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Книги 31626—31650 из 33968.

  • Galera
  • Jie Zhang
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Zhang Jie trata en sus libros problemas de actualidad como la corrupci?n, la burocracia o los cambios econ?micos, con unos principios literarios que no est?n en realidad muy lejanos del realismo y el didactismo que imperaba en la China mao?sta. Una de sus novelas m?s representativas es Galera (Fang zhou), cr?nica de tres mujeres mayores 40 a?os en la China de finales del siglo XX las tres marcadas por el divorcio y por un entorno que a pesar de los cambios revolucionarios y de las reformas modernizadoras sigue siendo hostil a la mujer que escapa a los papeles tradicionales familiares. Lo que salva una literatura como la de Zhang Jie, que tiene todos los n?meros para convertirse en un aburrido excurso sociol?gico, es la gracia sutil de una escritura aferrada a las peque?as cosas y a la vida cotidiana. El feminismo de manual queda atemperado por la capacidad de dar vida al mundo que recrea.

  • Gang Leader for a Day
  • Venkatesh Sudhir
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Honest and entertaining, Columbia University professor Venkatesh vividly recounts his seven years following and befriending a Chicago crack-dealing gang in a fascinating look into the complex world of the Windy City 's urban poor. As introduced in Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner's bestseller, Freakonomics, Venkatesh became involved with the Black Kings-and their charismatic leader J.T.-as a first-year doctoral student at the University of Chicago. Sent to the projects with a multiple-choice test on poverty as his calling card, Venkatesh was, to his surprise, invited in to see how the drug dealers functioned in real life, ...

  • Gasa-Gasa Girl
  • Hirahara Naomi
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • From the time she was a child, Mas Arai's daughter, Mari, was completely gasa-gasa – never sitting still, always on the go, getting into everything. And Mas, busy tending lawns, gambling, and struggling to put his Hiroshima past behind him, never had much time for the family he was trying to support. For years now, his resentful daughter has lived a continent away in New York City, and had a life he knew little about. But an anxious phone call from Mari asking for his help plunges the usually obstinate Mas into a series of startling situations from maneuvering in ...

  • Gaw?dziarz
  • Llosa Mario
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Zwiedzaj?c we Florencji wystaw? fotografii peruwia?skiej Amazonii, Vargas Llosa przywo?uje w pami?ci posta? przyjaciela z czas?w studenckich. Saul Zuratas, peruwia?ski ?yd, pasjonowa? si? bowiem kiedy? Amazoni?, jej mieszka?cami, szczeg?lnie za? nielicznym, w?druj?cym plemieniem Maczigueng?w. Opowie?? Llosy jest pr?b? rekonstrukcji los?w Saula Zuratasa i zarazem pr?b? odnalezienia dowod?w po?wiadczaj?cych, ?e w?r?d Maczigueng?w ?y? gaw?dziarz podtrzymuj?cy wi?zi plemienne opowie?ciami o dziejach mitycznych i przekazywaniem wiadomo?ci o ?yciu poszczeg?lnych rodzin rozproszonych po Amazonii. Losy Zuratasa i Maczigueng?w okazuj? si? ze sob? sprz?gni?te. Chyba ?e historia rekonstruowana przez Vargasa Llose jest… kolejn? opowie?ci? nieuchwytnego gaw?dziarza.

  • Geheimnis der Magd
  • Neumann Simone
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • 1529 bei Hameln: Die junge Magd Johanna muss mitansehen, wie ein ihr aus Kindheitstagen bekannter Mann ihren grausamen Herrn, Ritter Eicheck, ermordet. Da sie die einzige Zeugin des Verbrechens ist, flieht sie von der Burg nach Hameln, um nicht selbst in Verdacht zu geraten. Bei der Gew?rzkauffrau Margarethe G?nslein findet sie eine neue Anstellung als Magd. Margarethe ist eine starke, handelsbegabte Frau, die in einem prachtvollen Kaufmannshaus residiert. Die Herren der Stadt jedoch m?chten sie wieder verheiratet wissen oder wenigstens einem Vormund unterstellen. Besonders der niedertr?chtige Apotheker Hasenstock, den ein d?steres Geheimnis mit Margarethes ...

