George Saunders has earned enthusiastic acclaim and a devoted cult-following with his first two story collections and the recent novella The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil. With his new book, In Persuasion Nation, Saunders ups the ante in every way, and is poised to break out to a wide new audience.The stories In Persuasion Nation are easily his best work yet. "The Red Bow,"about a town consumed by pet-killing hysteria, won a 2004 National Magazine Award and "Bohemians," the story of two supposed Eastern European widows trying to fit in in suburban USA, is included in ...
Just three months ago Maddy O"Hara had been the freelance photojournalist to call for coverage of an international crisis. But now she's stuck at the far edge of the Chicago flyover, tapping in to what maternal instincts she can summon to raise her late sister's 8 year old daughter. She's also working for a small-time television station that wants warm-and-fuzzy interest pieces, Maddy, on the other hand, wants a story.And then she finds it-a photo of a deadman in Amish clothing hanging from a tree. Her instincts tell her there's a lot more to this than anyone wants to let on
In the Tripoli of 1979, nine-year-old Sulaiman considers the origins of mulberries. They are, he decides, "the best fruit God has created", and imagines young angels conspiring to plant a crop on earth when they hear that Adam and Eve are being sent down there as punishment. This could be simply a charming piece of whimsy invented by a child – but the time and place in which Sulaiman imagines it reconfigures the story into a tale of dissidents (angels) and exiles (humans).Sulaiman – whose adult self is the narrator of In the Country of Men – is himself the son ...
Знаменитый англичанин А. А. Милн (1882–1956), создатель Винни-Пуха, известный «всем, всем, всем» детям, предстает на этот раз как автор замечательных рассказов, которые наверняка заинтересуют взрослых читателей. Мастерски построенные сюжеты, необычные персонажи, весьма неожиданные повороты событий, непредсказуемые финалы и, разумеется, присущая этому автору ирония, — таковы характерные особенности собранных в этой книге историй.
Все идет как всегда, и ты ничего особенно не ждешь от этого лета. Ты торопливо шагаешь, скажем, в библиотеку, и вдруг застываешь на месте с прижатым к уху мобильным… И вот ты уже в поезде, мчишься за тысячу километров искать похищенного человека.Роман Бориса Прокудина «In сайт / Out сайт, или Любовь из интернета» — молодежный детектив или лирическое путешествие по городам, где с улиц еще не ушла поэзия, где руки ищут руки, а тела содрогаются от… смеха.
Whenever Sam thinks about babies, he envisages rivers of vomit and sleepless nights. But wife Lucy can't walk past Mothercare without crying. What's more, she can't seem to conceive-not by traditional methods, anyway. Hippy confidante Drusilla suggests an array of New Age remedies, including the intimate use of nutmeg oil and al fresco lovemaking. As Lucy faces a possible verdict of infertility, her love for Sam enters tailspin, accelerated by the advent of arrogant actor Carl Phipps. Meanwhile Sam, desperate to escape his tedious BBC job, conceives the inconceivable-turning the intimacies of their battle for babies into an acclaimed ...[Friday, March 05, 2010 12:46]This is a considerably revised and expanded version of the document, Losar Gift for Rangzen Activists, that I posted on Feb 25, 2009. This version has new information and illustrations. Last year when I was in India I gave a talk and powerpoint presentation based on this essay at a number of Tibetan schools and centers. I am happy to report that everyone was uplifted and energized by the sheer volume of indisputable facts substantiating Tibetan independence. It may have hit a sore spot in Beijing, though, for ...
Against the backdrop of the Korean War, a young man faces life’s unimagined chances and terrifying consequences.It is 1951 in America, the second year of the Korean War. A studious, law-abiding, intense youngster from Newark, New Jersey, Marcus Messner, is beginning his sophomore year on the pastoral, conservative campus of Ohio’s Winesburg College. And why is he there and not at the local college in Newark where he originally enrolled? Because his father, the sturdy, hard-working neighborhood butcher, seems to have gone mad — mad with fear and apprehension of the dangers of adult life, the dangers ...
Nacida en Espa?a, y proveniente de una familia pobre, In?s Su?rez sobrevive a diario trabajando como costurera. Es el siglo diecis?is, y la conquista de Am?rica est? apenas comenzando. Cuando un d?a el esposo de In?s desaparece rumbo al Nuevo Mundo, ella aprovecha para partir en busca de ?l y escapar de la vida claustrof?bica que lleva en su tierra natal. Tras el accidentado viaje que la lleva hasta Per?, In?s se entera de que su esposo ha muerto en una batalla. Sin embargo, muy pronto da inicio a una ...
