wiki page: Any one who has common sense will remember that the bewilderments of the eyes are of two kinds, and arise from two causes, either from coming out of the light or from going into the light, which is true of the mind's eye, quite as much as of the bodily eye; and he who remembers this when he sees any one whose vision is perplexed and weak, will not be too ready to laugh; he will first ask whether that soul of man has come out of the brighter life, and is unable to see because unaccustomed to the dark, or having turned from darkness to the day is dazzled by excess of light. And he will count the one happy in his condition and state of being, and he will pity the other; or, if he have a mind to laugh at the soul which comes from below into the light, there will be more reason in this than in the laugh which greets him who returns from above out of the light into the den.—Plato,
After reverently lambasting the most cherished rites and credos of virtually every one of the world's major religions in his transcendently hilarious novel the one and only Christopher Moore returns with a wild look at interspecies communication, adventure on the high seas, and an eons-old mystery.Marine behavioral biologist Nate Quinn is in love — with the salt air and sun-drenched waters off Maui… and especially with the majestic ocean-dwelling behemoths that have been bleeping and hooting their haunting music for more than twenty million years. But just why do the humpback whales sing? That's the question that has ...
Flush es un `cocker spaniel` de orejas largas, cola ancha y unos `ojos at?nitos color avellana`. A los pocos meses de su nacimiento es regalado a la ya famosa poestisa Elizabeth Barret. Fluxh se convertir? en su compa?ero inseparable y, posteriormente, en el c?mplice de sus amor?os con el poeta Robert Browning, aunque primero debe superar la animadversi?n y los celos que siente ante su afortunado rival.
Флаттер (от англ. flutter) – жесткая вибрация самолета, чреватая полным его разрушением. Именно флаттер долгое время препятствовал преодолению сверхзвукового барьера – сильнейшая вибрация, перегрузки и страх заставляли испытателей раз за разом отступать. Тем не менее сверхзвуковой барьер был успешно преодолен смелым летчиком, нажавшим на газ в тот момент, когда его предшественники предпочитали сбросить скорость. И вот там, в сверхзвуке, наступила тишина, пришла радость победы и удовольствие от скольжения по воздуху. По небу. Жизнь иных людей так же наполнена мгновениями преодоления, ведь когда необходимо совершить прорыв в своей жизни, выйдя за рамки привычных представлений о возможном, наступает флаттер – жесткая вибрация души и тела. Некоторые не выдерживают – сбрасывают скорость. Лишь самые смелые нажимают на газ и попадают в сверхзвук. Именно они познают восторг победы и радость скольжения по жизни. И они парят. Пока не наступит новый флаттер. Новая возможность для прорыва. И так раз за разом… А что же тогда такое «высший пилотаж»?
In an act of breathtaking imagination, J. M. Coetzee radically reinvents the story of Robinson Crusoe.In the early eighteenth century, Susan Barton finds herself set adrift from a mutinous ship and cast ashore on a remote desert island. There she finds shelter with its only other inhabitants: a man named Cruso and his tongueless slave, Friday. In time, she builds a life for herself as Cruso’s companion and, eventually, his lover. At last they are rescued by a passing ship, but only she and Friday survive the journey back to London. Determined to have her story ...
Венецианское эссе Иосифа Бродского "Набережная Неисцелимых" (или "Watermark") написано автором по-английски.Джон Апдайк писал об эссе "Набережная Неисцелимых": "[Оно] восхищает тонким приемом возгонки, с помощью которого из жизненного опыта добывается драгоценный смысл. Эссе "Набережная неисцелимых" – это попытка превратить точку на глобусе в окно и мир универсальных переживаний, частный опыт хронического венецианского туриста – в кристалл, чьи грани отражали бы всю полноту жизни… Основным источником исходящего от этих граней света является чистая красота".
"This is a bawdy tale. Herein you will find gratuitous shagging, murder, spanking, maiming, treason, and heretofore unexplored heights of vulgarity and profanity, as well as nontraditional grammar, split infinitives, and the odd wank… If that's the sort of thing you think you might enjoy, then you have happened upon the perfect story!"Verily speaks Christopher Moore, much beloved scrivener and peerless literary jester, who hath writteneth much that is of grand wit and belly-busting mirth, including such laurelled bestsellers of the as , and (no offense). Now he takes on no less than the legendary Bard himself (with ...
In 1937 Ernest Hemingway traveled to Spain to cover the civil war there for the North American Newspaper Alliance. Three years later he completed the greatest novel to emerge from "the good fight," . The story of Robert Jordan, a young American in the International Brigades attached to an antifascist guerilla unit in the mountains of Spain, it tells of loyalty and courage, love and defeat, and the tragic death of an ideal. In his portrayal of Jordan's love for the beautiful Maria and his suberb account of El Sordo's last stand, in his brilliant travesty of La Pasionaria and his ...
