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Приключения и путешествия » Морские приключения - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 251—275 из 365.

  • Crackdown
  • Cornwell Bernard
  • Paradise is the perfect escape for ex-Marine Nick Breakspear, captain of a charter yacht operation in the Bahamas, until he agrees to pilot a "detox cruise" for the drug-addled grown son and daughter of a powerful U.S. senator. Ambushed far from port, he is helpless to prevent the murder of a crew member by modern-day pirates who sink Nick's yacht before vanishing with the senator's kids. Having barely eluded death, Nick must immediately set sail for disaster once again. For there's a death to be avenged on the dark side of Eden, the senator is demanding that his lost children be found . . . and the woman Nick loves is being held prisoner by killers somewhere on Murder Cay.

  • Cross of St George
  • In the bitter February of 1813, with convoys from Canada and the Caribbean falling victim to American privateers, Sir Richard Bolitho returns to Halifax to pursue a war he knows cannot be won, but which neither Britain nor the United States can afford to lose. After nearly thirty years of almost continuous conflict with the old enemy, France, England and her Admiral desire only peace. But peace will not be found in the icy Canadian waters, where a young, angry nation asserts its identity, and men who share a common heritage die in close and bloody action. Nor is there peace for those who follow the Cross of St George: not for the embittered Adam, mourning his lover and his ship, nor for Rear-Admiral Valentine Keen, who remains strangely indifferent to responsibility. Nor will there be peace from those who use this struggle between nations as an instrument of personal revenge

  • Das Geheimnis der wei?en M?nche
  • Schr?der Rainer
  • Der junge Fuhrmann Jakob Tillmann hat den todkranken Bruder Anselm ins Zisterzienserkloster Himmerod gebracht. Nicht in seinen k?hnsten Tr?umen hatte er sich ausgemalt, in welche Gefahr er sich in dieser st?rmischen Februarnacht damit begibt: Denn einige sehr ehrgeizige Kirchenm?nner wollen wissen, was ihm der sterbende Bruder Anselm anvertraut hat - doch Jakob ist v?llig ahnungslos, nach welcher Information sie suchen... Die Folter droht, und er begreift da? er es mit machthungrigen Kirchenm?nnern zu tun hat, die vor nichts zur?ckschrecken. Nur eins kann Jakob retten: Er muss das Geheimnis der wei?en M?nche l?ften!

  • Deep Six
  • Cussler Clive
  • A ghost ship drifts across the northern Pacific…A Soviet luxury liner burns like a funeral pyre…And the U.S. President's yacht is heading for disaster…Somewhere off the coast of Alaska, a sunken cargo poses a threat of unthinkable proportions. Potentially, the lost shipment of chemicals could destroy all life in the ocean — and perhaps the world — unless DIRK PITT® can find it first. But time is running out for the NUMA agent and his team. Pitt's main target is just one deadly component of a vast international conspiracy fueled by hijacking, bribery, and murder. And at the center of it all is a powerful Korean shipping empire with a chilling political agenda — to kidnap the President of the United States…

  • Der schwarze Korsar
  • Сальгари Эмилио
  • Stolz, edelm?tig, tapfer, melancholisch und verliebt – das sind die Eigenschaften des schillernden Schwarzen Korsaren aus dem erfolgreichsten Roman des bekannten italienischen Abenteuerschriftstellers Emilio Salgari (1862-1911). Vor dem grandiosen Szenarium der Karibik und der venezolanischen Urw?lder entspannt sich eine Rachegeschichte mit all jenen packenden Episoden, die einen klassischen Abenteuerroman ausmachen: Zweik?mpfe, Seeschlachten, Unwetter, Begegnungen mit Raubtieren und Indianern, das ganze kunstvoll verwoben mit einer melodramatischen Liebesgeschichte.

  • Die Schatzinsel
  • Stevenson Robert
  • Der junge Jim Hawkins ger?t an eine Schatzkarte und bildet mit seinen Freunden Dr. Livesey und Squire Trelawney sofort ein Expeditionsteam, um den verborgenen Schatz des Piratenkapit?ns Flint zu finden. Doch die fr?here Piratenmannschaft Flints ist ebenfalls hinter dem Geld her und heuert unerkannt auf dem Expeditionsschiff an. Auf der Insel angekommen, beginnt der Kampf der Piraten gegen den Rest der Besatzung um den begehrten Schatz.In dieser hochwertig ausgestatteten Sonderedition erz?hlt Stevenson meisterhaft spannend und fesselnd diesen Kampf auf Leben und Tod. ›Die Schatzinsel‹ gilt als einer der ber?hmtesten Abenteuerklassiker der Weltliteratur.

  • As 1794 draws to a close Richard Bolitho, commanding the old seventy-four-gun ship of the line Hyperion, leaves Plymouth to join a squadron blockading the rising power of Revolutionary France. After six months of repairs his ship is ready to fight again, but her company is mostly raw and untrained. Unfortunately, Bolitho finds himself under a commodore who is no match for the French admiral, Lequiller, whose powerful squadron uses guile and ruthless determination to elude him and vanish into the Atlantic. Hyperion, as part of a small British force, gives chase, the desperate voyage taking them from the Bay of Biscay's squall to the heat of the Caribbean – and for each mile sailed and every battle fought Bolitho finds himself being forced into the ever more demanding role of strategist and squadron commander.

  • For My Country’s Freedom
  • It is March 1811, and Richard Bolitho is recalled to duty after only two and a half months of precious peace in Cornwall with his beloved mistress Catherine. Promoted Admiral, his choice of flagship and flag captain shock the Admiralty, but Bolitho, poignantly aware of his own vulnerability, surrounds himself only with those men he can trust completely: the faithful Allday, the withdrawn and intelligent Avery, and James Tyacke, who must confront the sternest test of his loyalty with great personal courage. When diplomacy fails the cannon must speak, and Bolitho, patrolling the troubled waters from Antigua north to Halifax, knows that when war with America comes he must fight an enemy not foreign but familiar, for the freedom to leave the sea forever.

  • In June 1793 Captain Richard Bolitho arrives at Gibraltar to take command of the Hyperion, a seventy-four-gun ship of the line. Although not completely recovered from a serious fever contracted in the Great South Sea, Bolitho is eager to get back to duty against the rising might of Revolutionary France. He sails to join Lord Hood to partake in the Monarchist-inspired occupation of Toulon. But at heart Bolitho is still a frigate captain, and he is soon fretting at being tied to the fleet's apron strings; his ship, too, is old and slow, her hull weed-encrusted after nearly four years' continuous commission. Beneath the Mediterranean sun, and often in sight of the enemy coast, Bolitho and his tired old ship face one conflict after another – and when at last the ill-fated campaign collapses in failure it is the Hyperion, outgunned and outnumbered, which takes her rightful place in the line of battle.