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Книги 501—525 из 546.

  • Slave of Sarma
  • Lord Jeffrey
  • It is the fourth book in the Richard Blade series.__________________________________________Blade's newest mission: Projection by computer to Dimension X, to track down and kill the russian agent posing as his double.In Sarma, land of weird customs and barbaric punishments, he could survive only by satisfying the cravings of the royal women. Failure ment live burial, or being hurled into the flaming jaws of Bek-Tor. And always the danger from the man who was his double...and might prove to be his final destruction.

  • Sword Art Online - Том 1
  • Кавахара Рэки
  • Бегство невозможно, пока игра не будет пройдена полностью; геймовер означает реальную смерть...Не зная всей правды о таинственной многопользовательской игре нового поколения "Sword Art Online", десять тысяч игроков залогинились одновременно и тем самым положили начало смертельной битве.Идя по SAO, главный герой Кирито принял правила игры. В этом игровом мире, в гигантской парящей крепости под названием "Айнкрад", он стал игроком-одиночкой.Однако, не в силах противостоять настойчивости воительницы и мастера рапиры Асуны, он начал работать с ней в паре.Эта встреча и предопределила судьбу Кирито...Версия текста от 01.03.11. Последнюю версию можно найти на

  • Swords and Deviltry
  • Leiber Fritz
  • is a fantasy short story collection by Fritz Leiber featuring his sword and sorcery heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. It is chronologically the first volume in the complete seven volume edition of the collected stories devoted to the characters.The Fafhrd and Gray Mouser stories follow the lives of two larcenous but likable rogues as they adventure across the fantasy world of Nehwon. The pieces in introduce the duo and their relationship, present incidents from their early lives in which they meet their first lady-loves, and relate how afterwards in the city of Lankhmar the two met and allied themselves with each other, and lost their first loves through their defiance of the local Thieves' Guild.

  • Swords in the Mist
  • Leiber Fritz
  • is a fantasy short story collection by Fritz Leiber featuring his sword and sorcery heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. It is chronologically the third volume in the complete seven volume edition of the collected stories devoted to the characters.The Fafhrd and Gray Mouser stories follow the lives of two larcenous but likable rogues as they adventure across the fantasy world of Nehwon. In the duo confronts the mystically concentrated hate of the citizens of Lankhmar, go their separate ways during a period of hard times, the Mouser becoming an enforcement thug and Fafhrd an acolyte of a newly introduced religion, recuperate after their reconciliation with a sea voyage, invade the boudoir of an absent sea deity, traverse a passage to another world, and there undertake a bizarre quest to the Castle Mist.

  • The Bane of the Black Sword
  • Moorcock Michael
  • The fifth of the six classic Elric novels picks up, as is usual with these books, where the fourth leaves off. Moorcock sets the last pieces of the puzzle into place, introducing us to Zarozinia, the love of Elric's life. Once again, Moorcock takes his already intriguing concepts that he's built up throughout the series and adds a few more twists and turns, to make them even more intriguing than they already were. The book is good, it's readable, and the payoff, in Stormbringer, is astounding.

  • The Bronze Axe
  • Lord Jeffrey
  • The first book in the Richard Blade series (1969) Blasted into a fantastic new world, Richard Blade woke at the feet of a strange and beautiful woman, Taleen, Princess of Voth. Running for her life from the savage Albs who had kidnapped her. Without clothes or weapons of any kind, Blade was in trouble himself - but the seductive Taleen needed help... Strange experiences were nothing new to Blade, but he was ill-prepared for his trial by fire and sword, the secret cannibal rites of the Drus, the unquenchable lusts of the evil Queen Beata, and the maddening teasing of the virgin Taleen.

  • The Jade Warrior
  • Lord Jeffrey
  • It is the second book in the Richard Blade series.__________________________________________When a computer transported Richard Blade to Dimension X, he found himself in Mortal danger. Dimension X was a land in peril. The aristocratic Caths, besieged by the Mongs, a cruel and mindless people, were constantly engulfed in wars and violence. Richard Blade was their only hope. But he was a man alone - and time was running out . . .

  • The Last Enchantment
  • Moorcock Michael
  • Серия: The Tales of Elric World
  • Ранний рассказ, потерянный Муркоком, а затем найденный и вышедший вместе с Эльриком на Краю Времени и повествующий о времени между Похитителем душ и Королями во тьме. Эльрик в результате проклятия умирающего колдуна вынужден состязаться в понимании природы парадоксов с Владыкой Хаоса.