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Книги 31576—31600 из 33971.

  • Farewell Waltz
  • Кундера Милан
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • "It is hard to imagine anything more chilling and profound than Kundera’s apparent lightheartedness." – Elizabeth PochodaIN this dark farce of a novel, set in an old-fashioned Central Euroepean spa town, eight characters are swept up in an accelerating dance: a pretty nurse and her repairman boyfriend; an oddball gynecologist; a rich Amrican (at once saint and Don Juan); a popular trumpeter and his beautiful, obsessively jealous wife; an unillusioned former political prisoner about to leave his country and his young woman ward.Perhaps the most brilliantly plotted and sheerly entertaining of Milan Kundera’s novels, Farewell ...

  • Fashionista
  • Messina Lynn
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Sobrevivir en una revista femenina puede ser una lucha a muerte. Sobre todo, cuando tu jefa es una tirana.Vig Morgan por fin ha conseguido dejar de ser la ayudante de la dictatorial y repelente directora, solo para verse metida en un mar de conspiradores. Pero Vig no es como las dem?s editoras en la super cool Fashionista. Para empezar, a ella le da igual qu? dise?ador viste a las estrellas del momento. Es inteligente, astuta y tan ambiciosa como cualquier persona inteligente y mal pagada, pero nunca tomar?a parte en un complot para defenestrar a su jefa. ?O s??Salta con Vig a las turbulentas aguas -conspiraciones, pu?aladas por la espalda, libertad de expresi?n, coqueteos y alta costura- a las que se enfrenta cuando decide unirse a un compl? de lacayos que quieren cargarse a la abeja reina, con inesperados -pero no necesariamente decepcionantes- resultados.

  • Favoritos De La Fortuna
  • McCullough Colleen
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Argumento: Desde el a?o 83 al 69 antes de Cristo, los principales acontecimientos de la historia de la antigua Roma en un fascinante mosaico novelesco que respeta escrupulosamente la verdad de los hechos, aunque narr?ndolos con la amenidad de la mejor de las novelas. En el relato aparecen numerosos personajes, pero el que tiene mayor protagonismo es un Julio C?sar adolescente que consigue desembarazarse de sus obligaciones sacerdotales para demostrar a todos su extraordinaria inteligencia y su valor, que har?n de ?l en el futuro un h?roe celeb?rrimo de la historia romana. Las costumbres de la ?poca, las estrategias b?licas, las intrigas pol?ticas, los usos amatorios, etc., adquieren tambi?n gran importancia en esta novela, que constituye la tercera parte del gran ciclo de Colleen McCullough.

  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  • Thompson Hunter
  • Жанр: Контркультура
  • Heralded as the "best book on the dope decade" by the New York Times Book Review, Hunter S. Thompson's documented drug orgy through Las Vegas would no doubt leave Nancy Reagan blushing and D.A.R.E. founders rethinking their motto. Under the pseudonym of Raoul Duke, Thompson travels with his Samoan attorney, Dr. Gonzo, in a souped-up convertible dubbed the "Great Red Shark." In its trunk, they stow "two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half-full of cocaine and a whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers.... ...

  • Fernande
  • Dumas Alexandre
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • La baronne de Barth?le attend son vieil ami et amant le comte de Montgiroux, pair de France. Son fils Maurice, mari? ? la ni?ce du comte, se meurt de fi?vre c?r?brale. Sur la suggestion du m?decin de Maurice, la baronne a accept? de faire venir ? son ch?teau Mme Ducoudray qui pourrait apaiser la fi?vre du mourant. ? son arriv?e, la dame apprend le but de sa visite, sauver Maurice – Maurice, pr?nom qui ne lui est pas inconnu. Le comte d?couvre lui que Mme Ducoudray n'autre que Fernande,la courtisane qu’il a pris pour ma?tresse. Arrive ensuite Mme de Neuilly, parente de la baronne, veuve envieuse qui reconna?t en Fernande une ancienne pensionnaire d’orphelinat et qui voudrait bien savoir comment elle s'y est pris pour faire ce riche mariage avec M. Ducoudray. Elle r?v?le que Fernande est de sang noble, fille de la famille de Mormant. Par son entremise, Fernande apprend ? son tour que Maurice est en fait le fils du baron…

