Trzeci tom bestsellerowej trylogii o losach m?odej wojowniczki Dubhe, kt?ra ma ocali? Wynurzony ?wiat od Gildii — sekty zab?jc?w, oddaj?cych ho?d tyranowi o imieniu Aster. Jej zadanie nie jest ?atwe, gdy? ci??y nad ni? kl?twa, kt?r? sekta chce wykorzysta? do w?asnych cel?w. W czasie gdy Gildia za wszelk? cen? chce dotrze? do Sana, kt?rego cia?o ma pos?u?y? wskrzeszeniu tyrana, sojusznicy Dubhe trafiaj? na ?lad Talizmanu Mocy — jedynej si?y, kt?ra mo?e pokrzy?owa? plany sekty. Po serii pasjonuj?cych przyg?d dochodzi do ostatecznej rozgrywki mi?dzy si?ami dobra i z?a. Dubhe, wbrew swojej woli, znajduje si? ponownie w centrum wydarze?, kt?re naznacz? losy Wynurzonego ?wiata.
Ever since she was child, Jem has kept a secret: Whenever she meets someone new, no matter who, as soon as she looks into their eyes, a number pops into her head. That number is a date: the date they will die. Burdened with such awful awareness, Jem avoids relationships. Until she meets Spider, another outsider, and takes a chance. The two plan a trip to the city. But while waiting to ride the Eye ferris wheel, Jem is terrified to see that all the other tourists in line flash the same number. Today's number. Today's date. Terrorists are going to attack London. Jem's world is about to explode!
Em mais esta aventura da s?rie Discwold, Morte faz ao Mortimer uma irrecus?vel-principalmente considerando que estar morto n?o ? condi??o sine qua non. Como aprendiz de Morte, ele ter? casa e comida de gra?a, acesso ao cavalo da empresa, e n?o necessitar? de folga para ir a funerais. O cargo ? tudo o que Mortimer sempre quis, at? ele descobrir que esse trabalho perfeitopode significar o fim de sua vida amorosa, em perfeito estado de conserva??o.
Numa terra long?nqua chamada Terramar vive o maior de todos os arquimagos. O seu nome ? Gued, mas h? muito tempo atr?s, ele era um jovem chamado Gavi?o, um ser estranho, irrequieto e sedento de poder e sabedoria, que se tornou aprendiz de feiticeiro. Neste livro conta-se a hist?ria da sua inicia??o no mundo da magia e dos desafios que teve que superar depois de ter profanado antigos segredos e libertado uma negra e p?rfida sombra sobre o mundo. Aprendeu a usar as palavras que libertavam poder m?gico, domou um drag?o de ...
Um grande cl?ssico moderno e prel?dio de O Senhor dos An?is Bilbo Bolseiro ? um hobbit que leva uma vida confort?vel e sem ambi??es, raramente aventurando-se para al?m de sua despensa ou sua adega. Mas seu contentamento ? perturbado quando Gandalf, o mago, e uma companhia de an?es batem em sua porta e levam-no para uma expedi??o. Eles t?m um plano para roubar o tesouro guardado por Smaug, o Magn?fico, um grande e perigoso drag?o. Bilbo reluta muito em participar da aventura, mas acaba surpreendendo at? a si mesmo com sua esperteza e sua habilidade como ladr?o!Escrito para os filhos de J. R. R. Tolkien, O Hobbit conquistou sucesso imediato quando foi publicado em 1937. Vendeu milh?es de c?pias em todo o mundo e estabeleceu-se como "um dos livros mais influentes de nossa gera??o."
Segundo uma lei natural do Discworld — o universo fant?stico criado por Terry Pratchtt — o oitavo filho de um mago seria fonticeiro, um homem com poderes m?gicos infinitos, fatais para o mundo. Por isso os magos eram proibidos de se casar e procriar. Mas Ipslore se apaixona, ? expulso da Universidade invis?vel e tem oito filhos. Como vingan?a, o mago guia os passos de seu filho para juntos dominarem o mundo. E assim come?a a grande guerra da Magia…
Whom the gods would recruit, they first tick off...Our Hero: The unlikely Paladin, Bahzell Bahnakson of the Horse Stealer Hradani. He's no knight in shining armor. He's a hradani, a race known for their uncontrollable rages, bloodthirsty tendencies, and inability to maintain civilized conduct. None of the other Five Races of man like the hradani. Besides his ethnic burden, Bahzell has problems of his own to deal with: a violated hostage bond, a vengeful prince, a price on his head. He doesn't want to mess with anybody else's problems, let alone a god's. Let alone the War God's! So how does he end up a thousand leagues from home, neck-deep in political intrigue, assassins, demons, psionicists, evil sorcery, white sorcery, dark gods, good gods, bad poets, greedy landlords, and most of Bortalik Bay? Well, it's all the War God's fault....
