Fluer Savager stares out from the covers of the world's most glamorous magazines. Hollywood loves her, men adore her. So why does she leave it all behind?The answer is buried in a French convent – in her childhood. Secrets lurk there – secrets she must unearth before someone else does. The question is, can she?"Poignant and triumphant." (B-O-T Editorial Review Board)
Королева Англии Елизавета Первая продолжает вспоминать свою бурную жизнь, в которой были и блестящие победы, и горькие поражения. Не скрывает она и потаенные стороны королевского бытия. Она была страстной женщиной, но умела сдерживать свой темперамент. Она любила, но те, кто удостаивались ее любви, либо предавали Елизавету, либо приносились ею в жертву государственными интересами. Но главное в романе — размышления королевы о том, какой ценой достается власть и стоит ли платить за нее такую цену…
Sweeping from the sands of Arabia to the glitter and opulence of Imperial Russia, Susan Johnson brings us a glorious tapestry of love and war, a tale of two lovers who find the fiercest battleground lies within their own hearts…A brilliant scholar, Lisaveta Lazaroff is both beautiful and outspoken, an independent woman who refuses to play by the rules that govern men and society. A bold attempt to ride through the Turkish desert alone nearly ends her life, until she is rescued by a man who stepped out of her dreams. He is Prince Stefan Bariatinsky, a warrior in a land as divided as the spoils of war, a man whose passions are as intense as the battles he wages. His only weakness lies in a woman who challenges him for the one thing he has never lost: his proud heart.
Od pierwszej chwili, gdy pojawi? si? na pachn?cej zio?ami ??ce, Lisa zrozumia?a, ?e urodzi?a si? po to, by nale?e? do tego m??czyzny. Ryan te? uleg? czarowi delikatnej, d?ugow?osej dziewczyny. Nie mia? jednak z?udze?: wszystkie kobiety to chciwe istoty, kt?re interesuje wy??cznie jego konto w banku…
Fitz Monckton, Duke of Groveland, has never encountered a woman he can't seduce – until he clashes with the beautiful Rosalind St. Vincent, whose bookshop sits in the way of Fitz's lucrative development deal. If money won't entice Rosalind to sell her shop, Fitz must tempt her in other ways – hopefully mutually pleasurable, and profitable to them both.
Tana Roberts jako m?oda dziewczyna zosta?a zgwa?cona przez kochanka matki. To dramatyczne wydarzenie pozostawi?o trwa?y ?lad w jej psychice. Jest szczeg?lnie czu?a na ludzk? krzywd? i niesprawiedliwo?? spo?eczn?, dlatego ca?ym sercem anga?uje si? w ruch przeciwko rasizmowi, pi?tnuje te? zak?amanie i dwulicowo?? ludzi z wy?szych sfer. By m?c skutecznie walczy? o sprawiedliwo?? dla pokrzywdzonych, ko?czy studia prawnicze. Sukcesy zawodowe nie id? jednak w parze ze szcz??ciem w ?yciu osobistym.
Returning to her sprawling Colorado ranch with nothing but her battered car and a treasure map, Mariah MacKenzie encounters prospecting partner Cash McQueen, an argumentative, burly type who becomes all too aware of Mariah's innocence.
Cu?ndo inglesa Margaret Pennypacker se entera que su hermano se ha fugado para casarse a Gretna Greene, ella lo persigue completamente a Escocia, determin? a prevenirlo de hacer un error terrible.Cu?ndo el escoc?s Angus Greene se entera que su hermana se ha escapado a Londres, ?l la persigue completamente a Inglaterra, determin? a prevenirla de hacer un error terrible.Pero cu?ndo Margaret y Angus encuentran arriba en la frontera, sus hermanos no se encuentran por ninguna parte, y este par mal emparejado descubre ese amor a menudo flores en los lugares m?s inesperados.
The Emerald flew across the seas, carrying the pirate Pagan-—despised hy the ton, whose riches he plundered, and beloved by the poor, whose plight was eased by his gifts.The Marquess of Cainewood vows to hunt down the pirate wretch in revenge for his brother's death. But when Jade, an enchanting vision of rippling red hair and eyes of jewel-green, appears at his door to beg desperately for his protection, the marquess agrees to keep her safe from the villains who want her dead. Jade is infuriating, exasperating, and gorgeous; Caine is noble, strong-willed, and powerful. No woman has ever befuddled him so, nor so deeply aroused his desire. But as Jade answers his knowing caresses with an innocent, wild abandon, they are drawn into a web of treachery that will test the very heart of their love!
