A SCIENTIST’S CASE FOR THE AFTERLIFE Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. A highly trained neurosurgeon, Alexander knew that NDEs feel real, but are simply fantasies produced by brains under extreme stress. Then, Dr. Alexander’s own brain was attacked by a rare illness. The part of the brain that controls thought and emotion—and in essence makes us human—shut down completely. For seven days he lay in a coma. Then, as his doctors considered stopping treatment, Alexander’...
Este cuarto volumen de las Ense?anzas de don Juan se abre con un encuentro entre Castaneda y su maestro, en el que el disc?pulo pregunta a don Juan: «?Por qu? me dio plantas visionarias en el inicio de mi entrenamiento en el camino del conocimiento?» La respuesta a esta demanda es: «Por tu falta de sensibilidad; necesitaba una herramienta para abrir esa cabeza tan dura». Dicho y hecho: en este punto nuestro autor reemprende sus ense?anzas sin la ayuda expl?cita de las plantas, prosiguiendo su aprendizaje en el camino de la sabidur?a del enigm?...
Это известная серия из 20 рисунков на деревянных дощечках, впервые была опубликована во втором томе De Alchimia opuscula complura veterum philosophorum… Франкфурт, 1550.
Эта книга – не просто сборник историй о необыкновенных, необъяснимых, мистических явлениях – о загадочных существах, привидениях, полтергейсте, НЛО, телепатии, телепортации и т.п. (знатоки и ценители этой тематики найдут здесь для себя немало интересного!), причем историй достаточно достоверных, поведанных заслуживающими доверия источниками, большинство из которых названы поименно. Эта книга – опыт писательского расследования. Автор дает объяснения приведенным историям – убедительно, доходчиво, увлекательно и доступно даже для не слишком подготовленного читателя, хотя использует в своих объяснениях сложнейший аппарат: современную психологию, квантовую физику и даже космическую геологию. Правда, чаще всего самые загадочные случаи имеют самые простые объяснения…
Выступление на открытии книжной выставки памяти Папы Иоанна Павла II в Научно-исследовательском центре религиозной литературы ВГБИЛ им. М.И. Рудомино в апреле 2005 г.; текст дополнен и переработан в марте 2007 г. для нового изд. «Римских заметок».
In this newest installment of the Battlefields & Blessings series, is a 365 day collection of inspiring stories of courage perseverance and faith based on first-hand accounts of more than seventy individuals who have served in the war. Through multiple, never-before-told stories, readers will uncover the personal challenges of the battlefield. In you will discover the experiences and perspectives of deployed soldiers, chaplains, military wives and parents, organizers of humanitarian efforts, and veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.It has won the prestigious 2010 Gold Medal Award from the MWSA (Military’s Writers Society of America) and the 2010 Silver Medal Award ...
Nouvelles inspir?esPour une vie de plus j'?cris avec la plume - l'expression continue ? sonner dans l'?ther. Le Cr?ateur a donn? une Lame de Feu pour lutter dans les ?mes et dans le fil, Pour chanter un message ? l'humanit? et aider l'homme ? se convertir en homme d'esprit. Laissez le courage, l'honneur, la joie et la v?rit? ?veiller les ?mes, qui sont la v?rit?, Avec l'Espoir en la Lumi?re divine ils purifieront le monde de rouille. Le m?lange des temps est sur le seuil et les purs esprits, qui sont audacieux, auront une chance pour le festin de sagesse et apprendront que la mort n'existe pas. Le conseil a ?t? donn?, les allusions ont ?t? faites, le feu int?rieur ne s'?teint jamais - Par l'aide on voit ce qui est incorrect et important, car nous venons une nouvelle fois…
Joel Goldsmith, jeden z wielkich mistyk?w XX w. po?wi?ci? swe ?ycie nauczaniu innych „Drogi do Niesko?czono?ci” – wypracowanych przez siebie zasad rozwoju duchowego. Sztuka Medytacji jest fascynuj?cym wprowadzeniem do regularnego programu codziennych medytacji, kt?re stwarzaj? jedni? z Bogiem powoduj?c zrozumienie Twego miejsca w ?wiecie. Goldsmith nie zajmuje si? teoriami, ani teologi?, lecz potrzeb? modlitwy. Poczynaj?c od powszechnego przekonania ludzko?ci, ?e nie jeste?my sami – i ?e jest wy?sza si?a – ten praktyczny przewodnik pomo?e czytelnikom sta? si? autentycznie wolnymi od pu?apek dnia codziennego, kt?re stwarza ?wiat.
Что мы знаем и чего не знаем? -- Наши данные и наши искомые. -Неизвестные, принимаемые за известные. -- Материя и движение. -- К чему приходит позитивная философия? -- Тождество неизвестных: х = у, у = х. -Что мы действительно знаем? -- Существование сознания в нас и мира вне нас. -- Дуализм или монизм? -- Субъективное и объективное познание. -- Где лежат причины ощущений? -- Система Канта. -- Время и пространство. -- Кант и "эфир". -- Замечание Маха. -- С чем в действительности оперирует физик? ...
