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Книги 22001—22025 из 24208.

  • Invasion
  • Applegate Katherine Alice
  • Sometimes weird things happen to people. Ask Jake. He may tell you about the night he and his friends saw a strange light in the sky. He may even tell you about what happened when they realised the 'light' was only a plane — from another planet. Here's where Jake's story gets a little weird. It's where they're told that the human race is under attack — and given the chance to fight back.Now Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Tobias and Marco have the power to morph into any animal they choose. And they must use that power to outsmart an evil that is greater than anything the world has ever seen….

  • Invasion
  • Nuttall Christopher
  • We are not alone…Earth – today, we go about our everyday business. Tomorrow, it doesn't matter: The Invaders from Space have arrived. And for all the worst reasons… Humanity is about to be brought face to face with the most dangerous enemy it has ever faced, at the worst possible time. But the aliens don't care – they have only one goal – the complete conquest of the Earth and converting us to their religion, by any means necessary. From Texas, to Australia, to the Holy Land, the bitter struggle for victory rages, with millions of innocent lives caught in the crossfire. Victory is our only hope for survival…But can humanity stand a chance when the enemy holds all the cards?

  • Invasori silenziosi
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • Stavano scendendo, adesso. Il tass? si abbass? in cerchi sempre pi? stretti sulla rampa dello Spaceway Hotel. Il maggiore Harris pag? il conducente, entr? nell’albergo e sal? direttamente nella sua stanza, dove accese il comunicatore a raggio stretto: “Carver? Qui Harris.” “Harris! Hai potuto fuggire?” “Non esattamente. Mi hanno lasciato andare.” “E perch?? Come?” “E’ una lunga storia...” “Ma perch? ti hanno lasciato andare?” insistette Carver. “Sono diventato un loro agente” disse Harris in tono cordiale “La mia prima missione ? quella di assassinarti.”

  • Io, Nomikos, limmortale
  • Zelazny Roger
  • Anche pubblicato como “Io, l’immortale”.“Io, Nomikos, l’immortale” ? la secca risposta che Conrad Nomikos d? a chiunque voglia indagare sull’enigma del suo passato oscuro e misterioso. Tuttavia l’unica cosa che si sa con certezza sul suo conto ? forse proprio questa: che il suo vero nome non ? Conrad. Chi egli sia in realt? ? una domanda cui ? impossibile rispondere. Secondo alcuni egli ha avuto un tempo un nome diverso, quello del liberatore della Terra, l’uomo che ha combattuto contro l’impero stellare di Vega conquistando l’indipendenza del nostro mondo; secondo altri egli ? invece Karaghiosis ...

  • Iron Council
  • Mieville China
  • Amazon.com ReviewChina Mi?ville's novel Iron Council is the tumultuous story of the "Perpetual Train." Born from monopolists' greed and dispatched to tame the western lands beyond New Crobuzon, the train is itself the beginnings of an Iron Council formed in the fire of frontier revolt against the railroad's masters. From the wilderness, the legend of Iron Council becomes the spark uniting the oppressed and brings barricades to the streets of faraway New Crobuzon. The sprawling tale is told through the past-and-present eyes of three characters. The first is Cutter, a heartsick subversive who follows his ...

  • Iron Sunrise
  • Stross Charles
  • The sequel to the critically acclaimed returns to the twenty-fourth-century interstellar domain humankind has forged through the godlike powers of the Eschaton, an enigmatic being from humanity’s distant future. Now, in an act of apparent sabotage, one remote interstellar colony, Moscow, has met a disastrous fate: its host star exploded, annihilating an entire solar system and forcing the evacuation of nearby colonies. UN hostage negotiator Rachel Mansour, who is recovering from a showdown with a psychotic performance artist harboring a nuclear warhead, is tagged to make the wormhole jaunt to the scene and investigate. Is one of Moscow’...

  • ?IS TAS PAR VELTI(Fant stastu kr?jums)
  • ?EKLIJS Roberts
  • Roberts ?EKLIJS?IS TAS PAR VELTIIZDEVNIEC?BA «ZIN?TNE» R?GA 1972Se?i st?stu kr?jumi, ?etri fantastiski un pieci piedz?­vojumu rom?ni — t?ds ir gados sam?r? jaun? (dz. 1928. g.) amerik??u rakstnieka Roberta Seklija ieguld?jums literat?r?. Visliel?ko uzman?bu vi?? vel­t?jis fantastikai, uzskat?dams, ka «neviens cits dai?­rades veids nedod rakstniekam t?du r?c?bas br?v?bu k? fantastika. T? var aptvert — un aptver — visu uz pasaules, no nevald?mas piedz?vojumu romantikas l?dz sat?rai un soci?lajai anal?zei.» ...

  • Island in the Sea of Time
  • Stirling S.M.
  • A cosmic disturbance transports the island of Nantucket and its inhabitants over three thousand years back in time to the shores of a Stone Age America. In addition to coping with the day-to-day problems of survival and the trauma of losing all connection with the modern world, the residents of the time-stranded island find their lives complicated by the presence of native tribes across the water. Stirling's (The Ship Avenged, Baen, 1997) imaginative foray into time travel should also please fans of alternate history.