Historia mi?o?ci pi?knej Crystal Wyatt, kt?rej marzy si? kariera gwiazdy filmowej, i ambitnego prawnika Spencera Hilla. Oczarowany niezwyk?? urod? dziewczyny. Spencer zakochuje si? w niej od pierwszego wejrzenia i jest przekonany, ?e nigdy o niej nie zapomni. M??czyzna przedk?ada jednak karier? nad szcz??cie osobiste i ?eni si? z kobiet?, dzi?ki kt?rej ma nadziej? osi?gn?? wysok? pozycj? zawodow?. Wkr?tce po ?lubie Spencer wyje?d?a na wojn? w Korei. Dramatyczne prze?ycia powoduj?, ?e jego ?wiat warto?ci ulega zmianie, i m??czyzna postanawia walczy? o m?odzie?cz? mi?o??. Oznacza to, ?e b?dzie musia? zmierzy? si? z zaborczym m??em Crystal.
Isabella jest gwiazd? londy?skich scen; Jack Frazer – znanym uwodzicielem, kt?ry musi porzuci? hulaszczy tryb ?ycia, by stara? si? o r?k? panny, wybranej przez jego babk?-arystokratk?. Isabella i Jack byli kiedy? kochankami, bez szans na trwalszy zwi?zek – ona jako pocz?tkuj?ca aktorka z trudem zarabia?a wtedy na ?ycie. Teraz, po latach, spotykaj? si?. C?? mo?e z tego wynikn??, zw?aszcza ?e kiedy? rozstali si? w gniewie?
Hrabia Robert Kemble i Victoria Lyndon, c?rka pastora, zakochali si? w sobie od pierwszego wejrzenia. Jak by?o do przewidzenia, ich ojcowie nie zaakceptowali plan?w dw?jki m?odych na wsp?ln? przysz?o??. Victoria i Robert zdecydowali si? na ucieczk? z domu, bo tylko w ten spos?b mogli si? po??czy? na zawsze. Zamiar ten jednak spali? na panewce.Po siedmiu latach Victoria i Robert spotykaj? si? niespodziewanie w domu pewnej arystokratki, gdzie ona jest guwernantk?, on za? mile widzianym go?ciem. Czy mimo urazy i gniewu, jaki ?ywi? do siebie, a tak?e dziel?cej ich przepa?ci towarzyskiej, ich mi?o?? mo?e si? odrodzi??
To mia?y by? wspania?e i spokojne wakacje. Niestety, urlop zaczyna si? dla Thei do?? pechowo, bo ju? pierwszego dnia wdaje si? w awantur? z Rhysem, m??czyzn? zamieszkuj?cym s?siedni domek. Na szcz??cie szybko wyja?niaj? nieporozumienie, co wi?cej, zaprzyja?niaj? si? do tego stopnia, ?e wsp?lnie obmy?laj? pewn? intryg?. Jednak Thea mo?e tylko pomarzy? o upragnionym spokoju, bo Rhys coraz cz??ciej go?ci w jej my?lach…
En el siglo pasado, los hombres emprendedores se aventuraban solos en el lejano territorio de Minnesota, en el noroeste de los Estados Unidos. As? se hizo necesaria la costumbre de mandar a pedir esposas sin conocerlas previamente.Ansiosa por escapar a la humillaci?n de su s?rdida existencia en Boston, Anna acepta convertirse en novia por correspondencia de Karl, un adinerado granjero. El esperaba una muchacha de veinticinco a?os, h?bil cocinera, experta ama de casa, dispuesta al trabajo rural y… virgen. Generoso por naturaleza, Karl deber? perdonar a Anna todas sus mentiras. Pero hay un secreto que ella a?n le oculta a fin de preservar el amor incipiente…
The Valentine Bride: Louise Valentine's just been offered a job. Max Valentine wants to use her famous PR skills to help save the family business. But since discovering she was adopted, Louise is feeling less than charitable toward the Valentines! Family loyalty wins, and sparks fly as she and Max work together. Even though Max has always been strictly off-limits, now they're both falling hard and fast. Will the past stand in the way of this special Valentine wedding? One Summer in Italy…: Holly became enchanted by the pleading eyes of a motherless little girl and entranced by the ...
Shy, dreamy, and incurably romantic, Harriet Poole was shattered when her brief affair with Simon Villiers, Oxford’s leading playboy undergraduate, ended abruptly, leaving her penniless, alone and pregnant. She becomes a nanny to the children of an eccentric scriptwriter and a whole host of visitors begin to arrive to disrupt her routine including of all people, Simon.
