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Книги 551—575 из 578.

  • The Sinkiang Executive
  • Hall Adam
  • Whirling silently through space, satellite cameras pick up a suspicious new Soviet missile complex which at all costs must be properly identified. The mission is carefully planned and carefully rehearsed. The latest and the fastest MiG, which a defecting Soviet pilot has conveniently landed in the West, is to fly at a treetop level until well into Soviet airspace and on course for the target. And the return journey? Well, that's up to Quiller.Quiller fans will also enjoy THE KOBRA MANIFESTO, THE NINTH DIRECTIVE and THE QUILLER MEMORANDRUM.…

  • The Striker Portfolio
  • Hall Adam
  • "The fly fell down." Quiller sent the message off to London as requested. He had just seen a supersonic jet plunge 60,000 feet to its destruction. It was the 36th crash, and more were to come-unless Quiller finds out who is to blame.That meant entering the deadly shadow world between East and West, where the name of the game was betrayal and the stakes were sky-high."If you are a Quiller fan this is for you. If you have never met him, it's time you did." (Charleston Evening Post)

  • The Vesuvius Club
  • Gatiss Mark
  • Meet Lucifer Box: Equal parts James Bond and Sherlock Holmes, with a twist of Monty Python and a dash of Austin Powers, Lucifer has a charming countenance and rapier wit that make him the guest all hostesses must have. And most do.But few of his conquests know that Lucifer is also His Majesty's most daring secret agent, at home in both London's Imperial grandeur and in its underworld of despicable vice. So when Britain's most prominent scientists begin turning up dead, there is only one man his country can turn to for help.Following a dinnertime ...

  • The Warsaw Document
  • Hall Adam
  • "The deadline was close and I knew now what London had sent me out here to do: define, infiltrate and destroy. And I couldn't do it just by standing in the way of the program Moscow was running. I'd have to get inside and blow it up from there."Across the black snowscape of Poland's capital, a city where winter is more than a season, falls the shadow of a British Intelligence operation designed to save detente from explosion-an operation that pivots on an agent callously thrown into the front line of the Cold War and caught in the crossfire."Entertainment of the first rank." (The Guardian, London)

  • Trempe ton pain dans la soupe
  • Dard Frederic
  • Si je m’attendais ? cette nouvelle !Moi, l’?ternel polisson, le cavaleur effr?n?, le trousseur de jupons, le d?trousseur de culottes, l’homme qui justifie la position verticale et en invente d’autres.Moi, Sana, devenu…Non, je ne peux pas t’annoncer ?a de but en blanc, ce serait g?cher la marchandise.Par ailleurs, sache qu’autour de l’?v?nement, se d?roulent des aventures ? en paumer son dentier dans la chaglatte d’une friponne !Pour c?l?brer la chose, chantons tous en ch?ur ?a le m?rite !

  • Tuez Iouchenko!
  • de Villiers Gerard
  • Son pistolet ?quip? du silencieux au bout du bras, Stephan Oswacim, dissimul? derri?re sa porte, faillit se faire surprendre, n’apercevant que de dos Malko Linge qui regagnait sa chambre. Il attendit quelques secondes et, poussant avec pr?caution un des battants de la porte, d?boucha dans le couloir. Il aper?ut alors l’occupant de la chambre 408, qui allait tourner ou coin du couloir. Stephan Oswacim se lan?a ? sa poursuite ? pas de loup, puis arriv? assez pr?s s’arr?ta, allongea le bras et bloqua sa respiration. Deux balles dans le dos de l’agent de la CIA, puis deux dans la t?te et il pourrait enfin filer, l’?me en paix.

  • Viesu?v?tras ar maigiem V?rdiem
  • Bogomils RainovsViesu?v?tras ar maigiem V?rdiemROM?NS?im paz?stam? bulg?ru rakstnieka Bogomila Rainova (dz. 1919) rom?nam rakstur?gs ?oti spraigs si?ets. Rom?ns sarakst?ts, balstoties uz lab?kajam piedz?vojumu ?anra trad?cij?m, un st?sta par gr?to, b?stamo un glu?i neticamu notikumu pilno bulg?ru izl?ka dz?vi «neredzam?s frontes» apst?k?os. «Liesma» 1986No bulg?ru valodas tulkojusi Eleonora TjarveM?kslinieks M?ris LielmanisTulkojums latvie?u valod?, izdevniec?ba «Liesma», 1986

  • Z?ro pour la question
  • Dard Frederic
  • Moi, vous me connaissez ! Je ne m'embarrasse pas de pr?jug?s. Je connais des esprits chagrins qui me diront :« Dans un sous-marin, ?a se pas comme ?a ».Je r?pondrai ? ces pisse-froid que, dans mon sous-main ? moi, ?a se passe comme ?a. La preuve, j'y ?tais ! Je connais aussi des esprits non moins chagrins qui me diront :« Au p?le Sud, ?a se pas comme ?a ».Je r?pondrai ? ces autres pisse-froid que, dans mon p?le Sud ? moi, ?a se comme ?a. La preuve, c'est que nous y ?tions, B?ru et moi ! Allez lui demander, vous verrez ce qu'il vous r?pondra. Mais, de toute fa?on, pour les incr?dules et le ci-dessus mentionn?s : Z?ro pour la question !