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Книги 21176—21200 из 24208.

  • Computer War
  • Reynolds Mack
  • The odds were right for victory. The problem with computer warfare is that the computer is always logical while the human enemy is not—or doesn’t have to be. And that’s what the Betastani enemy were doing—nothing that the Alphaland computers said they would. Those treacherous foemen were avoiding logic and using such unheard-of devices as surprise and sabotage, treason and trickery. They even had Alphaland’s Deputy of Information believing Betastani propaganda without even realizing it. Of course he still thought he was being loyal to Alphaland, because he thought that one and one must logically add up to two. And that kind of thinking could make him the biggest traitor of them all.

  • Confessions of a Crap Artist
  • Dick Philip
  • Confessions of a Crap Artist is one of Philip K. Dick’s weirdest and most accomplished novels. Jack Isidore is a crap artist—a collector of crackpot ideas (among other things, he believes that the earth is hallow and that sunlight has weight) and worthless objects, a man so grossly unequipped for real life that his sister and brother-in-law feel compelled to rescue him from it. But seen through Jack’s murderously innocent gaze, Charlie and Juddy Hume prove to be just as sealed off from reality, in thrall to obsessions that are slightly more acceptable than Jack’s, but a great deal uglier.

  • Contato
  • Sagan Carl
  • …Contato deve ser a obra de Carl Sagan mais conhecida. O cientista e divulgador de ci?ncias experimentou pela primeira vez o g?nero romance para apresentar suas id?ias a respeito do universo, da humanidade e da pr?pria ci?ncia.O livro conta a hist?ria de uma pesquisadora que utiliza radiotelesc?pios ? procura de vest?gios de vida inteligente fora da Terra. A trama avan?a quando um sinal ? detectado. Com certeza a parte do livro que mais me intrigou foi as especula??es sobre as conseq??ncias de sabermos que n?o estamos sozinhos. As regras da economia, religi?o e pol?tica internacional seriam seriamente modificadas na an?lise de Carl.O livro nos faz pensar, e vale a pena a leitura.

  • Cosmo selvaggio
  • Shaw Bob
  • Un’astronave stellare da esplorazione spedisce su un pianeta sconosciuto sei moduli di atterraggio e ne vede tornare sette. Su quel pianeta c’и chiaramente “qualcosa che non va”… Ma nelle zone piщ remote e selvagge del Cosmo, si sa, le cose non vanno mai perfettamente lisce e gli esploratori devono sempre stare in guardia, devono sempre aspettarsi di tutto. Giustamente Bob Shaw ha messo in epigrafe alla strabiliante saga dell’astronave “Sarafand” questi memorabili versi di R. L. Stevenson: “Per il Cosmo strano e selvaggio me ne vado, da eterno straniero. Il mio amore sono le tue strade e i brillanti occhi del pericolo”.

  • Coulez mes larmes, dit le policier
  • Dick Philip
  • Jason Taverner est un homme combl? : toutes les semaines, 30 millions de Fans regardent son show t?l?vis?.Mais il se r?veille un matin dans une chambre d'h?tel sordide pour s'apercevoir que son identit? s'est ?vanouie sans laisser de trace : m?me sa ma?tresse, la belle Heather Hart, ne se souvient plus de lui.Une situation pour le moins inconfortable, dans un Etat ultra-policier o? tout d?faut de papiers d'identit? suffit ? vous faire exp?dier dans un camp de travail…Seulement voil? : ce n'est pas un homme comme les autres. Produit d'une exp?rience secr?te, Taverner est un un mutant aux nerfs d'acier qui m?nera une lutte sans merci, sous les yeux d'un sentimental, contre la folie o? vient de basculer le monde…