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Книги 21976—22000 из 24208.

  • In una piccola citt?
  • Long Frank
  • Bobby Jackson ? apparentemente un ragazzo normale, e altrettanto normali sembrano i coniugi Martin, nuovi arrivati, in una piccola citt? americana come ce ne sono a migliaia: Lakeview. Ma non lontano da Lakeview c’? la caverna detta di Gover, e ci? che succede l? dentro potr? coinvolgere nello stesso tremendo pericolo non solo un maestro di scuola, una bibliotecaria, un barista e altri tipici personaggi della provincia americana, ma… tutta la Terra.

  • Incandescence
  • Egan Greg
  • The long-awaited new novel from Hugo Award-winning writer Greg Egan! The Amalgam spans nearly the entire galaxy, and is composed of innumerable beings from a wild variety of races, some human, some near-human, and some entirely other. The one place that they cannot go is the bulge, the bright, hot center of the galaxy. There dwell the Aloof, who for millions of years have deflected any and all attempts to communicate with or visit them. So, when Rakesh is offered an opportunity to travel within their sphere, in search of a lost race, he cannot turn it down!

  • Incognita uomo
  • Budrys Algis
  • Ben vengano i trattati fra Est e Ovest quando servono ad aumentare la distensione, ma non conviene farsi troppe illusioni in materia di segreti scientifici e militari. Supponiamo che in un laboratorio americano situato nei pressi di una frontiera da sempre considerata calda si verifichi un grave incidente, e che i primi a soccorrere i superstiti siano i sovietici. Supponiamo che l’unico superstite sia anche il piu importante, il dottor Lucas Martino, il solo uomo al corrente al progetto K-88. E ora supponiamo che i sovietici restituiscano agli americani il dottor Martino dopo averlo di certo strappato alla morte… ma “ricostruito” con un viso e altre parti del corpo interamente di metallo. Se foste sovietici, restituireste lo stesso uomo? E se foste americani, credereste ai sovietici? Se infine foste il dottor Lucas Martino, come vi sentireste a stare nel mezzo?Nominato per il premio Hugo per il miglior romanzo in 1958.

  • Indoctrinario
  • Priest Christopher
  • El?as Wentik, que en un laboratorio secreto de la Ant?rtida experimenta con drogas que afectan al cerebro, es transportado de pronto a la selva brasile?a en el siglo XXII. El mundo ha sido devastado por armas nucleares y un gas venenoso todav?a activo. Wentik quiere volver a su propia ?poca y descubrir el ant?doto del gas, pero la Gran Guerra ya ha comenzado, y Wentik ha de decidir si escapa volviendo a 1989 o muere en el presente.

  • Infernal Devices
  • Reeve Philip
  • The brilliant sequel to and . Anchorage has become a static settlement on the shores of the Dead Continent, and its inhabitants have been living peacefully for sixteen years. But now trouble is approaching—in a limpet sub, and fast. The Lost Boys are back, and they’ll do anything to get what they want. Tom and Hester’s daughter Wren is their eager dupe, bored and desperate for adventure. When the theft of the mysterious Tin Book of Anchorage goes wrong, Wren is snatched away in the limpet, who knows where. Tom and Hester set off to rescue her, but this is the end of their quiet life on Anchorage. The journey will stir up old needs, old secrets—and send them into perilous waters…

  • Inferno
  • Asimov Isaac
  • Действие цикла происходит в мире созданном Айзеком Азимовым в своем цикле «Детектив Элайдж Бейли и робот Дэниел Оливо» после событий последнего романа цикла «Роботы и Империя».Зверское убийство Правителя Грега приводит планету Инферно на грань междуусобной войны. И без того напряженные отношения между колонистами, тысячелетия назад заселивишими эту землю, и вновь прибывшими посланцами грозят перерасти в откровенную бойню. ШерифАльвар Крэш делает все, чтобы найти преступника и предотвратить резню, но дело кажется безнадежным. Пока у следствия только: дыра от бластера в груди Правителя, полсотни искореженных роботов охраны, дюжина подозреваемых, вроде бы имевших «мотив», и никаких реальных зацепок.

  • Infinitys Shore
  • Brin David
  • For the fugitive settlers of Jijo, it is truly the beginning of the end. As starships fill the skies, the threat of genocide hangs over the planet that once peacefully sheltered six bands of sapient beings. Now the human settlers of Jijo and their alien neighbors must make heroic-and terrifying-choices. A scientist must rally believers for a cause he never shared. And four youngsters find that what started as a simple adventure-imitating exploits in Earthling books by Verne and Twain-leads them to the dark abyss of mystery. Meanwhile, the Streaker, with her fugitive dolphin crew, arrives at last on Jijo in a desperate search for refuge. Yet what the crew finds instead is a secret hidden since the galaxies first spawned intelligence-a secret that could mean salvation for the planet and its inhabitants…or their ultimate annihilation.

  • Inherit the Stars
  • Hogan James
  • The man on the moon was dead. They called him Charlie. He had big eyes, abundant body hair and fairly long nostrils. His skeletal body was found clad in a bright red spacesuit, hidden in a rocky grave. They didn't know who he was, how he got there, or what had killed him. All they knew was that his corpse was 50,000 years old -- and that meant that this man had somehow lived long before he ever could have existed!