Jedna z najg?o?niejszych polskich powie?ci lat dziewi??dziesi?tych, d?ugo obecna na listach bestseller?w. Opowie?? o wielkim uczuciu, nadziei i niespe?nionej mi?o?ci. Poruszaj?ca historia niemieckiego lekarza, kt?ry po II wojnie zosta? w polskim Gda?sku. G??bokie studium melancholii na tle wielkich wydarze? z najnowszej historii Polski i Niemiec. Pe?ne poezji obrazy Gda?ska z pierwszej po?owy XX wieku i Gda?ska budz?cego si? do ?ycia po wojennej katastrofie. Wsp??czesne losy bohater?w skonfrontowane ze wstrz?saj?cymi scenami s?ynnych samob?jstw – niemieckiego poety Heinricha Kleista i polskiego pisarza Stanis?awa Ignacego Witkiewicza. Ksi??ka wielokrotnie nagradzana, inscenizowana w radiu, telewizji i teatrze, przynios?a autorowi s?aw?. W roku 1997 ukaza?o si? jej niemieckie wydanie.
The dehumanizing effects of heavy industrialization are given form and bitter indictment in this Dickens novel. Raised by a hard, pragmatic father concerned only with sterile principles, Tom and Louisa Gradgrind grow up with little imagination, culture or concern for others. Louisa chooses Josiah Bounderby for a husband, a vulgar man who owns a bank and a mill, whom she leaves after a while and returns to her father's house. Her unscrupulous brother adds to the family crises by robbing his brother-in-law's bank. The father finally sees how his cold, principled upbringing has damaged his children's lives.
“In this breathless, startling novel, Jodi Picoult reveals the fragile threads that hold people together, or let them break apart. Her narrative, especially her sense of family, is reminiscent of a young Anne Tyler. Hers is a remarkable new voice, and it tells us a story that goes straight to the heart.” – -Mary Morris, author of A Mother’s Love and Nothing to Declare“Picoult weaves a beautiful tale from threads of sympathetic characters into a pattern told from two points of view, then fringes it with suspense and drama.” – -The Charlotte Observer“A brilliant, moving examination ...
The award-winning Canadian writer Alice Munro's collection Hateship, friendship, courtship, loveship, marriage is about the lives, hopes, dreams and ends of women: their marriages, their relationships with those who touch their lives in some momentous way-however brief or long-standing-and the extraordinary effects wrought by the hand of fate. She is not only a genius storyteller, she has a cunning ability to make you believe the short story you've just read was actually a full-length novel. So if you've ever thought twice about buying a book of short stories, then the marvellous Alice Munro will make you think again…...
In recent years serial killer novels and films have become something of a cliche. It's a genre which has been done to death with only a few works standing above the herd. So Hawksmoor was a very refreshing change. A novel set in London, with two threads, one in the 1800's and one in contemporary times. The novel opens in the period following the Great Fire of London, with one Nicholas Dyer, an assistant surveyor in scotland yard who eventually becomes an apprentice to Christopher Wren. He is commissioned to rebuilt the lost churches of London. In the present ...
Русская писательница и мемуаристка Лидия Алексеевна Авилова (урожд. Страхова) родилась 3(15) июня 1864 г. в имении Клекотки Епифанского уезда Тульской губернии, в небогатой дворянской семье. В 1882 г. окончила гимназию в г. Москве. В 1887 г. вышла замуж и переехала из Москвы в Петербург, где началась ее литературная деятельность. В доме редактора и издателя «Петербургской газеты» С.Н. Худекова, мужа сестры, познакомилась со многими известными литераторами. С 1890 г. рассказы писательницы публикуются в петербургских газетах и журґналах. В 1896 г. выходит первый сборник Л.А. Авиловой «Счастливец и другие рассказы». В 189S г. в журнале «Русское богатство» публикуется первая повесть Л.А. Авиловой «Наследники», затем и другие повести. В 1906 г. она переехала с семьей в Москву, где выходят ее новые книги «Власть и другие рассказы» (1906), «Сын. Рассказ» (1910), «Первое горе и другие рассказы» (1913), «Образ человеческий» (1914), «Пышная жизнь. Камардин» (1918).В 1922 г. Авилова выехала в Чехословакию к больной дочери, там, в атмосфере русской эмиграции, она осознала до глубины души свою любовь к родине и писала в одном из писем: что «если бы не было России, то не было бы и меня». В 1924 г. она вернулась в Россию.
