Рассказ вошёл в сборники:Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)Summer Morning, Summer Night (Летнее утро, летняя ночь)
It is 1939; the Nazis have occupied Poland. A young doctor disturbed by the fate of Poland joins the staff of an insane asylum only to find a world of pain and absurdity to match that outside.From From Library Journal
The most notable story is again an investigation into the gulf between the sexes. "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" won both the Hugo (in a tie with Spider Robinson's "By Any Other Name") and Nebula awards as the best novella published in 1976. In it a crew of three American astronauts are caught up in an intense solar storm which apparently propels them through a time vortex into a world several hundred years into their future. A devastating plague has reduced the human population to just a few thousand, all female, whose only means of reproduction is the cloning of several basic genome types.
Dosto?evski a 40 ans lorsqu'il ?crit Humili?s et Offens?s, peu apr?s son retour d'exil en Sib?rie, pour soutenir une revue appartenant ? son fr?re. C'est encore une oeuvre de «jeunesse».Vania, le narrateur, est ?crivain de son ?tat. Il recueille Nelly une jeune orpheline dont la m?re est morte dans le d?nuement et et qui a ?t? reni?e par son p?re. Bien qu'amoureux de Natacha, Vania se sacrifie au profit d'Aliocha, jeune homme faible et influen?able dont Natacha est ?prise. Entre ces deux histoires, le parfait sc?l?rat – ...
Al Miller is a sad case, someone who can’t seem to lift himself up from his stagnant and disappointing life. He’s a self-proclaimed nobody, a used car salesman with a lot full of junkers.His elderly landlord, Jim Fergesson, has decided to retire because of a heart condition and has just cashed in on his property, which includes his garage, and, next to it, the lot that Al rents. This leaves Al wondering what his next step should be, and if he even cares.Chris Harman is a record-company owner who has relied on Fergesson’...
Hungry Hill is a passionate story of five generations of an Irish family and the copper mine on Hungry Hill. Their fortunes and fates were closely bound with this copper mine, and the tale is told with all the magic and excitement that Daphne du Maurier never fails to command.
Pr?textat Tach, prix Nobel de litt?rature, n'a plus que deux mois ? vivre. Des journalistes du monde entier sollicitent des interviews de l'?crivain que sa misanthropie tient reclus depuis des ann?es. Quatre seulement vont le rencontrer, dont il se jouera selon une dialectique o? la mauvaise foi et la logique se t?lescopent. La cinqui?me lui tiendra t?te, il se prendra au jeu. Si ce roman est presque enti?rement dialogu?, c'est qu'aucune forme ne s'apparente autant ? la torture. Les ?changes, de simples interviews, virent peu ? peu ? l'interrogatoire, ? un duel sans merci o? se r?v?le alors un homme diff?rent, en proie aux secrets les plus sombres.
Dupont University—the Olympian halls of learning housing the cream of America's youth, the roseate Gothic spires and manicured lawns suffused with tradition . . . Or so it appears to beautiful, brilliant Charlotte Simmons, a freshman from Sparta, North Carolina (pop. 900), who has come here on full scholarship in full flight from her tobacco-chewing, beer-swilling high school classmates. But Charlotte soon learns, to her mounting dismay, that Dupont is closer in spirit to Sodom than to Athens, and that sex, crank, and kegs trump academic achievement every time.As Charlotte encounters Dupont's privileged elite—her roommate, Beverly, a fleshy, Groton-educated ...
Chosen by Glamour magazine as a Woman of the Year in 2008, Nujood of Yemen has become an international hero for her astonishingly brave resistance to child marriage. Sold off by her impoverished family at the age of 10, continually raped by her husband before she even reached puberty, Nujood found the courage to run away, and with the help of an activist lawyer, sympathetic judges, and the international press, she divorced her husband and returned home. Her clear, first-person narrative, translated from the French and written with Minoui, is spellbinding: the horror of her parents’ betrayal and her mother-in-law’s ...
A deeply moving debut novel set amid the perilous world of Nigerian email scams, I Do Not Come to You by Chance tells the story of one young man and the family who loves him.Being the opera of the family, Kingsley Ibe is entitled to certain privileges-a piece of meat in his egusi soup, a party to celebrate his graduation from university. As first son, he has responsibilities, too. But times are bad in Nigeria, and life is hard. Unable to find work, Kingsley cannot take on the duty of training his younger siblings, nor can he ...
A victim of time famine, thirty-five-year-old Kate counts seconds like other women count calories. As she runs between appointments, through her head spools the crazy tape-loop of every high-flying mother's life: client reports, bouncy castles, Bob The Builder, transatlantic phone calls, dental appointments, pelvic floor exercises, flights to New York, sex (too knackered), and stress-busting massages she always has to cancel (too busy). Factor in a controlling nanny, a chauvinist Australian boss, a long-suffering husband, two demanding children and an e-mail lover, and you have a woman juggling so many balls that some day soon something's going to hit ...
In her bewitching 30th novel, I'll Take You There, Joyce Carol Oates returns again to neurotic female post-adolescence. The unnamed narrator attends an upstate New York university in the early 1960s. In those times of tightly prescribed femininity, she joins a sorority in a bald attempt to become part of the sisterhood of normalcy. It doesn't work. She reads philosophy, she works for a living, she's asexual, she's an orphan, she's a Jew: "I was a freak in the midst of their stunning, stampeding, blazing female normality." Booted from the sorority, she falls hard for a thirtyish black philosophy ...
Рассказ вошёл в сборники:The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)
Though her friends think Maggie has the perfect life, she's actually perfectly miserable. The former Miss Alabama is worried about how her life has turned out-she's given up on her dream of living in a beautiful home like Crestview, and instead is a real estate agent in Birmingham. But just when Maggie begins to wonder if there's much point in going on, her life takes a wild turn, and she finds herself catapulted into one surprising discovery after the next. As Maggie learns valuable lessons about the nature of friendship, the challenges of modern life, and the dangers of impossible dreams, she starts to see how much more there is to life than what can be listed in a Miss Alabama bio. Bestselling author Fannie Flagg's trademark comic flair is out in full force in this fabulous new novel about the unpredictability of life.
La novela narra las peripecias de Galcer?n de Born, caballero de la orden del Hospital de San Juan, enviado por el papa Juan XXII a una misi?n secreta: desvelar la posible implicaci?n de los caballeros templarios, clandestinos tras la reciente disoluci?n de su orden, en el asesinato del papa Clemente V y el rey Felipe IV de Francia. Tras este encargo, se esconde en realidad la intenci?n de encontrar los lugares secretos, situados a lo largo del Camino, donde los templarios albergar enormes riquezas y que Galcer?n de Born debe encontrar.