Das Jahr des Herrn 1863 ist eine d?stere, hoffnungslose Zeit in Deutschland. Das einfache Volk ist verarmt. Wer Arbeit hat, schuftet f?r Groschen. Menschen sterben an Hunger und Epidemien.In dieser Zeit ist »Amerika« ein Wort der Hoffnung und Sehnsucht - ein Land, wo jeder sein Gl?ck machen und zu Wohlstand kommen kann. Ein magisches Wort auch f?r den jungen Handwerksgesellen Jacob Adler, der zu Unrecht des Mordversuchs beschuldigt wird und aus Deutschland fliehen muss.Doch sein Leben in Amerika wird h?rter und gefahrvoller sein, als er es sich in seinen ?rgsten Tr?umen vorzustellen vermag. Ein Abenteuer wartet auf JacobAdler, wie es kaum ein zweiter je erlebt hat...
Tenter de traverser l'Afrique d'est en ouest par la voie des airs, pr?tendre survoler le continent noir ? bord d'une fragile nacelle livr?e ? tous les caprices des vents, voil? une entreprise d'une audace incroyable. Les cinq semaines qu'il faudra au docteur Fergusson pour y parvenir seront pleines d'impr?vus et de p?rip?ties.
The September in question is in 1803 when press gangs ruled the quayside, and Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Bolitho finds himself the new master of Argonaute, a French flagship taken in battle. With the short-lived Peace of Amiens in ruins, he must leave behind the safety and security of Falmouth and take his place in the harder war which follows. With the exception of Nelson himself, the recently-knighted Bolitho is the youngest admiral on the Navy list, but his new status sits uneasily upon his shoulders along with his new command. For the most part the officers of his hastily-formed squadron ...
In March 1784, at a time when most of the fleet was laid up, His Majesty's frigate Undine weighed anchor at Spithead to begin a voyage to India and far beyond. As her new captain, Richard Bolitho was glad to go, despite the nature of his orders and the immensity of the voyage – for he was leaving an England still suffering from the aftermath of war. But he was to learn that signatures on proud documents did not necessarily make a lasting peace, and found himself involved in a conflict as ruthless as the one which had given him his first command during the war with France. In an uneasy peace the expansion of trade and colonial development in little-known areas of the East Indies soon pushed aside the pretence and brought the guns' fury into the open. There was no set line of battle or declared cause to rally Undine's small company. But the dangers and the endless demands had to be faced by the man who commanded the only King's ship available.
Corsarios de levante es el sexto libro de la serie `Las aventuras de El Capit?n Alatriste`, que Arturo P?rez Reverte comenz? a escribir all? por el a?o de nuestro se?or de 1996. Pardiez como pasa el tiempo.Como los anteriores Libros, Corsarios de Levante pretende hacernos vivir uno mas de los aspectos de la vida del siglo XVII. Y en esta ocasi?n Arturito nos lleva por las aguas del Mediterr?neo, Donde Turcos, Espa?oles, Venecianos, Franceses, Ingleses y dem?s se pasaban el d?a comerci?ndo y degoll?ndose. Para ello nos embarca con Alatriste y el ya crecidito I?igo en una galera, ` La Mulata `, y nos lleva de paseo en plan barquita de recreo. No cuento m?s, que no es menester de estas l?neas, pero decir que el que no quiera ver tripas, oler mal y pasar miedo entre deguellos y voto a tales, mejor lea otra cosa.
Paradise is the perfect escape for ex-Marine Nick Breakspear, captain of a charter yacht operation in the Bahamas, until he agrees to pilot a "detox cruise" for the drug-addled grown son and daughter of a powerful U.S. senator. Ambushed far from port, he is helpless to prevent the murder of a crew member by modern-day pirates who sink Nick's yacht before vanishing with the senator's kids. Having barely eluded death, Nick must immediately set sail for disaster once again. For there's a death to be avenged on the dark side of Eden, the senator is demanding that his lost children be found . . . and the woman Nick loves is being held prisoner by killers somewhere on Murder Cay.
In the bitter February of 1813, with convoys from Canada and the Caribbean falling victim to American privateers, Sir Richard Bolitho returns to Halifax to pursue a war he knows cannot be won, but which neither Britain nor the United States can afford to lose. After nearly thirty years of almost continuous conflict with the old enemy, France, England and her Admiral desire only peace. But peace will not be found in the icy Canadian waters, where a young, angry nation asserts its identity, and men who share a common heritage die in close and bloody action. Nor is there peace for those who follow the Cross of St George: not for the embittered Adam, mourning his lover and his ship, nor for Rear-Admiral Valentine Keen, who remains strangely indifferent to responsibility. Nor will there be peace from those who use this struggle between nations as an instrument of personal revenge
Окончена. Позади три долгих года неволи, что отвесила Сергею слепая российская фемида, и вновь поезд везет его в далекий сибирский город. Приключения продолжаются.
Собрание сочинений Джека Лондона открывает знаменитый роман «Сердца трех», написанный в 1916 году для кино по плану голливудского киносценариста Чарлза Годдарда. Весной 1920 года роман вышел отдельной книгой. «Сердца трех» соединяют в себе лучшие черты, присущие приключенческим произведениям Джека Лондона, и динамичность развития событий, которой требует специфический жанр киноромана.