On le sait, chaque automne depuis cent ans, le Goncourt est attribu? au livre le plus insignifiant de la rentr?e. Si l'utilit? de ce prix repoussoir n'est plus ? prouver - il montre ? nos jeunes ?crivains les voies litt?raires sans avenir -, il ne faut pas oublier trop vite les goncourables, ces malheureux qui passent deux mois dans une grande d?tresse morale ? attendre le verdict. Ils sont chair et tripes, ces gens-l?, et ils ont mal ? l'amour-propre. Peu de supplices sont comparables a ceux d'un pauvre bougre en sursis du Goncourt !
«Uno no lo desea, pero prefiere siempre que muera el que est? a su lado, en una misi?n o una batalla, en una escuadrilla a?rea o bajo un bombardeo o en la trinchera cuando las hab?a, en un asalto callejero o en un atraco a una tienda o en un secuestro de turistas, en un terremoto, una explosi?n, un atentado, un incendio, da lo mismo: el compa?ero, el hermano, el padre o incluso el hijo, aunque sea ni?o. Y tambi?n la amada, tambi?n la amada, antes que uno mismo.»As? ...
Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher. Someone older who understood you when you were young and searching, who helped you see the world as a more profound place, and gave you advice to help you make your way through it. For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago.Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of your mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded, and the world seemed colder. Wouldn’t you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you?Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man’s life. Knowing he was dying, Morrie visited with Mitch in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. is a magical chronicle of their time together, through which Mitch shares Morrie’s lasting gift to the world.
Everyone wants to escape their boring, stagnant lives full of inertia and regret. But so few people actually have the bravery to run, run away from everything and selflessly seek out personal fulfillment on the other side of the world where they don't understand anything and won't be expected to. The world is full of cowards. Tim Anderson was pushing thirty and working a string of dead-end jobs when he made the spontaneous decision to pack his bags and move to Japan,?where my status as a U.S. passport holder and card-carrying?American English? speaker was an asset ...
Un coraz?n dibujado con rouge, cruzado por un "te quiero" y firmado "Tuya" le revela a In?s que su marido la enga?a.Lo que sigue a continuaci?n no s?lo es un policial vertiginoso y atrapante, sino un retrato implacable de la vida familiar de la clase media.Claudia Pi?eiro capta con genialidad los tonos de las voces de la sociedad argentina.Y entre ellas la de un ama de casa dispuesta a todo con tal de conservar su matrimonio y las buenas apariencias."Claudia Pi?eiro arranc? con una perla rara, Tuya, un policial negro duro, pero de mujer, que usa con acelerador los elementos del g?nero: la violencia, el enga?o, los cruces complicados." Elvio E. Gandolfo"Tuya es un policial magn?ficamente armado, con vueltas de tuerca sorpresivas que van apareciendo en la trama, y con un cierre perfecto."
Zmyeevich had remained standing and now began to speak in very precise, but very formal and strangely accented French. His voice had a darkness to it that seemed to emit not from his throat but from deep in his torso. Somewhere inside him it was as if giant millstones were turning against one another, or as though the lid were being slowly dragged aside to open a stone sarcophagus…On 12th June 1812, Napoleon's massive grande armee forded the River Niemen and so crossed the Rubicon – its invasion of Russia had begun. In the face of superior numbers and tactics, ...
Christmas has always been a sad time for young widow Holly Brown, so when she's asked to look after a remote house on the Lancashire moors, the opportunity to hide herself away is irresistible — the perfect excuse to forget about the festivities. Sculptor, Jude Martland, is determined that this year there will be no Christmas after his brother runs off with his fiancee and he is keen to avoid the family home. However, he will have to return by the twelfth night of the festivities, when the hamlet of Little Mumming hold their historic festivities and all of his ...
These twelve stories feature people under pressure: how do they react when there is an opportunity to seize, a crucial problem to solve, a danger to avoid? Each tale has its twist, each its diversion — a red herring to uncover, while the last one provides a choice of endings.
From the author of the international bestseller A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian comes a tender and hilarious novel about a crew of migrant workers from three continents who are forced to flee their English strawberry field for a journey across all of England in pursuit of their various dreams of a better future.Somewhere in the heart of the green and pleasant land called England is a valley filled with strawberries. A group of migrant workers, who hail from Eastern Europe, China, and Africa have come here to harvest them for delivery to British supermarkets, and ...
