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Книги 21101—21125 из 24208.

  • Century Rain
  • Reynolds Alastair
  • Three hundred years in the future, Verity Auger is a specialist in the archaeological exploration of Earth, rendered uninhabitable after the technological catastrophe known as the Nanocaust. After a field-trip to goes badly wrong, Verity is forced to redeem herself by participating in a dangerous mission, for which her expertise is invaluable. Using a backdoor into an unstable alien transit system, Auger’s faction has discovered something astonishing at the far end of a wormhole: mid twentieth-century Earth, preserved like a fly in amber. Is it a window into the past, a simulation, or something else entirely? is not just a time-travel story, nor a tale of alternate history. Part hard SF thriller, part interstellar adventure, part noir romance, is something altogether stranger.

  • Cerber: Wilk w owczarni
  • Chalker Jack
  • Druga ksi?ga epickiej tetralogii Jacka Chalkera opowiada o Qwin Zhang i o pokrytym wodami ?wiecie planety Cerber, gdzie szans? prze?ycia maj? tylko jednostki najbardziej bezwzgl?dne i pozbawione wszelkich skrupu??w. Roboty przenika?y w obszar Federacji.Kto? porywa? ludzi i podstawia? zamiast nich doskona?e syntetyczne sobowt?ry. Gdzie? w kosmosie obcy prowadzili badania nad Federacj?, stosuj?c doskona?e technologie. Trop prowadzi? na planet? Cerber i do jej w?adcy. Planeta Cerber by?a jednym ze ?wiat?w Wardena. Istniej?ca tam mikroskopijna forma ?ycia wnika?a we wszelk? materi? i ka?dy, kto ...

  • Cerca del punto critico
  • Clement Hal
  • Oculto por las eternas tinieblas de su espesa atm?sfera. Tenebra era un planeta hostil, un lugar con una gravedad aplastante, con 370 grados de temperatura, con una corteza en perpetuo cambio sobre la que flotaban gigantes gotas de lluvia.A pesar de ello… all? hab?a vida, vida inteligente.Durante m?s de veinte a?os, cient?ficos terrestres estudiaron a sus habitantes desde un laboratorio en ?rbita... y hab?an encontrado un medio de entrenar y educar a un grupo de ellos.?Luego ocurri? lo inesperado! Una joven terrestre y el hijo de un poderoso e iracundo diplom?tico extraterrestre quedaron encerrados en un batiscafo que flotaba hacia la mortal superficie del planeta.?Solo los primitivos tenebritas pod?an rescatarlos!

  • Абэ Кобо
  • KOBO ABE CETURTAIS LEDUS LAIKMETSK o b o A b eCETURTAIS LEDUS LAIKMETS V?ku z?m?jis . Reinbergs.Redaktors 0. Jansons. M?ksi, redaktore Sk. Elere. Tehn. redaktore Z. Bruzgule. Korektore I. Ozola. Nodota salik?anai 1966. g. 25. j?lij?. Parakst?ta iespie?anai 1966. g. 6. septembr?. Pap?ra form?ts 70X 90'/3j. 8,875 fiz. Iespiedi.; 10,38 uzsk. iespiedi.; 9,66 izdevn. 1. Metiens 40 000 eks. Maks? 56 kap- Izdevniec?ba «Zin?tne> R?g?, Turge?eva Iel? 19- Iespiesta Latvijas PSR Ministru Padomes Preses komitejas Poligr?fisk?s r?pniec?bas p?rvaldes 3. tipogr?fij? R?g?, ?e?ina Iel? Nr, 137/139. Pa??t. Nr. 415. A(Jap)«Ceturtais ledus laikmets», 1966. gada maij? ?urn?l? «Inostrannaja literat?ra» public?ts Abe ro­m?ns «Sieviete smilt?s».«Sve?? seja». Abe nost?jas par mieru un drau­dz?bu starp padomju un jap??u taut?m. 1963. gad? vi?? apmekl?ja m?su zemi,

  • Changer of Worlds
  • Weber David
  • Lady Dame Honor Harrington—starship captain, admiral, Steadholder, and Duchess—has spent decades defending the Star Kingdom of Manticore against all comers. Along the way, she has become the legend known as "the Salamander" from her habit of always being where the fire is hottest . . . and also a national bestseller (: #7, ).But it’s a big universe, and Honor’s actions affect a lot of lives, not all of them human. And actions affect —a lesson learns years before rising to command rank when a desperate battle against "pirates" who aren’t quite what they seem begins her brilliant ...

