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Книги 9101—9125 из 10588.
  • Mona Lisa Craving
  • Sunny
  • Dante, the warrior son of a healer, was cursed by the high priestess to endure a never-ending cycle of life and death, born and reborn into an ever-diminishing bloodline. Someone shares one of his past lives. Her name was Mona Lyria. Back then, on the moon in another world, she was his victim. Today, she is Mona Lisa, and this time, she is his savior. Dante's wish is to die by her hands to end his cursed existence, but she feels fate has given them both a second chance. For even stronger than her craving for blood is her craving for what every Mon?re female desires, and needs…to bear life. Now she has found her mate — but with this blessing could come a new curse under the shadow of a new moon.

  • Moon Over Soho
  • Aaronovitch Ben
  • I was my dad's vinyl-wallah: I changed his records while he lounged around drinking tea, and that's how I know my Argo from my Tempo. And it's why, when Dr Walid called me to the morgue to listen to a corpse, I recognised the tune it was playing. Something violently supernatural had happened to the victim, strong enough to leave its imprint like a wax cylinder recording. Cyrus Wilkinson, part-time jazz saxophonist and full-time accountant, had apparently dropped dead of a heart attack just after finishing a gig in a Soho jazz club. He wasn't the first. No one ...

  • Mortal Engines
  • Reeve Phillip
  • The great Traction City lumbers after a small town, eager to strip its prey of all assets and move on. Resources on the Great Hunting Ground that once was Europe are so limited that mobile cities must consume one another to survive, a practice known as Municipal Darwinism. Tom, an apprentice in the Guild of Historians, saves his hero, Head Historian Thaddeus Valentine, from a murder attempt by the mysterious Hester Shaw — only to find himself thrown from the city and stranded with Hester in the Out Country. As they struggle to follow the tracks of the city, the sinister plans of London’s leaders begin to unfold…

  • Mortimer
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Morty traverse les champs en courant ; il mouline des bras et s’?gosille comme un beau diable. Non. M?me ?a, m?me effrayer les oiseaux pillards, il n’est pas fichu de s’en tirer proprement.Son p?re, au d?sespoir, l’observe depuis le muret de pierres.« Il manque pas de coeur, fait-il ? l’oncle Hamesh.— Ah, dame, c’est le reste qu’il a pas. »Et pourtant un destin hors du commun attend Mortimer. Car ? la foire ? l’embauche, LA MORT l’emporte sur son cheval Bigadin.Il faut dire que LA MORT a d?cid? de faire la vie ; et l’assistance d’un commis dans son labeur quotidien lui permettrait des loisirs. Mais... est-ce bien raisonnable ?Avec, comme toujours, un sc?nario qui d?coiffe, une distribution prestigieuse et, peut-?tre, peut-?tre, une exceptionnelle apparition de l’illustre Rincevent.

  • Morty l’apprendista
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Mortimer, detto Morty, non ha le idee chiarissime su quel che vuol fare da grande. Almeno fin quando non diventa l’apprendista di un insolito maestro: la Morte, proprio quella con la falce, in persona. Una volta appurato, con notevole sollievo, di non dover essere necessariamente morto per poter svolgere il lavoro, Morty si appassiona alla nuova «materia», anche se ben presto scoprir? che essere apprendista della Morte non ? poi cos? romantico e affascinante come sembrava… Pericoli e sfide terribili lo attendono, forse troppo grandi anche per lui, il predestinato.Il primo romanzo del «sottociclo» del Morte.

  • Morze Mi?o?ci
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Wys?annicy z Kr?lestwa ?wiat?a mieli przed sob? dwa wa?ne zadania: odnale?? Berengari? i M?riego, a tak?e unieszkodliwi? Lenore i Talornina, kt?rzy ich uprowadzili. Armas nie m?g? si? doczeka?, kiedy ju? wreszcie b?dzie si? p?awi? w mi?o?ci i podziwie Berengarii, lecz nie dostrzega? b?lu w oczach Lisy. Za? nie?miertelny Marco, bez kt?rego nie daliby sobie rady, chodzi? roztargniony, bo po raz pierwszy w swym nieprawdopodobnie d?ugim ?yciu si? zakocha?…

  • Moscow but Dreaming
  • Sedia Ekaterina
  • The first short story collection by award-winning author Ekaterina Sedia!One of the more resonant voices to emerge in recent years, this Russian-born author explores the edge between the mundane and fantastical in tales inspired by her homeland as well as worldwide folkloric traditions.With foreword by World Fantasy Award-winner Jeffrey Ford, showcases singular and lyrical writing that will appeal to fans of slipstream and magical realism, as well as those interested in the uncanny and Russian history.

  • Muzyka duszy
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Inne dzieci dostawa?y w prezencie cymba?ki. Susan musia?a tylko prosi? dziadka, ?eby zdj?? kamizelk?…Tak. Ma ?mier? w rodzinie.Trudno jest normalnie dorasta?, kiedy dziadek je?dzi na bia?ym koniu i dzier?y kos? — zw?aszcza gdy trzeba przej?? rodzinny interes, a jedyny pomocnik m?wi tylko po szczurzemu.A ju? szczeg?lnie wtedy, kiedy ma si? do czynienia z now?, uzale?niaj?c? muzyk?, kt?ra pojawi?a si? w ?wiecie Dysku.Jest bezprawna. I zmienia ludzi.Nazywana jest „Muzyk? z wykrokiem”.Ma rytm i mo?na przy niej ta?czy?, ale…Jest… ?ywa.I nie chce ucichn??.

  • My Blood Approves
  • Hocking Аманда Хоркинг
  • Seventeen-year-old Alice Bonham's life feels out of control after she meets Jack. With his fondness for pink Chuck Taylors and New Wave hits aside, Jack's unlike anyone she's ever met. Then she meets his brother, Peter. His eyes pierce through her, and she can barely breathe when he's around. Even though he can't stand the sight of her, she's drawn to him. But falling for two very different guys isn't even the worst of her problems. Jack and Peter are vampires, and Alice finds herself caught between love and her own blood...

  • Mир как перекресток
  • Гуркало Татьяна
  • Если вам кажется, что драконы от вас что-то скрывают, жители вашего же мира издеваются, а вокруг происходит что-то странное, не спешите отмахиваться от паранойи. Вдруг она права? И когда вам на голову посыпятся странные существа, ненужные вам тайны и прочие не шибко приятные вещи, не спешите жаловаться. Вероятно вас готовят к чему-то грандиозному. Морально готовят. И когда мир в очередной раз перевернется с ног на голову, вам будет намного проще смириться. Или это он с головы на ноги стал?

  • Na glinianych nogach
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Kryminalna zagadka w ?wiecie Dysku.Kto morduje nieszkodliwych staruszk?w? Kto pr?buje otru? Patrycjusza? Kiedy jesienne mg?y spowijaj? Ankh-Morpork, Stra? Miejska musi schwyta? morderc?, kt?rego nie mo?e zobaczy?. Mo?e golemy co? wiedz? — ale powa?ni ludzie z gliny, kt?rzy pracuj? ca?e dnie i noce, i nigdy nikomu nie wadz?, nagle zacz?li pope?nia? samob?jstwa. Zreszt? stra? ma tak?e w?asne problemy. Pewien wilko?ak cierpi na syndrom napi?cia przedpe?niowego.Kapral Nobbs zaczyna bywa? w?r?d ja?niepa?stwa, a u nowego rekruta-krasnoluda mo?na ...