Powie?? "Tysi?c spokojnych miast" zosta?a wydana w 1997 roku w Londynie. Pilch poprzez t? ksi??k? stara si? powr?ci? do wspomnie? z dzieci?stwa, kt?re up?yn??o mu na ziemi cieszy?skiej. Na kartach "Tysi?ca spokojnych miast" kre?li obrazy domu rodzicielskiego, ojca, matki, przyjaci??.Jest to ksi??ka o dorastaniu ch?opca- protestanta, jego stosunkach z tamtejsz? wsp?lnot? ewangelick?, etc. Ale motywem naczelnym jest planowanie zab?jstwa W?adys?awa Gomu?ki przez ojca bohatera i pana J?zefa Tr?b?.Pilch jest uwa?any przez krytyk?w za " Mistrza ...
Мы все, конечно, умрем, но, пока мы живы, нужно каждый день принимать решения.Некоторые решают судьбы народов, играя людьми, как в детстве в крестики-нолики, другие изводят себя вопросом «кто я?» и, не находя ответа, убивают старушек, третьи не могут выбрать между мясом и рыбой на обед и от этого страдают, как на плахе.Выбор пути – задача нетранспортная, можно подавиться безобидной рыбной косточкой, и тогда проблема выбора блюда станет вопросом жизни и смерти.Ежедневный выбор – вот предмет книги «Ultraмарин».Она не рекомендуется людям, за которых выбор делают другие – президенты, жены, командиры и средства массовой информации.Она для тех, кто сделал свой выбор сам – правильный или…
Валерий Зеленогорский о своём новом сборнике: «Здесь только новые рассказы, написанные в последнее время, – о людях с аномальными закидонами. Я не специально выбирал персонажей с некоторыми отклонениями от нормы. Время ненормальное, а люди в нем живут и, чтобы не сойти с ума, привыкают к новым ролям…»
E se o espa?o mudasse de posi??o e o tempo se curvasse e pud?ssemos nos conhecer como seremos daqui a vinte anos? E se pud?ssemos conversar, face a face, com as pessoas que fomos no passado, com as pessoas que somos em vidas paralelas, em mundos alternativos? O que lhes dir?amos, o que lhes perguntar?amos? Em que sentido mudar?amos se soub?ssemos aquilo que nos espera al?m do espa?o e do tempo?UM ? o romance mais surpreendente de Richard Bach. T?o cheio de aventura quanto t?o divertido ...
O romance de Ken Kesey ? inspirado em suas pr?prias experi?ncias quando participou de pesquisas com drogas psicoativas no centro psiqui?trico do Menlo Park Veterans Hospital (Calif?rnia). 'Um estranho no ninho' ? protagonizado por R. P. McMurphy, um preso que escapa da condena??o fingindo-se de louco. McMurphy ? ent?o internado em um hosp?cio, sob a tutela da s?dica Chefona, a enfermeira Ratched, que comanda os internos com suas rigorosas sess?es de terapia e eletrochoque. Aos poucos McMurphy percebe que o hosp?cio pode ser muito pior que a pris?o, nesse novo universo cercado de pacientes inseguros, ansiosos e constantemente dopados. Pessoas que buscaram ref?gio da sociedade no hosp?cio.
Un amor es una novela de gran intensidad literaria, que absorbe al lector desde la primera p?gina. Narra la historia de un enamoramiento, de una experiencia personal inusitada y turbadora. Si bien por su tema, por su enfoque y por su escenario difiere del resto de las novelas de Buzzati, tiene en com?n con ellas su calidad, un trasfondo de preocupaci?n ?tica y una poes?a en la que reconocemos inequ?vocamente a su autor. Cuando se public? por primera vez en 1963, Un amor se convirti? r?pidamente en uno de los primeros «best sellers» de la historia de Italia. Esa aceptaci?n por parte del p?blico no ha cesado tantos a?os despu?s, y hoy sigue siendo considerada como una de las obras maestras de Buzzati. Esta edici?n ha recibido el Premio de Traducci?n del Ministerio Italiano de Asuntos Exteriores en el a?o 2005.
Victoire se r?veille un matin en d?couvrant le corps de son compagnon, F?lix, gisant sur le parquet de la chambre. Sans parvenir ? reconstituer le cours des derni?res heures, mais persuad?e de n'y ?tre pas compl?tement ?trang?re, elle d?cide de prendre la fuite. O? qu'elle se trouve alors, tous ponts coup?s, un certain Louis-Philippe sait pourtant curieusement toujours la retrouver et la tient inform?e des suites de 'l' affaire'. Mais Louis-Philippe ne dit pas tout. Que cache-t-il? Qui est qui? Qui ment, affabule, d?ment, qui est le d?ment de l'autre? Et que s'est-il r?ellement pass??