Sir Jack Pitman, un magnate de aquellos que s?lo la vieja Albi?n puede producir, mezcla de Murdoch, Maxwell y Al Fayed, emprende la construcci?n de la que ser? su obra magna. Convencido de que en la actualidad Inglaterra no es m?s que una c?scara vac?a de s? misma, apta s?lo para turistas, ?l crear? una «Inglaterra, Inglaterra» mucho m?s concentrada, que de manera m?s eficaz contenga todos los lugares, todos los mitos, todas las esencias e incluso todos los t?picos de lo ingl?s, y que por consiguiente ser? ...
The story exposes the ways of thinking promulgated by the Communist propaganda in 1920s and 1930s and throws in quite a few realistic facts of everyday Soviet life in those times.
Wydane po raz pierwszy w 1953 roku w Londynie i wznawiane wielokrotnie wspomnienia Gustawa Herlinga – Grudzi?skiego z sowieckiego ?agru w Jercewie pod Archagielskiem ukazuj? si? w serii Lekcja Literatury poprzedzone niezwykle interesuj?c? rozmow?, jak? z autorem ksi??ki przeprowadzi? znakomity znawca jego tw?rczo?ci, W?odzimierz Bolecki. Ksi??ka Gustawa Herlinga – Grudzi?skiego obok nieprzeci?tnych walor?w literackich jest przede wszystkim – co podkre?la w rozmowie Autor – dokumentaln? relacj? ofiary, kronikarza i badacza instytucji i mechanizm?w sowieckiego "innego ?wiata" zbudowanego na utopijnej, zbrodniczej ideologii lewicowo – totalitarnej.
Fuentes ha reunido en Inquieta compa??a seis relatos propios del g?nero fant?stico. El novelista mexicano ha bebido en fuentes originales y adaptaciones cinematogr?ficas, transmutando con sabidur?a el misterio, el terror o la angustia.Muertos vivientes, ?ngeles y vampiros deambulan por paisajes mexicanos acompa?ados de otros personajes definidos de forma realista, dise?ados con el cuidadoso buril de los cl?sicos modernos de la literatura hispanoamericana. Tal vez las vivencias londinenses de Fuentes le hayan conducido a esta m?tica popular universal en la que lo mexicano no resulta extra?o, y que ...
Es una obra m?gica e intrigante, una novela sobre la memoria, el recuerdo, y el olvido. En donde indaga en el dilemma de, unas veces revivir el pasado y otras, sepultarlo.El tema narrativo se podr?a explicar en pocas l?neas: `Es la historia de amor de una mujer que se enamora de un hombre que no est? en su tiempo ni en su espacio y que debe buscar en otro tiempo y en otro espacio, as? de simple es la historia`, en palabras del autor.Sin embargo, muy apesar de lo que el autor ...
From preface: In naming this second part of The Forsyte Chronicles "A Modern Comedy" the word Comedy is stretched, perhaps as far as the word Saga was stretched to cover the first part. And yet, what but a comedic view can be taken, what but comedic significance gleaned, of so restive a period as that in which we have lived since the war? An Age which knows not what it wants, yet is intensely preoccupied with getting it, must evoke a smile, if rather a sad one.
From preface: In naming this second part of The Forsyte Chronicles "A Modern Comedy" the word Comedy is stretched, perhaps as far as the word Saga was stretched to cover the first part. And yet, what but a comedic view can be taken, what but comedic significance gleaned, of so restive a period as that in which we have lived since the war? An Age which knows not what it wants, yet is intensely preoccupied with getting it, must evoke a smile, if rather a sad one.
Este archivo es una correcci?n, a partir de otro encontrado en la red, para compartirlo con un grupo reducido de amigos, por medios privados. Si llega a tus manos debes saber que no deber?s colgarlo en webs o redes p?blicas, ni hacer uso comercial del mismo. Que una vez le?do se considera caducado el pr?stamo del mismo y deber? ser destruido.En caso de incumplimiento de dicha advertencia, derivamos cualquier responsabilidad o acci?n legal a quienes la incumplieran.Queremos dejar bien claro que nuestra intenci?n es favorecer a aquellas personas, ...