Su primera obra, Leyendas de Guatemala (1930), es una coleccion de cuentos y leyendas mayas.Leyendas de Guatemala (1930), cr?nica de prodigios fant?sticos en la que las leyendas m?ticas del pueblo maya-quich? se funden con las tradiciones del pasado colonial guatemalteco y las ciudades ind?genas de Tikal y Cop?n se a?nan con Santiago y Antigua, fundadas por los espa?oles. La batalla entre los esp?ritus de la tierra y los esp?ritus divinos es narrada por la prosa evocadora y exuberante del Premio Nobel de Literatura de 1967, colmada de im?genes deslumbrantes.
Paris ne s'est pas fait en un jour, et la France ne s'est pas faite toute seule ! Les plaques de nos rues et les socles de nos statues portent les noms des responsables : ?a va de la rue Vercing?torix ? la rue Charles de Gaulle.Et pourtant le nom le plus important est absent de nos places, de nos avenues, de nos boulevards et m?me de nos impasses : celui de B?rurier. Or, ce sont les B?rurier qui ont vraiment fait la France. Avec leurs mains, leur sang et leur sueur.Avec leur esprit aussi.
D?eks LondonsKOPOTI raksti desmit s?jumosSAST?D?JUSI TAMARA Z?L?TE NO ANG?U VALODAS TULKOJU?AS ROTA EZERI?A UN HELMA LAPI?A M?KSLINIEKS ?DOLFS LIELAIS Tulkojums latvie?u valod?, -«Liesma», 1974
For a few years, this book was everywhere-if by everywhere one means used bookstore shelves and remainder tables-a very visible reminder of what happens when the publishing industry misjudges a print run. I bought three or four copies of the book, not because I didn't remember buying it but because every six months the price would be even lower. The copy I read was a two dollar paperback, but I'm sure there's the dollar hardcover still on my shelves, probably right next to where the three dollar and four dollar hardcovers used to sit. Stupidly, I assumed that this ...
El libro del desasosiego, que presentamos traducido ?ntegramente por vez primera en lengua castellana, naci? en 1913 y Pessoa trabaj? en ?l durante toda su vida. Esta es una obra inacabada e inacabable: un universo entero en expansi?n cuya pluralidad -literaria y vital-es infinita.
“Una de las novelas m?s importantes de nuestro tiempo” – The Times Literary Supplement“El libro que usted estaba esperando desde que ley? ‘En busca del tiempo perdido’ o ‘La monta?a m?gica’ – The New Republic
Romantische Sage aus der w?rttembergischen Geschichte.Dieser erste bedeutende historische Roman der deutschen Literatur erschien 1826, in der Biedermeierzeit, und handelt vor allem von der Herrschaft des Herzogs Ulrich von W?rttemberg, die Hauff nicht ohne romantische Verkl?rung beschreibt. Der historische Roman ist schon als Gattung, von Walter Scott herkommend, konservativ ausgerichtet; darin trifft er sich mit der Restaurationszeit.
The sequel Life after a Balla begins with Skye doing whatever it takes to obtain the riches she whole heartedly thinks she deserves. Between lavish gifts and million-dollar promises she tries hard to forget her past turmoil with Sandingo, her abusive no-good husband. Skye becomes helpless with Sandingo's tricky business proposition, and soon life takes a turn for the worse as she has to sleep next to the enemy. Will this shattered woman be able to rebuild her life now that the tables are turned? They say payback is a bitch…or is it?
A book judged so dangerous in the Soviet Union that not only the manuscript but the ribbons on which it had been typed were confiscated by the state, Life and Fate is an epic tale of World War II and a profound reckoning with the dark forces that dominated the twentieth century. Interweaving a transfixing account of the battle of Stalingrad with the story of a single middle-class family, the Shaposhnikovs, scattered by fortune from Germany to Siberia, Vasily Grossman fashions an immense, intricately detailed tapestry depicting a time of almost unimaginable horror and even stranger hope. Life and Fate juxtaposes bedrooms and snipers' nests, scientific laboratories and the Gulag, taking us deep into the hearts and minds of characters ranging from a boy on his way to the gas chambers to Hitler and Stalin themselves. This novel of unsparing realism and visionary moral intensity is one of the supreme achievements of modern Russian literature.
Shepard disgorges ideas like a drunk or a junkie, streams of images described in visceral prose that essentially numb you to their force. An anaesthetic effect is present in stories like "Life of Buddha" (1988), in which a heroin addict provokes the transmutation of a male transsexual into a perfect woman. Shepard's characters crave freedom and transformation; the narratives over-reach and become baroque in their pursuit of it, and so lose some of their power. They express the central paradox of Shepard's work: his acceptance and celebration of claustrophobia and the "feeling of stricture" (as in "Griaule"), and his desperate raging against it.
One of the two books that J. M. Coetzee won the Booker Prize for (he was also awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature), The Life and Times of Michael K. is the story of a simple man attempting to survive (from without) in a society that has seen its humanity perverted by war into horror. He is trying only to live in quiet absence and is senselessly thwarted at every turn. Like all of the rest of Coetzee's work, Life and Times is something more than shattering, more than moving.In a south Africa turned by war, Michael K. sets out to take his ailing mother back to her rural home. On the way there she dies, leaving him alone in an anarchic world of brutal roving armies. Imprisoned, Michael is unable to bear confinement and escapes, determined to live with dignity. This life affirming novel goes to the center of human experience-the need for an interior, spiritual life; for some connections to the world in which we live; and for purity of vision.