  • Charon: Smok u wr?t
  • Chalker Jack
  • Wzi?li cia?o Parka Lacocha, usun?li jego umys?, zast?puj?c go umys?em najlepszego agenta Konfederacji. Nast?pnie umie?cili go na statku kosmicznym i zes?ali na Charona — jeden ze ?wiat?w Rombu Wardena, z kt?rego nie by?o powrotu. Tajemniczy endemiczny organizm infekowa? wszystko i wszystkich, uniemo?liwiaj?c ?ycie po opuszczeniu Rombu.Charon by? piek?em w sensie dos?ownym. Znajdowa? si? bowiem zbyt blisko swego s?o?ca, a upalny i parny klimat, kt?ry tam panowa?, czyni? ?ycie niezno?nym — omal niemo?liwym. Przedziwne bestie zamieszkiwa?y jego d?...

  • Chasm City
  • Reynolds Alastair
  • Tanner Mirabel was a security specialist who never made a mistake—until the day a woman in his care was blown away by Argent Reivich, a vengeful young postmortal. Tanner’s pursuit of Reivich takes him across light-years of space to Chasm City, the domed human settlement on the otherwise inhospitable planet of Yellowstone. But Chasm City is not what it was. The one-time high-tech utopia has become a Gothic nightmare: a nanotechnological virus has corrupted the city’s inhabitants as thoroughly as it has the buildings and machines. Before the chase is done, Tanner will have to confront truths which reach back centuries, towards deep space and an atrocity history barely remembers.Won BSFA Award for Best Novel in 2001.

  • Chef de Cuisine
  • White James
  • ORBIT HOSPITAL ist ein Klinikum im All, das allen raumfahrenden Lebensformen der Galaxis medizinische Hilfe leistet. Es nimmt alle Gesch?pfe auf, ob sie ein Dutzend Gliedma?en haben oder gar keine, ob sie sich von Radioaktivit?t ern?hren oder Wasser atmen — von anderen exotischen Gewohnheiten und Bed?rfnissen ganz zu schweigen. Es ist ein ?kologisches Tollhaus und ein organisatorischer Irrwitz, aber es ist f?r alle da und es funktioniert. Es ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes — lebensnotwendig.

  • Child Garden
  • Ryman Geoff
  • In a semi-tropical London, surrounded by paddy-fields, the people feed off the sun, like plants, the young are raised in Child Gardens and educated by viruses, and the Consensus oversees the country, “treating” non-conformism. Information, culture, law and politics are biological functions. But Milena is different: she is resistant to viruses and an incredible musician, one of the most extraordinary women of her age. This is her story and that of her friends, like Lucy the immortal tumour and Joseph the Postman whose mind is an information storehouse for others, and Rolfa, genetically engineered as a Polar Bear, whose beautiful singing voice first awakens Milena to the power of music.

  • Childhood’s End
  • Clarke Arthur
  • Childhood’s End is a 1953 science fiction novel by the British author Arthur C. Clarke. The story follows the peaceful alien invasion of Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival ends all war, helps form a world government, and turns the planet into a near-utopia. Many questions are asked about the origins and mission of the aliens, but they avoid answering, preferring to remain in their space ships, governing through indirect rule. Decades later, the Overlords eventually show themselves, and their impact on human culture leads to a Golden Age. However, the last generation of children on Earth begins ...

  • Chimera
  • Thurman Rob
  • New from the national bestselling author of RoadkillA sci-fi thriller that asks the questions...What makes us human...What makes us unique...And what makes us kill?Ten years ago, Stefan Korsak's younger brother was kidnapped. Not a day has passed that Stefan hasn't thought about him. As a rising figure in the Russian mafia, he has finally found him. But when he rescues Lukas, he must confront a terrible truth—his brother is no longer his brother. He is a trained, genetically-altered killer. Now, those who created him will do anything to reclaim him. And the closer Stefan grows to his brother, the more he realizes that saving Lukas may be easier than surviving him...

  • China Mountain Zhang
  • McHugh Maureen
  • Amazon.com ReviewWhen talking about this book you have to list the awards it's won-the Hugo, the Tiptree, the Lambda, the Locus, a Nebula nomination-after that you can skip the effusive praise from the New York Times and get to the heart of things: This is a book about a future many don't agree with. It's set in a 22nd century dominated by Communist China and the protagonist is a gay man. These aren't the usual tropes of science fiction, and they aren't written in the usual way. But, wow, it's one heck of a story."...