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Книги 1351—1375 из 1474.

  • Sharpes Aufstieg
  • Cornwell Bernard
  • 1809. Bitterer Winter beherrscht den Norden Spaniens. Die britischen Truppen ziehen sich nach La Coru?a zur?ck. Lieutenant Richard Sharpe und eine versprengte Abteilung Sch?tzen sind auf sich allein gestellt, eingekreist von der siegreichen Armee Napoleons. Sie haben nur eine Chance: Wenn sie sich Major Blas Vivar und seinen spanischen Aufst?ndischen anschlie?en. Doch das hat seinen Preis, denn Vivar will die heilige Stadt Santiago de Compostela befreien, die von franz?sischen Truppen besetzt ist. Sharpe und seinen M?nnern bleibt nichts anderes ?brig, als einmal mehr ihren unbeugsamen Willen zu beweisen, um sich gegen die ...

  • Sharpes Eagle
  • Корнуэлл Бернард
  • This is Bernard Cornwell's first novel, written as a means of providing him with an income while living with his American fianc?e in her home country where he could not get a work visa.Cornwell’s plan and he had wanted to start with the Siege of Badajoz but on reflection, he felt that this was too ambitious for his first novel and so decided to start with a couple of easier books as a warm-up. Cornwell also wanted to find a task just as impossible as the taking of Badajoz for his first adventure, and so the capture of a Regimental Eagle from a French Regiment provided the challenge the author felt necessary to establish the reputation of both Sharpe and his close friend, Sergeant Patrick Harper.

  • Sharpes Enemy
  • Корнуэлл Бернард
  • A classic Sharpe adventure: Richard Sharpe and the Defence of Portugal, Christmas 1812 Newly promoted, Major Richard Sharpe leads his small force into the biting cold of the winter mountains. His task is to rescue a group of well-born women held hostage by a rabble of deserters. And one of the renegades is Sergeant Hakeswill, Sharpe's most implacable enemy. But the rescue is the least of Sharpe's problems. He must face a far greater threat. With only the support of his own company and the new Rocket Troop — the last word in military incompetence — to back his gamble, Sharpe cannot afford even to recognize the prospect of defeat. For to surrender — or to fail — would mean the end of the war for the Allied armies…

  • Sharpes Honour
  • Корнуэлл Бернард
  • Richard Sharpe and the Vitoria Campaign, February to June 1813 Major Richard Sharpe awaits the opening shots of the army's new campaign with grim expectancy. Victory depends on the increasingly fragile alliance between Britain and Spain — an alliance that must be maintained at any cost. But Sharpe's enemy, Pierre Ducos, seizes a chance to both destroy the alliance and take a personal revenge on Sharpe. And when the lovely spy, La Marquesa, takes a hand in the game, Sharpe finds himself caught in a web of deadly intrigue and becomes a fugitive, hunted by enemy and ally alike…

  • Sharpes Mission
  • Cornwell Bernhard
  • Portugal, 1809. Frankreich ist auf dem Vormarsch, die portugiesische Armee gnadenlos unterlegen. Auch die britischen Einheiten scheinen nicht mehr viel tun zu k?nnen, um die franz?sische Invasion zu stoppen. Abgeschnitten vom Hauptfeld, schl?gt sich Richard Sharpe durch ein Land, das kurz vor dem Kollaps steht. Seine Mission: die sch?ne Britin Kate Savage zu besch?tzen. Dabei wird er gejagt, von einem Feind, der alles daran setzt, ihm den Garaus zu machen. Sharpe kennt nur eine Antwort darauf: Widerstand leisten. Mit allen Mitteln und bis zum Tod. wurde 1944 in London geboren. Er arbeitete lange ...

  • Sharpes Revenge
  • Корнуэлл Бернард
  • Richard Sharpe and the Peace of 1814. It is 1814. After a long and exhausting series of battles the British and Spanish armies are pushing into south-western France from Spain. Rumours abound that Napoleon has surrendered, been murdered, or fled. But before the French are finally defeated, and Sharpe can lay down his sword, one of the bloodiest conflicts of the war must be fought: the battle for the city of Toulouse. Sharpe's war is not over with the victory. Accused of stealing a consignment of Napoleon's treasure en route to Elba, Sharpe must elude his captors and track down the unknown enemy who has tried to incriminate him. Accompanied by his comrade, Captain William Frederickson, Major Richard Sharpe pursues with energy, venom and unflinching resolve an ingenious and devastating revenge.

  • Sharpes Siege
  • Корнуэлл Бернард
  • Richard Sharpe and the Winter Campaign, 1814. The invasion of France is under way, and the British Navy has called upon the services of Major Richard Sharpe. He and a small force of Riflemen are to capture a fortress and secure a landing on the French coast. It is to be one of the most dangerous missions of his career. Through the incompetence of a recklessly ambitious naval commander and the machinations of his old enemy, French spymaster Pierre Ducos, Sharpe finds himself abandoned in the heart of enemy territory, facing overwhelming forces and the very real prospect of defeat. He has no alternative but to trust his fortunes to an American privateer — a man who has no love for the British invaders.