AwardsPulitzer Prize for Fiction"There is no American writer I have read with more constant pleasure and sympathy… Foreign Affairs earns the same shelf as Henry James and Edith Wharton." – John FowlesWINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZEVirginia Miner, a fifty-something, unmarried tenured professor, is in London to work on her new book about children's folk rhymes. Despite carrying a U.S. passport, Vinnie feels essentially English and rather looks down on her fellow Americans. But in spite of that, she is drawn into a mortifying and oddly satisfying affair with an Oklahoman tourist ...
#1 BESTSELLER IN HEAVEN…AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME ON EARTH. "Think Alice Sebold (The Lovely Bones) meets John Grisham (The Firm) in the afterlife." Brek Cuttler, a young lawyer, new mother, and wife of a popular television news reporter, dies unexpectedly and, arriving in heaven, learns she has been chosen to join the elite lawyers who defend souls at the Final Judgment. Yet Brek longs for her lost life, and the cause of her death remains a mystery. Searching for answers, Brek attempts to re-create the world she once knew and visit her family in their dreams; but it ...
At 6'6" and 240lbs, Forrest Gump is difficult to ignore. This satire follows him from the football dynasties of Bear Bryant to Vietnam, and from encounters with Presidents Johnson and Nixon to pow-wows with Chairman Mao. It also takes in Harvard University, a Hollywood set, and a NASA mission.
D'inspiration champ?tre, 'Fran?ois le Champi' est un roman o? il n'est question que d'amour, ?crit dans un style limpide et lumineux. Dans son livre, George Sand s'attache ? reproduire le parler berrichon, et met en avant la grandeur de la vie ? la campagne, d?crivant avec po?sie et sensibilit? personnages et paysages.
The world's most famous monster comes to life in this 1818 novel, a compelling narrative that combines Gothic romance and science fiction to tell of an ambitious young doctor's attempts to breathe life into an artificial man. Despite the doctor's best intentions, the experiment goes horribly wrong in a timeless tale about the hazards of playing creator.
From the National Book Award-winning author of The Corrections, a darkly comedic novel about familyPatty and Walter Berglund were the new pioneers of old St. Paul – the gentrifiers, the hands-on parents, the avant-garde of the Whole Foods generation. Patty was the ideal sort of neighbor, who could tell you where to recycle your batteries and how to get the local cops to actually do their job. She was an enviably perfect mother and the wife of Walter's dreams. Together with Walter – environmental lawyer, commuter cyclist, total family man – she was doing her small part to build a ...
A single day in Paris changes the lives of three Americans as they each set off to explore the city with a French tutor, learning about language, love, and loss as their lives intersect in surprising ways.Josie, Riley, and Jeremy have come to the City of Light for different reasons: Josie, a young high school teacher, arrives in hopes of healing a broken heart. Riley, a spirited but lonely expat housewife, struggles to feel connected to her husband and her new country. And Jeremy, the reserved husband of a renowned actress, is accompanying his wife on a ...
Cinq s?quences d'une vie, cinq d?mons impossibles ? chasser. Tel est le programme de 'Frictions'. Beau gosse, fou de sa m?re, mari? ? un mannequin et ayant trouv? la solution ? ses soucis d'argent, le narrateur a tout pour s'en sortir, enfin en th?orie, car en pratique c'est beaucoup beaucoup plus compliqu?.
Ставший знаковым роман о поколении нулевых в новом издании.Герои молоды, свободны и порочны, для них жизнь — это бегство по порочному кругу. В их крови похоть, безнаказанность и немного любви. Их враг — любопытство. Их козырь — желание бороться до конца.«Каждый из нас бегал по порочному кругу… Или хотя бы тайно об этом мечтал…»
Wkr?tce potem opu?ci?em te okolice, po z?o?eniu ostatniej wizyty na w?asnym grobie. Nie wiem dok?adnie, dlaczego to zrobi?em; zapewne chcia?em w specyficzny spos?b z?o?y? sobie wyrazy uszanowania. By? to dla mnie koniec pewnego etapu, niewykluczone, ?e koniec ?ycia. Na grobie le?a?y ?wie?e kwiaty. Nie zapomniano o mnie.Wspomnienia ojca, m??a, przyjaciela zblak?y z czasem, zawsze jednak zajmowa?y istotne miejsce w moich my?lach. Od tego czasu moje ?ycie potoczy?o si? inaczej. Wspomnienia z przesz?o?ci nawiedza?y mnie jeszcze co jaki? czas, zmienia?y si? jednak towarzysz?ce im emocje. Szybko sta?y si? to uczucia psa, jak gdyby po zako?czeniu poszukiwa? psia natura wzi??a g?r? nad ludzk? dusz? – dusz?, kt?ra stanowi?a o moim cz?owiecze?stwie. Czu?em si? wolny jak ptak. Wolny, by ?y? jak pies.