  • Fever Pitch
  • Hornby Nick
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • In America, it is soccer. But in Great Britain, it is the real football. No pads, no prayers, no prisoners. And that’s before the players even take the field.Nick Hornby has been a football fan since the moment he was conceived. Call it predestiny. Or call it preschool. Fever Pitch is his tribute to a lifelong obsession. Part autobiography, part comedy, part incisive analysis of insanity, Hornby’s award-winning memoir captures the fever pitch of fandom—its agony and ecstasy, its community, its defining role in thousands of young mens’ coming-of-age stories. Fever Pitch is one for the home team. But above all, it is one for everyone who knows what it really means to have a losing season.

  • Fight Club
  • Palahniuk Chuck
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Featuring soap made from human fat, waiters at high-class restaurants who do unmentionable things to soup and an underground organization dedicated to inflicting a violent anarchy upon the land, Palahniuk's apocalyptic first novel is clearly not for the faint of heart. The unnamed (and extremely unreliable) narrator, who makes his living investigating accidents for a car company in order to assess their liability, is combating insomnia and a general sense of anomie by attending a steady series of support-group meetings for the grievously ill, at one of which (testicular cancer) he meets a young woman named Marla. She and ...

  • Finalmusik
  • Navarro Justo
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Seguimos al narrador de esta espl?ndida novela durante su ?ltima semana en Italia antes de regresar a su Granada natal y reencontrarse con su padre. Se despide de algunos de los personajes que han configurado su experiencia italiana: la limpiadora Francesca, con quien el ?ltimo mes ha mantenido una aventura; el marido de ?sta, Fulvio, ex boxeador; monse?or Wolff-Wapowski, polaco-alem?n, encargado de la casa papalina en la que el narrador se aloja; Stefania Rossi-Quarantotti, profesora bolo?esa de semi?tica y antigua maestra y amiga, traumatizada por la relaci?n que mantiene su marido con una ...

  • Five Quarters of the Orange
  • Harris Joanne
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • The magical new novel from the author of the Number One be Beyond the main street of Les Laveuses runs the Loire, smooth and brown as a sunning snake – but hiding a deadly undertow beneath its moving surface. This is where Framboise, a secretive widow named after a raspberry liqueur, plies her culinary trade at the creperie – and lets memory play strange games. Into this world comes the threat of revelation as Framboise's nephew – a profiteering Parisian – attempts to exploit the growing success of the country recipes she has inherited from her mother, a woman remembered with contempt by the villagers of Les Laveuses. As the spilt blood of a tragic wartime childhood flows again, exposure beckons for Framboise, the widow with an invented past. Joanne Harris has looked behind the drawn shutters of occupied France to illuminate the pain, delight and loss of a life changed for ever by the uncertainties and betrayals of war.

  • Fleurs de Paris
  • Z?vaco Michel
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Z?vaco porte encore une fois, dans ce roman, haut la banni?re de la litt?rature populaire, au meilleur sens du terme. L'histoire se passe ? Paris, ? la fin du XIXe si?cle. Disparitions, r?apparitions, meurtres, trahisons, vengeances, tous les ingr?dients du genre y sont. Et vous ne vous ennuierez pas pendant une seule ligne…Fleurs de paris, ce sont quatre femmes : Lise, Marie Charmant, Magali et Rose de Corail. Fleurs de paris est aussi l'histoire de la famille du baron d'anguerrand et celle de la vengeance inassouvie de Jeanne Mareil.Le roman se d?roule dans le Paris de la fin du XIXe si?cle.Roman populaire, fleurs de paris est consid?r? comme l'un des premiers romans policiers.