This book is not exactly a part of the other two. Only the last story "OathBlood" follows up where the last two lead off. This is a collection of stories written by different authors. It is very good. One of my favorites is the first one entitled, "Sword-sworn." This tells the story of how Tarma became Sworn to the Goddess and how she met up with Kethry the Adept-trained sorceress. I recommend reading this book, it is very good. It is interesting to see how other authors try and write about Mercedes Lackey's world
~This wold be too long if I were to put my descriptions up. I would also give away parts of the book which I don't want to because this book is very good. So I will put the actual descriptions up- The one's on the back cover of the book~The SwordsWoman- She was Tarma. Born to the Clan of the Hawk of the nomadic Shin'a'in people, she saw her entire clan slain by brigands. Vowing blood revenge upon the murderers, she became one of the Sword-Sworn, the most elite of all warriors. And trained in all forms ...
Tarma and Kethry's long-term goals are to settle back at Tale'sedrin and build mage schools. Tarma, being Goddess-Sworn, cannot have children. But Kethry, who is Tarma's Sworn Oath-Sister is now part of the Tale'sedrin clan; through her, the clan with live on. Anyways--- They are now with a mercenary company known as the SunHawks. The leader of this company captain Idra. Idra, who was a princess of Rethwellan, went home in search of a magical sword. Her two brothers were trying to decide who should become the new King; This legendary magical sword would reveal who it should be. But something's wrong and Idra doesn't return. Being Sisters of Sword and Spell, Tarma and Kethry had long-ago made a Goddess-Sworn oath to fight against evil. They cannot forget this bond and so they set forth towards Rethwellan to fight the evil that is possessing that land.
Nareszcie Tiril ma szans? na spotkanie ze sw? nieznan? matk?. Ale czy ksi??na zaakceptuje islandzkiego czarnoksi??nika? M?ri pragnie poj?? Tiril za ?on?, czuje jednak, ?e nie ma do tego prawa. Tylko jego niewidzialni towarzysze z krainy zimnych cieni mog? mu pom?c w podj?ciu decyzji.Jednocze?nie obojgu zagra?a nieznana moc. Oblicze z?a powoli wy?ania si? z mroku…
Anita Blake, vampire hunter, has dealt with — and destroyed — a lot of monsters, but her old mentor, Edward, may be worse than any of them. Edward's got problems: a malevolent force is mutilating the citizens of Albuquerque. If he is to stop it he'll need all of Anita's firepower and cunning.
Pierwsza cz??? cyklu fantasy Tu?acze (Skitalcy). Od?wierny jest debiutem powie?ciowym Mariny i Sergieja Diaczenk?w i zarazem pierwszym tomem cyklu Tu?acze, opowiadaj?cego o ludziach b??kaj?cych si? na pograniczu dw?ch ?wiat?w, realnego i nadprzyrodzonego. Wielki czarnoksi??nik traci wszystko: magiczn? moc i mi?o?? swego ?ycia. Wystawiony zostaje na pokusy z?owrogiej, diabolicznej pot?gi, kt?ra pragnie przedosta? si? do ludzkiego ?wiata. Za cen? odzyskania czarodziejskich zdolno?ci mia?by si? sta? tytu?owym Od?wiernym, kt?ry otworzy wrota wymiar?w i sprowadzi na ?wiat niewyobra?alne z?o. Czy wybierze drog? zemsty na tych, kt?rzy go odrzucili i pot?pili? A mo?e znajdzie w sobie do?? si?, by oprze? si? demonicznej pokusie?…Powie?? zosta?a szybko zauwa?ona i wyr??niona nagrod? Euroconu dla najlepszych europejskich fantast?w roku
Walka z Tengelem Z?ym przerodzi?a si? w ?miertelni niebezpieczny wy?cig do Doliny Ludzi Lodu. Obie strony zmobilizowa?y wszystkie si?y, by wyprzedzi? przeciwnika. Tengel Z?y wezwa? na pomoc najokrutniejszych ze swych poddanych, ale i Ludzie Lodu mieli pot??nych sojusznik?w.A w samym ?rodku tej walki Tova prze?y?a sw?j pierwszy i by? mo?e jedyny romans w ?yciu…
Dwaj dzia?aj?cy niezale?nie od siebie gro?ni prze?ladowcy staraj? si? wydoby? od Dolga cudowny szafir. Obaj wiedz?, ?e pierworodny syn czarnoksi??nika M?riego ma mo?nych obro?c?w, dlatego postanawiaj? pojma? zak?adnika i wymieni? go na niebieski kamie?. Wyb?r pada na Taran, dziewi?tnastoletni? siostr? Dolga.Nikt si? nie orientuje, ?e Taran przydzielono nowego anio?a str??a, opiekuna, kt?ry mo?e ochroni? j? przed wszystkim, tylko nie przed ni? sam?…
Daniel Lind z Ludzi Lodu wyrusza samotnie w dalek? podr?? do kraju Nie?c?w nad brzegami Morza Karskiego. Tam spotyka Shir?, c?rk? Vendela, kt?ra nale?y do wybranych – to ona ma z?ama? przekle?stwo ci???ce nad rodem Ludzi Lodu. Najpierw jednak Shira musi przej?? przez wiele nieludzkich pr?b, uk?adaj?cych si? w d?ug? i przera?aj?c? w?dr?wk? przez Ogr?d ?mierci…