ArrayHaving become free, you will see fetters of others. Trying to remove these fetters, you will create hatred. Fetters can be broken only by those realized them.Truly free is reasonable, yet not clever.Truly free is innocent, yet not a child.Truly free is capable to trust, but himself.Truly free has no dreams.Truly free is free to aid sleeping ones awake.Such is the truly free one.
is a translation of the Fifth Epochal Revelation (also known as “The Urantia Book”) from American to British English as defined by the Oxford Dictionary of English. It has the following main features:1. The Standard Reference Text (SRT) has been used as a base of this work.2. All significant changes to the text (present also in SRT) are documented in the critical apparatus, together with a brief explanation of the reason for the change.3. Study notes have been added.4. The symbol ¶ marks the first paragraph in the group as in the 1955 first printing, where such ...
The oldest Biblical manuscripts in existence, the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves near Jerusalem in 1947, only to be kept a tightly held secret for nearly fifty more years, until the Huntington Library unleashed a storm of controversy in 1991 by releasing copies of the Scrolls. In this gripping investigation authors Baigent and Leigh set out to discover how a small coterie of orthodox biblical scholars gained control over the Scrolls, allowing access to no outsiders and issuing a strict “consensus” interpretation. The authors’ questions begin in Israel, then lead them to the corridors of the Vatican and into ...
As the twentieth century draws to a close, we find that the world has grown smaller and the world's people have become almost one community. Political and military alliances have created large multinational groups, industry and international trade have produced a global economy, and worldwide communications are eliminating ancient barriers of distance, language and race. We are also being drawn together by the grave problems we face: overpopulation, dwindling natural resources, and an environmental crisis that threatens our air, water, and trees, along with the vast number of beautiful life forms that are the very foundation of existence on this small planet we share.
Traditionally loved and accepted by all Christians, the King James Version was the first version of Scripture authorized by the Protestant church. Commissioned by England’s King James I, three panels of scholars drew upon the work of early translators and versions of Hebrew and Greek manuscripts available at that time. Purpose in translation was "to deliver God's book unto God's people in a tongue which they can understand." Timeless treasure.In 1603 James I, already king of Scotland, ascended to the throne of England. He was presented with a petition containing grievances of the Puritan party. A conference ... На английском языке
They say: This little book contains the core teachings on Buddhism by His Holiness The Dalai Lama, one of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time.These thought-provoking quotations about the importance of love and compassion, and the need for individual responsibility, fuse ancient wisdom with the awareness of the problems of everyday life.
In The Mastery of Love, don Miguel Ruiz illuminates the fear-based beliefs and assumptions that undermine love and lead to suffering and drama in our relationships. Using insightful stories to bring his message to life, Ruiz shows us how to heal our emotional wounds, recover the freedom and joy that are our birthright, and restore the spirit of playfulness that is vital to loving relationships.
В этой книге есть сила, способная перенести вас в тихое место за пределами мыслей — туда, где исчезают порожденные разумом проблемы и где человек наконец понимает, что значит самому творить собственную жизнь.В книге приведено множество специальных практик, даны ясные ключи, которые позволят открыть для себя «изящество, легкость и свободу», появляющиеся в нашей жизни, когда мы просто останавливаем мысли и воспринимаем окружающий мир с позиции Сейчас.
Who is Lucifer? For many of us Lucifer and Satan are alternative names for the embodiment of pure evil. The orthodox Christian view tells us that Prince Lucifer challenged God, fell from Heaven, tempted Eve, and created death and suffering. Then he became Satan, horned king of Hell, whose hatred for God's creation motivated his mission to drag the rest of us down with him. In this highly readable and well-researched account, Lynn Picknett explains that the horned Devil is merely a new incarnation of the old woodland deity Pan, while Lucifer was once a personification of the Morning ...
Carlos Castaneda was a graduate student in anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles, gathering information on various medicinal herbs used by the Indians in Sonora, Mexico, when he met the old Yaqui Indian, Don Juan. The Teachings of Don Juan, his first book, is the story of the first period the two men spent together as master and pupil. This was followed by the other volumes in the series, A Separate Reality, Journey to Ixtlan, Tales of Power, The Second Ring of Power and The Eagle's Gift, all of which are published in Arkana. He also wrote the Art of Dreaming (1993).Carlos Castaneda died in 1998. In its obituary for him the Guardian wrote 'It is hard to find a New Age celebrity who won't admit to having been influenced by Castaneda's powerful prose and paradigm-busting philosophy… Few critics would deny author Joyce Carol Oates's assessment of his books as «remarkable works of art»'
La finalidad principal de este libro no es darle a su mente m?s informaci?n ni creencias, ni tratar de convencerlo de algo, sino generar en usted un cambio de conciencia, es decir, un despertar. En ese sentido, este libro no es `interesante`, puesto que esa palabra implica la posibilidad de mantener una distancia, jugar con las ideas y los conceptos en la mente y manifestarse de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con ellos. Este libro es sobre usted. Si no contribuye a modificar el estado de su conciencia, no tendr? significado alguno. Solamente servir? para despertar a quienes ...