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Книги 501—525 из 578.

  • Sprzedawca broni
  • Laurie Hugh
  • Podczas wycieczki do Amsterdamu Thomas Lang dostaje propozycj? zab?jstwa Amerykanina, kt?rej nie przyjmuje. Po wielu przemy?leniach postanawia uprzedzi? swoj? niedosz?? ofiar? Woolfa. Ci?g nieprzypadkowych zdarze? uzale?nia go od Woolfa i jego c?rki Sary. Ich celem jest unikni?cie ameryka?skiego planu ataku terrorystycznego, kt?ry mia?by zmusi? rz?d do kupienia nowoczesnych helikopter?w (projekt Absolwent). Thomas przez ca?y czas wmawia sobie, ?e nic nie czuje do dziewczyny, lecz gotowy jest zrobi? dla niej wszystko. W pewnym momencie m??czy?ni trafiaj? w pu?apk?, Woolf zostaje zabity. Ranny Lang pr?buje odnale?? Sar?, pomoc w poszukiwaniach oferuje Ronnie — jej kole?anka z pracy. Thomas udaje si? do ambasadora USA w Wielkiej Brytanii i u?wiadamia sobie jak zawi?a i tajemnicza jest to sprawa. W ostateczno?ci zostaje zmuszony to przygotowania tego ataku, inaczej Sara zginie.

  • Tes beau, tu sais !
  • Dard Frederic
  • « — Monsieur, j'lui dis comme ?a, il va falloir que je vous tue toutes affaires cessantes, mes sup?rieurs m'en ont donn? l'ordre !— Essayez toujours, me r?pond le tueur ? gages en levant son verre ? ma sant?. Et il fait bien, vu qu'elle va ?tre mise ? rude ?preuve, ma petite sant?. Ah ! les souris, je vous jure… Plus je les pratique, plus je me rends compte que c'est du sable. Du sable ?mouvant, j'admets, mais terriblement mouvant ! Pour escalader les jolies dunes, vaut mieux ramper ! Dans cette position, on prend moins de risques, et puis quoi : c'est tellement plus agr?able.Si je ne suis pas de retour ? la fin de ce livre, ne vous caillez pas la laitance. Entrez et faites-vous des frites en m'attendant : la cl? est sous le paillasson ! »

  • The American
  • Britton Andrew
  • At thirty-three, Ryan Kealey has achieved more in his military and CIA career than most men can dream of in a lifetime. He’s also seen the worst life has to offer and is lucky to have survived it. But being left alone with his demons is no longer an option. The CIA needs him badly, because the enemy they’re facing is former U.S. soldier Jason March. Ryan knows all about March – he trained him. He knows they’re dealing with one of the most ruthless assassins in the world, a master of many languages, an explosives ...

  • The Assassin
  • Britton Andrew
  • More than a year has passed since Ryan Kealey prevented the assassination of multiple world leaders in the nation’s capital. While his work is brilliant, he’s considered damaged goods. Now he’s about to become a key player in a plot of unimaginable scale. For something big is about to go down in New York City.When a top Iranian source reveals that Iran is planning to bomb the United Nations, U.S.Intelligence begins counter-measures. Only Kealey sees it as a smokescreen for another, far more involved plot. But getting anyone to believe him ...

  • The Bourne Objective
  • van Lustbader Eric
  • After Bourne is ambushed and nearly killed while in Indonesia, he fakes his death to take on a new identity and mission- to find out who is trying to assassinate him. In the process, Bourne begins to question who he really is and what he would become if he no longer carried the Bourne identity. Across the globe, an American passenger airliner is shot down over Egypt-apparently by an Iranian missile-leaving the world wondering if it was an accident or an act of aggression. A massive global team lead by Soraya Moore is assembled to investigate the attack before the situation escalates.When Bourne's search for his would-be assassin intersects with Soraya's search for the group behind the airplane bombing, Bourne is thrust into a race to prevent a new world war. But it may already be too late.

  • The Finish Line
  • Ryder Cliff
  • The espionage game has a brand-new rule book. Agents joining the international clandestine group known as Room 59 are the new spymasters. Working beyond the reach of government bureaucracy, Room 59 recruits only the best of the best. The risks, the rewards?and the rush?are worth everything, including the ultimate sacrifice.After a routine surveillance mission on a quiet London street goes awry, operative David Southerland-s reaction leaves him branded a cowboy. While his quick thinking gained valuable intelligence, breaching procedure is a violation that can end a career?or a life. His future in question, Southerland embarks on a desperate pursuit through the capitals of Europe. His mission is to hunt down the beautiful thief in possession of highly classifi ed security information. But the Room 59 agent is not the only hunter. Other very dangerous players are also seeking the prize, and he could become the prey….

  • The Ghost War
  • Berenson Alex
  • The CIA knows the best way to insure that North Korea's nuclear weapons aspirations is slowed down considerably is to abduct leading scientist Dr. Sung Kwan from the rogue state. The snatch plan is perfect and the team succeeds in a grabbing Kwan; however, the CIA unit and the Korean scientist are killed during the escape. Someone from within the intelligence community sold out the mission. Agent Jennifer Exley is assigned to find out whom.