Admiral Lord Gilbert Anthony and his brother Lieutenant Gabriel Anthony, fighting for the Crown during the American Revolution, find adventure, daring privateers, and a ghost ship. The ghost ship Barracuda plies the waters off the coast of Saint Augustine in 1777. The Barracuda takes no prize and leaves no one alive. Tracking down the Barracuda is only one of the many challenges and battles the brothers face when assigned to protect Florida loyalists. Facing the privateers, who know the surrounding inlets and rivers, affords a series of dangerous missions for the crew and costs them many men and a few good ships. As the war takes its toll, Gil yearns to return to England, while Gabe steals the hearts of local women.
Distinguished at the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Confederate Captain Nate Starbuck's career is jeopardized once again by the suspicion and hostility of his brigade commander, General Washington Faulconer. The outcome of this vicious fight drastically changes both men's fortunes and propels AX into the ghastly bloodletting at the Second Battle of Manassas.Evocative and historically accurate, Battle Flag continues Bernard Cornwell's powerful series of Nate's adventures on some of the most decisive battlefields of the American Civil War.
The year is 1813. Captain Nathaniel Drinkwater succeeds Lord Dungarth as head of the Royal Navy's Secret Department. While the Grand Army of Napoleon faces defeat on the battlefields of Germany, the discovery of a secret treaty with America leads Drinkwater into the forbidding fjords of Norway, and one of the most desperate missions of his career.Increasingly isolated and affected by the long war with France and her allies, Drinkwater pursues his personal odyssey against often daunting odds. In a compelling narrative the author brings vividly to life conditions at sea during the Napoleonic wars.' The fate of one of Napoleon's most charismatic marshals is linked with American privateers, escaped prisoners and the Danish Navy resulting in a violent confrontation set beneath the aurora.
Cape Colony is proving a tiresome assignment for Captain Kydd's daring commander-in-chief Commodore Popham. Rumours that South America's Spanish colonies are in a ferment of popular unrest and of a treasure hoard of silver spur him to assemble a makeshift invasion fleet and launch a bold attack on the capital of the Viceroyalty of the River Plate, Buenos Aires.Navigating the treacherous bars and mud flats of the river, the British invasion force lands and wins a battle against improbable odds, taking the capital and the silver. But nothing is as simple as it seems in this region of ...
March 1808, and war spreads in Europe as Napoleon holds Portugal and threatens his old ally, Spain. The Royal Navy's blockade of enemy ports continues, and a new anti-slavery bill further stretches the hard-pressed fleet's resources, as more ships are required elsewhere to suppress that profitable trade. Estranged from his wife and child, and plagued by the fear of blindness, Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Bolitho or ordered once more to the Cape of Good Hope to establish a permanent naval force there following the success of his previous mission. He leaves behind the contempt of society and the bitter memories of ...
Na pok?adzie "Witezia" dowodzonego przez kpt. Olafa Nilsena p?ynie sztorman Pitt Hardful. Ten cz?owiek pragnie utrzyma? si? na "drodze uczciwego ?ycia", chce swym post?powaniem zmusi? wszystkich do zapomnienia o przesz?o?ci odpokutowanej za murami wi?zienia. Tymczasem "Wite?" wozi kulomioty dla portugalskich rewolucjonist?w. ?adunek le??cy w rumie, ukryty pod innymi towarami jest lepiej op?acalny ni? pszenica, m?ka b?d? w?giel. Ale kiepsko wr??y Pittowi, kt?ry u progu nowego ?ycia uczestniczy w zakazanym procederze… Akcja przygodowo-sensacyjnej powie?ci toczy si? wartko, urzeka egzotyk?.
Das Jahr des Herrn 1863 ist eine d?stere, hoffnungslose Zeit in Deutschland. Das einfache Volk ist verarmt. Wer Arbeit hat, schuftet f?r Groschen. Menschen sterben an Hunger und Epidemien.In dieser Zeit ist »Amerika« ein Wort der Hoffnung und Sehnsucht - ein Land, wo jeder sein Gl?ck machen und zu Wohlstand kommen kann. Ein magisches Wort auch f?r den jungen Handwerksgesellen Jacob Adler, der zu Unrecht des Mordversuchs beschuldigt wird und aus Deutschland fliehen muss.Doch sein Leben in Amerika wird h?rter und gefahrvoller sein, als er es sich in seinen ?rgsten Tr?umen vorzustellen vermag. Ein Abenteuer wartet auf Jacob Adler, wie es kaum ein zweiter je erlebt hat...
When we last saw Virgil Cole and Everett Hitch, they had just put things to right in the rough-and-tumble Old West town of Resolution. It's now a year later, and Virgil has only one thing on his mind: Allie French, the woman who stole his heart from their days in Appaloosa. Even though Allie ran off with another man, Virgil is determined to find her, his deputy and partner Everett Hitch at his side. Making their way across New Mexico and Texas, the pair finally discover Allie in a small-town brothel. Her spirit crushed, Allie joins Everett and ...
1782 — Kaum wieder in der Heimat, wird Richard Bolitho mit seinem neuen Kommando, der Fregatte PHALAROPE, zur?ck nach Westindien beordert, um das karibische Geschwader zu verst?rken. Doch die PHALAROPE ist ein Ungl?cksschiff, die Mannschaft rebellisch, die Offiziere nicht vertrauensw?rdig.Bei einer Landungsoperation ger?t Richard in Gefangenschaft, kann aber letztendlich in der Schlacht bei den Iles des Saintes den Schandfleck vom Namen der PHALAROPE tilgen.
En 1818, l 'auteur de ce livre avait seize ans et il paria qu'il ?crirait un volume en quinze jours. Il fit Bug-Jargal. C'est un roman d'aventures d?crivant les p?rip?ties de L?opold d'Auvernay, jeune officier de l'arm?e fran?aise, qui part pour Saint-Domingue, colonie fran?aise ? l'?poque, pour retrouver sa promise, fille d'un colon fran?ais, et l'?pouser. Cependant la veille de son mariage les esclaves, men?s par le myst?rieux Bug-Jargal, se r?voltent contre la domination des colons, et sa future ?pouse se fait enlever par un esclave, de qui L?opold pensait ?tre l'ami. Commence ensuite pour L?opold une course-poursuite ? travers l'?le pour retrouver sa bien-aim?e et pour assouvir sa vengeance…
Dieser Roman ist den meisten Jules-VerneFreunden unbekannt, weil er in allen alten Gesamtausgaben fehlt. Der Artistenfamilie Cascabel wird nach einer Tournee durch die Vereinigten Satten das gesamte Verm?gen gestohlen. Trotzdem wollen sie nach Frankreich zur?ckkehren und beschlie?en, den Weg ?ber Alaska und das Packeis der Beringstra?e zu nehmen. Unendlich viele Abenteuer m?ssen mit Indianern und Verbrechern bestanden werden, ehe es ein gl?ckliches Ende gibt.
Captain Blood is the much-loved story of a physician and gentleman turned pirate. Peter Blood, wrongfully accused and sentenced to death, narrowly escapes his fate and finds himself in the company of buccaneers. Embarking on his new life with remarkable skill and bravery, Blood becomes the 'Robin Hood' of the Spanish seas. This is swashbuckling adventure at its best.