A vast alien landscape and a human culture based on our own, yet evolved in strange and wondrous ways by the forces of an inimical nature provide a panoramic backdrop for the romantic adventures of a large cast of memorable and attractive characters.Won Compton Crook Award for best first novel in 1983.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1983.The UK edition was entitled .
Philip K Dick Award (nominee)In the far future, the Heliothane Dominion is triumphant in the solar system, after a bitter war with their Umbrathane progenitors. But some of the enemy have escaped into the past, intent on wreaking havoc across time. The worst of these is Cowl, an artifically forced advance in human evolution.
This far-reaching, spine-tingling adventure stretches from the dawn of time to the distant future, from the edges of the universe to the vast depths of the sea. At the bottom of the ocean, an alien creature is dormant. But the time has come for it to awaken. And as it stirs, its power will be unleashed on the planet—and trigger the dawn of human extinction.
Hugo Winning Author’s Masterwork of Alien Invasion! Orejas de ellos, the things who listen, whispered the superstitious fishermen when the strange occurrences began off the Philippine coast. How else could you explain the sudden disappearance of a vessel beneath a mysterious curtain of foam? The writhings of thousands of maddened fish trapped in a coffin-like area of ocean? An alien intelligence gorged at the bottom of the Luzon Deep and made its plans. Radar expert Terry Holt and the crew of the had to devise a weapon against the horrifying creatures which threatened mankind with extinction. Here are ...
Sono passati duecento anni dall’ultimo olocausto ma il dopoguerra dura ancora. Una parte del genere umano (le donne di Marthatown e di altri centri abitati pacifisti) hanno imparato la lezione e giurato di non riprendere pi? le armi, ma altri la pensano diversamente. Per molti fare la guerra ? sinonimo di onore, di uno stile di vita eroico e irrinunciabile. Cos?, in alcuni avamposti militari disseminati sul pianeta attecchisce una civilt? aggressiva che si identifica con uomini non disposti a fare ammenda del passato. Per Stavia, una giovane dottoressa, non ? facile convincere il compagno Chernon a rinunciare alla via della violenza, tanto pi? che i due devono compiere insieme una missione che non si prospetta facile. Presto dovranno misurarsi entrambi con mille difficolt? e pericoli, e allora non sar? Chernon il solo a dover fare una scelta radicale: anche Stavia si render? conto che l’utopia potrebbe avere i giorni contati.
? uno dei temi pi? affascinanti della fantascienza: che cosa accadrebbe se potessimo fisicamente cambiare il tempo, creando nuovi mondi con un semplice gesto? Jack Breton, il protagonista di questo romanzo pieno di suspence e di sorprese, da nove anni non fa che pensare a quei pochi, fondamentali momenti che hanno preceduto la morte di sua moglie. Per correggere il suo errore deve riscrivere il passato. Ma con quali conseguenze?
В Манхэттене новое руководство. Они не местные.Добро пожаловать в «Большое яблоко», сынок. Добро пожаловать в бессонный город. Захваченный чудовищными гибридами из плоти и машин; стонущий от зверств чьей-то частной армии, по сравнению с которой морпехи покажутся бойскаутами; изуродованный чумой, что пожирает жертв заживо и погружает их в религиозный экстаз. Тебя бросили в эту мясорубку без предупреждения, без подготовки, без вводных и ориентировки.Весь твой отряд был выкошен спустя секунды после появления на поле боя. А в голове предательски шепчутся голоса: во всём этом виноват ты; ты один мог бы всё исправить, если бы только понимал, что вообще происходит вокруг.И ты, в общем, рад бы помочь — но на тебя охотятся не только инопланетные монстры. Твои собственные собратья заклеймили тебя как предателя, и твоя миссия была бы куда проще, если бы в глубине души ты не подозревал, что они правы…
Miut?n az emberis?g megszabadult minden bels? visz?ly?t?l, ?s k?z?s er?vel megkezdte a vil?g?r megh?d?t?s?t, v?ratlanul ?j ellens?gekre bukkant. A Klendathu bolyg? lak?i legink?bb a f?ldi rovarokra eml?keztettek, csakhogy azokn?l sokkal nagyobbra n?ttek, ?s ?d?z c?ltudatoss?ggal l?ttak hozz? az ?j vet?lyt?rs kiirt?s?hoz. Az?ta minden elk?pzelhet? eszk?zzel d?l a h?bor?, ?s az emberis?g nem ?ll valami f?nyesen. Hi?ba a katon?k minden b?tors?ga, az ellens?g mintha el?re tudom?st szerezne minden hadmozdulatr?l. A h?torsz?gban szinte m?r gyerekeket soroznak be, akik sz?m?ra a t?zkereszts?g egyet jelent a feln?tt? avat?s r?tus?val. A harct?r val?s?ga azonban eg?szen m?s. Az maga a borzalom.
They named him Thorn. They told him he was of their people, although he was so different. He was ugly in their eyes, strange, sleek-skinned instead of furred, clawless, different. Yet he was of their power class: judge-warriors, the elite, the fighters, the defenders.Thorn knew that his difference was somehow very important – but not important enough to prevent murderous conspiracies against him, against his protector, against his caste, and perhaps against the peace of the world. But when the crunch came, when Thorn finally learned what his true role in life was to be, that on him might hang the future of two worlds, then he had to stand alone to justify his very existence.
After too many years, T. L. Sherred returns with a story that gets our SPACE SPECIAL rating. It's the story of a man with a headache-who found a cure for it! And the cure gave him more power than any man could dream of.
Un missile top secret che svanisce in volo. Un tridente d’oro che cambia sorprendentemente forma. Una caverna subacquea custodita da balene... Qualcosa si nasconde nel fondo marino al largo di Key West, un mistero in parte umano ma nello stesso tempo terribilmente alieno. Il suo potere ? immenso e terrificante e potrebbe distruggere ogni forma di vita sulla Terra. Ma qualcuno ha deciso di scoprire il terribile segreto. E da quel momento non esiste pi? alcuna certezza, nessun luogo sicuro in cui nascondersi, nessuna alleanza su cui poter contare. Intorno a una giornalista bella e ambiziosa, disposta a correre ...