This hilarious, brilliantly inventive novel by the author of tells the story of a scroungy Moscow mongrel named Sharik. Thanks to the skills of a renowned Soviet scientist and the transplanted pituitary gland and testes of a petty criminal, Sharik is transformed into a lecherous, vulgar man who spouts Engels and inevitably finds his niche in the bureaucracy as the government official in charge of purging the city of cats.ReviewArray
Retreating to the Olmsteads’ New England farm seems sensible, if not ideal—they’ll regroup and welcome the baby, surrounded by Cade’s family. But the remote, ramshackle place already feels crowded. Cade’s mother tends to his ailing father, while Cade’s pious sister, her bigoted husband and their rowdy sons overrun the house. Only Cade’s brother, Elias, a combat veteran with a damaged spirit, gives Jill an ally amidst the chaos, along with a glimpse into his disturbing childhood. But his burden is heavy, and she alone cannot kindle his will to live.The tragedy of Elias is like a killing frost, withering Cade in particular, transforming his idealism into bitterness and paranoia. Taking solace in caring for her newborn son, Jill looks up to find her golden boy is gone. In Cade’s place is a desperate man willing to endanger them all in the name of vengeance… unless Jill can find a way out.
The new beginning-and the grand finale-to the beloved Tales of the Otori series.Heaven's Net Is Wide is the new first volume of the now complete Tales of the Otori- prequel to Across the Nightingale Floor, the book that first introduced Hearn's mythical, medieval Japanese world. This is the story of Lord Otori Shigeru-who has presided over the entire series as a sort of spiritual warrior-godfather-the man who saved Takeo and raised him as his own and heir to the Otori clan. This sweeping novel expands on what has been only hinted at before: Shigeru's training in the ...
“Martin Amis is a stone-solid genius… a dazzling star of wit and insight.”—In this wickedly delightful collection of stories, Martin Amis once again demonstrates why he is a modern master of the form. In “Career Move,” screenwriters struggle for their art, while poets are the darlings of Hollywood. In “Straight Fiction,” the love that dare not speak its name calls out to the hero when he encounters a forbidden object of desire—the opposite sex. And in “State of England,” Mal, a former “minder to the superstars,” discovers how to live in a country where “class and race and gender were supposedly gone.”In , Amis astonishes us with the vast range of his talent, establishing that he is one of the most versatile and gifted writers of his generation.
Kolejna pozycja mi?dzynarodowej serii „Mity”.Akcja „He?mu grozy” toczy si? w ?wiecie wirtualnym, w ?wiadomo?ci bohater?w uwik?anych w sie? wszechotacz?j?cego ich labiryntu. Pr?buj? go sforsowa?, rozsadzi?, przedosta? si? do innej rzeczywisto?ci. W mityczn? wizj? labiryntu zostaj? wplecione postacie Minotaura i Ariadny, a obok nich Dziadka do orzech?w oraz Monstradamusa.Pielewin dokona? odwa?nej reinterpretacji popularnego mitu, zapisuj?c go w formie intensywnego czatu internetowego.„By?o ju? wielu, kt?rzy twierdzili, ?e poznali prawd?. Ale jak dot?d nikt jeszcze nie wr?ci? z Labiryntu. Mi?ej podr??y. A je?li przypadkiem spotkacie Minotaura, nigdy nie r?bcie MUUUUU. Uchodzi to za wysoce obra?liwe”. На польском языке
Рассказ вошёл в сборники:I Sing the Body Electric (Электрическое тело пою)Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)
In the dramatic conclusion to Her Mother's Hope, the Cold War has begun and Carolyn is struggling to navigate her shifting family landscape and the changing times. With her mother, Hildemara, away in a tuberculosis sanatorium, Carolyn develops a special bond with her Oma Marta. But when Hildie returns, tensions between she and Marta escalate, and Carolyn feels she is to blame. College offers the chance to find herself, but a family tragedy shatters her independence. Rather than return home, she cuts all ties and disappears into the heady culture of San Francisco. When she reemerges two years later, ...
Six years after the phenomenal success of The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger has returned with a spectacularly compelling and haunting second novel set in and around Highgate Cemetery in London.When Elspeth Noblin dies of cancer, she leaves her London apartment to her twin nieces, Julia and Valentina. These two American girls never met their English aunt, only knew that their mother, too, was a twin, and Elspeth her sister. Julia and Valentina are semi-normal American teenagers – with seemingly little interest in college, finding jobs, or anything outside their cozy home in the suburbs of Chicago, and ...
March Murray returns with her teenage daughter to a small town in New England where she grew up, for a funeral, and finds herself being drawn back into a life she had thought was over.
Herencia narra el rastro de una traici?n a lo largo de generaciones. S?lo una mirada mestiza como la de la escritora norteamericana de origen chino Lang Samantha Chang pod?a percibir as? los matices universales de la pasi?n, s?lo una pluma prodigiosa puede trasladarnos la huidiza naturaleza de la confianza.
New fiction 6,500-word story from Stephen King.Brenda should be happy. The kids are quiet, the road stretches ahead of her like an airport runway, she's behind the wheel of a brand-new van. The speedometer reads 70. Nonetheless, that grayness has begun to creep over her again. The van isn't hers, after all. She'll have to give it back. A foolish expense, really, because what's at the far end of this trip, up in Mars Hill? She looks at her old friend. Jasmine is looking back at her. The van, now doing almost a hundred miles an hour, begins to drift. Jasmine gives a small nod. Brenda nods back. Then she pushes down harder with her foot, trying to find the van's carpeted floor.