It is the summer of 1812 and Richard Sharpe, newly recovered from the wound he received in the fighting at Salamanca, is given an easy duty; to guard a Commissary Officer posted to an obscure Spanish fort where there are some captured French muskets to repair. But unknown to the British, the French are planning a lightning raid across the River Tormes, and they reckon the obscure Spanish fort, which guards an ancient bridge across the river, will be lightly guarded. Sharpe is in for a fight.
In a battery of events that will make a hero out of an illiterate private, a young Richard Sharpe poses as the enemy to bring down a ruthless Indian dictator backed by fearsome French troops.The year is 1799, and Richard Sharpe is just beginning his military career. An inexperienced young private in His Majesty's service, Sharpe becomes part of an expedition to India to push the ruthless Tippoo of Mysore from his throne and drive out his French allies. To penetrate the Tippoo's city and make contact with a Scottish spy being held prisoner there, Sharpe has to ...
In a battery of events that will make a hero out of an illiterate private, a young Richard Sharpe poses as the enemy to bring down a ruthless Indian dictator backed by fearsome French troops.The year is 1799, and Richard Sharpe is just beginning his military career. An inexperienced young private in His Majesty's service, Sharpe becomes part of an expedition to India to push the ruthless Tippoo of Mysore from his throne and drive out his French allies. To penetrate the Tippoo's city and make contact with a Scottish spy being held prisoner there, Sharpe has to ...
Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign, 15 June to 18 June 1815. It is 1815. Sharpe is serving on the personal staff of the inexperienced and incompetent Young Frog, William, Prince of Orange, who has been given command of a large proportion of the Allied force. More concerned with cutting a dash at a grand society ball in Brussels, the Young Frog refuses to listen to Sharpe's scouting reports of an enormous army marching towards them with the lately returned Napoleon at its head. When the Battle of Waterloo commences, Sharpe has to stand by and watch military folly on a grand scale. But at the height of the conflict, just as victory seems impossible, he makes a momentous decision. With his usual skill, courage and determination he takes command and the most hard-fought and bloody battle of his career becomes Sharpe's own magnificent triumph.
Shogun is one of those rare books that you wish would go on forever. Indeed, I know people who re-read it every year. The story follows the adventures of marooned English sailor John Blackthorne in late medieval Japan during the tumultuous years when Tokugawa Ieyasu (here called Toranaga) was uniting all of Japan under his rule by any means necessary. It's truly an epic tale of war, honor, trechery, masterful manipulations, tragic heroism, and star-crossed love.
It was a slender length of rusted steel, tapered to a point at one end and jagged at the other, as if it had broken. A thousand people would step over it and think it trash, but not her. This was the tip of a rapier.Sixteen-year-old Jill has fought in dozens of fencing tournaments, but she has never held a sharpened blade. When she finds a corroded sword piece on a Caribbean beach, she is instantly intrigued and pockets it as her own personal treasure. The broken tip holds secrets, though, and it transports Jill ...
A.KAM?Sve?inieks No visiem m?sdienu rakstniekiem vi?am laikam gan ir visp?rsteidzo??kais liktenis. Glu?i jauns vi?? k?uva nevis par «domu valdnieku» (par ?o izteicienu vi?? sm?j?s), bet gan par veselas paaudzes dz?vo spoguliA.KAM?Sve?inieksNo fran?u valodas tulkoju?as MILDA GRlNFELDE R?GA «ZVAIGZNE» 1989Redakcijas kol??ijaVoldtm?rs B?ls, Nora B?rzi?a, Skaidr?te Bikova, J?nis Brodelis, Aldonis Bullis, Imants Daudi?s, Uldis Norietis, M?r?te Rom?ne, Zigmunds Skuji??, Uldis T?rons, Ina Vaitmane, Guntis Valujevs, Ingr?da V?vernieceM?kslinieks Andris Lamsters
Francja czas?w Wielkiej Rewolucji. Szaleje terror. Diabelski wynalazek – gilotyna – pozbawia ?ycia tysi?ce arystokrat?w. Lecz oto pojawia si? Szkar?atny Pimpernel. Szlachetny ?mia?ek ratuje od ?mierci niewinnych ludzi, organizuj?c ich brawurowe ucieczki do Anglii.Wkr?tce jednak nad jego g?ow? zbieraj? si? czarne chmury. Pi?kna Ma?gorzata St. Just zostaje zmuszona do zdemaskowania tajemniczego bohatera albo… zginie jej brat.To oznacza zdrad? ukochanego. Jak post?pi Ma?gorzata? Czy misterny plan agenta rz?du francuskiego zako?czy si? sukcesem?
Bei den Dschaggas am Fu? des Kilimandscharo finden der Pfeifer und seine Gef?hrten Erholung von den Strapazen eines langen Ritts durch den Urwald. Sklavenj?ger aber tragen Unruhe in das friedliche Land, und wieder einmal mu? der Pfeifer unschuldigen Menschen in ihrem Kampf um die Freiheit helfen. Auf dem Schiff des Kapit?ns Dieuxdonn? kehrt er schlie?lich nach zehnj?hriger Irrfahrt um die halbe Welt wieder nach Deutschland zur?ck. In seiner Heimat hat sich nicht viel ver?ndert, so da? die Sehnsucht nach der Freiheit, nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika lebendig bleibt.