  • Generation „P”
  • Pielewin Wiktor
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Роман «Generation „П“», ставший культовым в молодежной среде, посвящен явлению, проникшему во все поры нашей повседневной жизни, – рекламе. Многие склонны просто отмахиваться от нее, как от назойливой мухи, считая чем-то несерьезным. Но разве в нашу речь уже не вошли рекламные слоганы? Разве «рваная стилистика» рекламных клипов не влияет на наше сознание?Герой романа Вавилен Татарский полагает, что ему известна подлинная цена рекламы – ведь он ее создает. Но ему и в страшном сне не может привидеться истинная сила джинна, выпущенного им из бутылки… На польском языке

  • Generation Икс
  • Коупленд Дуглас
  • Жанр: Контркультура
  • «Мы живем незаметной жизнью на периферии; мы стали маргиналами – и существует масса вещей, в которых мы решили не участвовать. Мы хотели тишины – и обрели эту тишину. Мы приехали сюда, покрытые ранами и болячками, с кишками, закрученными в узлы, и уже думали, что когда-нибудь нам удастся опорожнить кишечник. Наши организмы, пропитанные запахом копировальных машин, детского крема и гербовой бумаги, взбунтовались из-за бесконечного стресса, рожденного бессмысленной работой, которую мы выполняли неохотно и за которую нас никто не благодарил. Нами владели силы, вынуждавшие нас глотать успокоительное и считать, что поход в магазин – это уже творчество, а взятых видеофильмов достаточно для счастья. Но теперь, когда мы поселились здесь, в пустыне, все стало много, много лучше».

  • Generosity
  • Powers Richard
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • When Chicagoan Russell Stone finds himself teaching a Creative Nonfiction class, he encounters a young Algerian woman with a disturbingly luminous presence. Thassadit Amzwar's blissful exuberance both entrances and puzzles the melancholic Russell. How can this refugee from perpetual terror be so happy? Won't someone so open and alive come to serious harm? Wondering how to protect her, Russell researches her war-torn country and skims through popular happiness manuals. Might her condition be hyperthymia? Hypomania? Russell's amateur inquiries lead him to college counselor Candace Weld, who also falls under Thassa's spell. Dubbed Miss Generosity by her classmates, Thassa's joyful ...

  • Gente Legal
  • Scottoline Lisa
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • A Mark lo asesinaron alrededor de las doce de la noche, mientras trabajaba en un acuerdo, un contrato para la liquidaci?n del bufete que hab?a fundado con Bennie Rosato, horas despu?s de anunciar a su socia y ex amante su determinaci?n de constituir su propia empresa. A medianoche Bennie remaba sola en la oscuridad, en la quietud del r?o, tratando de recobrar la calma, ajena a cuanto suced?a en el despacho y a la s?rdida trampa que le hab?an tendido.«Una novela trepidante que dejar? sin aliento al lector m?s valiente.»

  • Get A Life
  • Gordimer Nadine
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Get a Life begins with Paul Bannerman, a South African ecologist, being treated for thyroid cancer with radioactive iodine. To spare his wife and child any peril from the radioactivity, he returns to his parents' home to recuperate. He's returned to his childhood state, being cared for by his mother, a civil rights lawyer, and the black housekeeper who's been with the family his whole life. Paul's wife, an advertising executive, realizes that her clients are facilitating the foreign corporations who want to take advantage of liberal land use laws for their own interests. Paul's illness forces them all ...

  • Getting Even
  • Allen Woody
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • After three decades of prodigious film work (and some unfortunate tabloid adventures as well), it's easy to forget that Woody Allen began his career as one heck of a great comedy writer. Getting Even, a collection of his late '60s magazine pieces, offers a look into Allen's bag of shtick, back when it was new. From the supposed memoirs of Hitler's barber: "Then, in January of 1945, a plot by several generals to shave Hitler's moustache in his sleep failed when von Stauffenberg, in the darkness of Hitler's bedroom, shaved off one of the F?hrer's eyebrows instead…"Even though the idea of writing jokes about old Adolf-or addled rabbis, or Maatjes herring-isn't nearly as fresh as it used to be, Getting Even still delivers plenty of laughs. At his best, Woody can achieve a level of transcendent craziness that no other writer can match. If you're looking for a book to dip into at random, or a gift for someone who's seen Sleeper 13 times, Getting Even is a dead lock.

  • Girl in Translation
  • Kwok Jean
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Introducing a fresh, exciting Chinese-American voice, an inspiring debut about an immigrant girl forced to choose between two worlds and two futures.When Kimberly Chang and her mother emigrate from Hong Kong to Brooklyn squalor, she quickly begins a secret double life: exceptional schoolgirl during the day, Chinatown sweatshop worker in the evenings. Disguising the more difficult truths of her life-like the staggering degree of her poverty, the weight of her family's future resting on her shoulders, or her secret love for a factory boy who shares none of her talent or ambition-Kimberly learns to constantly translate not ...

  • Girlfriend in a Coma
  • Coupland Douglas
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Amazon.co.uk ReviewIn this latest novel from the poet laureate of Gen X—who is himself now a dangerously mature 36—boy does indeed meet girl. The year is 1979, and the lovers get right down to business in a very Couplandian bit of plein air intercourse: "Karen and I deflowered each other atop Grouse Mountain, among the cedars beside a ski slope, atop crystal snow shards beneath penlight stars. It was a December night so cold and clear that the air felt like the air of the Moon—lung-burning; mentholated and pure; hint of ozone, zinc, ski ...