Tsurani patrol is sent to support an assault on the same garrison. Both enemies arrive at the same time to discover the garrison has been overrun by a horde of moredhel (dark elves). Can they band together to survive?
Everybody knows there’s no love lost between paranormal investigators Amanda LaGrange and sexy Jacob Caine. They can’t even stand being in the same room together….Well, unless it’s an enchanted bedroom.And they’re trapped there, at midnight.And the sexual tension suddenly becomes too powerful to resist…Then that bedroom gets really hot, really fast! But come morning, they still can’t keep their hands off each other. Are they cursed forever? If so, neither one’s complaining?.