La recatada belleza sure?a Regan Davis era la perfecta novia inocente y ruborizada, no la novia abandonada. Pero despu?s de encontrar aquel libro, decidi? que ya estaba bien. Iba a demostrar que era lo bastante mujer para seducir al sexy Sam Daniels… y nada de ruborizarse.
Andrea,eine junge Frau aus Los Angeles,fliegt nach England,um ihren sterbenden Gro?vater zu besuchen.Sie hat ihre englischen Verwandten noch nie vorher gesehen. Doch als sie in das Haus ihrer Gro?eltern kommt,sp?rt sie,dass mit ihr etwas passiert.Was steckt hinter diesen Mauern? Wer ist sie: Andrea,die junge,selbstbewusste Amerikanerin oder Jennifer,eine viktorianische Lady, die an gebrochenem Herzen starb…?
Breaking rules and breaking heartsFree-spirited Chloe lives life on the edge. Unlike her soon-to-be married sisters, she isn't ready to settle into a quiet life running their family's newly renovated inn. But soon her love of trouble-and trouble with love-draws the attention of the very stern, very sexy sheriff who'd like nothing better than to tame her wild ways.Suddenly Chloe can't take a misstep without the sheriff hot on her heels. His rugged swagger and his enigmatic smile are enough to make a girl beg to be handcuffed. For the first time, instead of avoiding the law, Chloe dreams of surrender. Can this rebel find a way to keep the peace with the straitlaced sheriff? Or will Chloe's colorful past keep her from a love that lasts… and the safe haven she truly wants in a town called Lucky Harbor?
He is a vision from every woman's erotic fantasies. Existing in the twilight beneath sleep and consciousness, Connor brings them decadent pleasures, fueled by their sexual energy. But violence and strife now tear apart both worlds, and Connor must embark upon a quest into the mortal realm… and into the arms of one intoxicating enchantress.Stacey Daniels has always been attracted to the wrong type of men-and the muscular, Viking-like champion on her front doorstep is no exception. She can hardly believe the wounded warrior is from another world, a world where erotic dreams are needed to survive, a world of terrible danger that has followed him to her home. Connor finds solace in her passion, but only time will tell if he can defeat the dark foe who hunts them… and if Stacey can surrender to the promise he offers with every electrifying touch.
An omnibus of novelsAll He Wants for Christmas. by Jill ShalvisEMT Dustin Mauer has one Christmas wish – to make tough firefighter Cristina Lewis realize she's in love with him. And he's using his considerable bedside charm to convince her!My Grown-Up Christmas List by Jacquie D'AlessandroToni Rizzo is done with obnoxious firefighters. But flirtatious fireman Brad Griffin is managing to put himself at the top of her holiday list – one steamy kiss at a time!Up on the Housetop by Jamie SobratoWhen Dr. Lorelei Gibson gets stuck on her roof half-naked, she's mortified when she's rescued by hunky firefighter Ryan Quinn – her high school heartbreak! Until she learns he'd like to get naked with her.
el ?ngel y el buscal?osContra viento y marea, Gracie Show est? determinada a conseguir que el legendario futbolista Bobby Tom Denton regrese a su hogar en Heaven, Texas, y ruede all? su primera pel?cula.Pero domar a un vaquero ego?sta que conduce un T-Bird del 57 puede ser demasiado para un pimpollo de Ohio.A pesar de su deslumbrante aspecto y su letal encanto, Bobby Tom tiene muchas reservas sobre convertirse en una estrella de cine y ninguna intenci?n de colaborar con una virgencita mandona que no es capaz de mantener alejada ni de su mente ni de su vida. Por lo tanto, el playboy buscal?os decide intentar esfumarse para evitarla.Pero nada es m?s persistente que una gata salvaje con coraz?n de ?ngel en un pueblo demasiado peque?o para que un hombre malcriado pueda ocultarse. Adem?s todo eso se desvanece con el viento cuando dos personas descubren el amor, la risa y la pasi?n de tal manera que parece hecho en el cielo.
Trying to discover the truth about the beautiful woman who had nursed him back to health, J. T. Rafferty doggedly searches for clues to Caitlan Daniel's mysterious and independent ways.
Lydia Young has landed her dream assignment! Used to stacking shelves, she's now jetting off to a desert kingdom for a holiday as a media darling's look-alike.All Lydia has to do is enjoy a week of pampered bliss in a luxury oasis – and not blow her cover by falling for her host, dangerously out-of-her-league Sheikh Kalil al-Zaki.Hmm, this might just be trickier than she first thought!Lydia wanted the spotlight.Annie wanted anonymity.