A haunting, enigmatic, Kafkaesque modern fairytale, steeped in visual imagery and consolingly lyrical prose. The Times February is persecuting the townspeople. It has been winter for more than three hundred days. All forms of flight are banned and the children have started to disappear, taken from their beds in the middle of the night. The priests hang ominous sheets of parchment on the trees, signed "February". And somewhere on the outskirts of the town lives February himself, with the girl who smells of honey and smoke… In short bursts of intensely poetic language, this beautifully strange and otherworldly first novel tells the story of the people in the town and their efforts to combat the mysterious spectre of February. Steeped in visual imagery, this is a hauntingly enigmatic modern fairy tale in which nothing is as it seems.
MIHAILS BULGAKOVSLikten?g?s olas?rsts, ?urn?lists, dramaturgs, prozai?is, 20. gadsimta krievu literat?ras ikona Mihails Bulgakovs (1891-1940) vis? pasaul? paz?stams k? rom?nu "Meistars un Margarita","Balt? gvarde", st?stu "Su?a sirds" un vair?ku lugu autors. "Likten?g?s olas" (1924) ir groteska filozofiska antiutopija par sava laika dz?vi Padomju Savien?b?. Spilgtos fantastikas elementus rosin?jusi ne tikai "fantastisk?" p?crevol?cijas realit?te, bet ari krievu v?l?nais ekspresionisms.МИХАИЛ БУЛГАКОВРоковые яйцаNo krievu valodas tulkojusi Maija KudapaM?ksliniece Arta Ozola-Jaunar?jaV?ka noform?...
was like a first child. Maybe that will always be the best-loved one. But this second child is the bright one. I think a lot of people will argue with some of the ideas in Lila. There may be controversy. But if people are still reading these two books a hundred years from now, I predict Lila will be the one they consider the more important.Robert M. Pirsig
Dans la Toulouse m?di?vale pleine de beaut? et de mis?re, d'h?r?sie et de pi?t?, le Grand Inquisiteur Jacques Novelli br?le d'une foi imp?tueuse que ni l'indulgence de son oncle moribond, le cardinal Arnaud Novelli, ni la bonhomie de son fr?re de lait, l'?v?que Gui de l'Isle, ni la tendresse de leur nourrice Grazide, ni la rude amiti? de fr?re Bernard Lallemand ne parviennent ? humaniser.Il faudra l'irruption sanglante de Jean le Hongre qui, ? la t?te des Pastoureaux, ravage la Juiverie de Toulouse, il faudra l'amour de St?phanie, la sagesse du juif Salomon d'Ondes et les pitreries de Vitalis le Trou?, pour qu'enfin l'intransigeance de Jacques Novelli se r?chauffe au bonheur et au malheur des hommes.
Teresa, znana dziennikarka, podczas wakacji na Cape Code znajduje na pla?y butelk?, a w niej wzruszaj?cy list mi?osny napisany do zmar?ej ?ony przez m??czyzn? o imieniu Garett. Przej?ta do g??bi wymow? listu, pragnie pozna? cz?owieka, kt?ry potrafi tak mocno i wiernie kocha?. Spotkanie tych dwojga zaowocuje wielk? mi?o?ci?.Autor o ksi??ce:"Uwa?am 'List w butelce' za histori? bardzo osobist?. ?r?d?em inspiracji by?y losy mojego ojca, kompletnie zdruzgotanego po ?mierci mojej matki. 'List w butelce' stanowi studium konfliktu uczuciowego, jaki prze?ywa? ...
Wi?kszo?? ksi??ek Bukowskiego zawiera w?tki autobiograficzne. Tak jest te? w powie?ci Listonosz, w kt?rej autor przedstawia do?? d?ugi epizod ze swojego ?ycia, kiedy jako dor?czyciel przemierza? codziennie ulice Los Angeles z torb? przewieszon? przez rami?. Cho? szczerze nienawidzi? tej pracy, trzyma? si? jej, jak ?adnej innej potem, przez wiele lat. Ta mieszanka niech?ci i fascynacji zaowocowa?a ksi??k? pe?n? pasji, przypominaj?c? reporta?. Z w?a?ciwym sobie dystansem i cierpkim humorem Bukowski – krytyczny obserwator rzeczywisto?ci – przygl?da si? funkcjonowaniu instytucji poczty i panuj?cym w niej stosunkom, z wra?liwo?ci? reaguj?c na ludzk? krzywd?.
The publishers of Chris Cleave's new novel "don't want to spoil" the story by revealing too much about it, and there's good reason not to tell too much about the plot's pivot point. All you should know going in to Little Bee is that what happens on the beach is brutal, and that it braids the fates of a 16-year-old Nigerian orphan (who calls herself Little Bee) and a well-off British couple-journalists trying to repair their strained marriage with a free holiday-who should have stayed behind their resort's walls. The tide of that event carries Little Bee back to ...
Who said being eaten by the big bad wolf was a bad thing?Maizie Hood struggles to keep her bakery turning a profit, her landlord from evicting her, and her dear Granny in a nursing facility. Wrestling with the decision to sell Gran-s cottage is hard enough. The last thing she needs is her childhood big-bad-wolf nightmares turning into real-life adult fantasies. Sexy businessman Gray Lupo-s sudden interest just makes matters worse. Is he the answer to her problems, or just a wolf in gentleman-s Armani?Since his wife was killed twenty-one years ago, Gray-s life has ...