The stunning novella that concludes John Updike's acclaimed Rabbit series is now available on audio.Set 10 years after Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom's death, Rabbit Remembered returns listeners to the small Pennsylvania town where Harry's widow, Janice, and his son, Nelson, still reside. They are faced with a surprise when Annabelle, Harry's 39-year-old illegitimate daughter, arrives on the scene, bringing with her ghosts from the past.
Harry Angstrom was a star basketball player in high school and that was the best time of his life. Now in his mid-20s, his work is unfulfilling, his marriage is moribund, and he tries to find happiness with another woman. But happiness is more elusive than a medal, and Harry must continue to run–from his wife, his life, and from himself, until he reaches the end of the road and has to turn back....I read Rabbit, Run when I was in high school (and it wasn't even a school assignment!). Twenty years later (at ...
Los inolvidables personajes de esta novela, como la entra?able y desgarrada pareja formada por el adolescente David y su perro Chispa, el enamorado inspector Galv?n, o Rosa Bartra, la hermosa pelirroja embarazada, obedecen a una tristeza y una estafa hist?rica muy concretas, pero tambi?n a la estafa eterna de los sue?os, encarnada aqu? por las fantasmales apariciones de un padre libertario fugitivo y de un arrogante piloto de la RAF que, desde la vieja fotograf?a de una revista colgada en la pared, act?a como confidente del fantasioso David.Con estos personajes, ...
Najwi?kszym atutem "Rachat?ukum" jest niew?tpliwie g??wny bohater, kt?ry do ko?ca pozostaje bezimienny, w?a?ciwie anonimowy. Przez ca?? ksi??k? opowiada nam o mi?o?ci swojego ?ycia – rudow?osej Oldze. W?a?ciwie powie?? nie ma w?tk?w pobocznych, jedynie drobne epizody. Je?li jednak kto? my?li, ?e to kolejna md?a, romantyczna paplanina, jest w sporym b??dzie. Wolkers operuje j?zykiem jakby nieprzystaj?cym do tej tematyki. Obrzydliwym i obscenicznym, w?a?ciwie momentami wulgarnym, gdy? po prostu ta…
In an endeavor similar to his debut novel, The Kitchen Boy, Alexander couples extensive research and poetic license, this time turning his enthusiasm toward perhaps the most intriguing player in the collapse of the Russian dynasty: Rasputin. This eyebrow-raising account of the final week of the notorious mystic's life is set in Petrograd in December 1916 and narrated by Rasputin's fiery teenage daughter, Maria. The air in the newly renamed capital is thick with dangerous rumors, many concerning Maria's father, whose close relationship with the monarchy-he alone can stop the bleeding of the hemophiliac heir to the throne-invokes murderous rage ...
Considerada un cl?sico de la literatura moderna en lengua castellana, Rayuela (1963) es una de las obras m?s innovadoras de las ?ltimas d?cadas. La clave de su ruptura con el orden cl?sico del relato radica en la postulaci?n de una estructura inorg?nica: el libro puede leerse en forma normal del cap?tulo 1 al 56 y terminar ah?, despu?s est?n los cap?tulos?prescindibles?, del 57 al 155. Estos se leen alternadamente seg?n un orden que el autor va dando, mezclados con los primeros. De esa manera la novela comienza en el N? 73. Entre estos ...
Karen Lord's debut novel, which won the prestigious Frank Collymore Literary Prize in Barbados, is an intricately woven tale of adventure, magic, and the power of the human spirit.Paama's husband is a fool and a glutton. Bad enough that he followed her to her parents' home in the village of Makendha, now he's disgraced himself by murdering livestock and stealing corn. When Paama leaves him for good, she attracts the attention of the undying ones--the djombi--who present her with a gift: the Chaos Stick, which allows her to manipulate the subtle forces of the world. Unfortunately, a ...
Una noche de 1987, alguien abandona a una ni?a reci?n nacida en el aeropuerto de Heathrow. Un a?o antes, tres chicas, Martha, Clio y Jocasta, se hab?an conocido por casualidad en un viaje y hab?an prometido volver a encontrarse, aunque pasar? mucho tiempo antes de que cumplan la promesa. Para entonces, Kate, la ni?a abandonada, ya ser? una adolescente. Vive con una familia adoptiva que la quiere, aunque ahora Kate desea conocer a su madre biol?gica. Es decir, una de aquellas tres j?venes, ahora mujeres acomodadas. Pero ?qu? la llev? a una situaci?n tan desesperada?La trama que desgrana este libro se sit?a all? donde confluyen entre estas cuatro vidas. Y es que Kate ver? cumplido su deseo aunque, como ense?an algunas f?bulas, a veces sea mejor no desear ciertas cosas…
RECOPILACI?N DE REFLEXIONES Y LECTURAS INSPIRADORAS PARA QUE TE ACOMPA?EN A DIARIO, COSAS B?SICAS PERO QUE A VECES NECESITAMOS QUE ALGUIEN NOS LAS RECUERDE.Es un proceso de aprender a desprenderse y humanamente se puede lograr porque, le repito, nada ni nadie nos es indispensable.Solo es costumbre, apego, necesidad. Pero… cierre, clausure, limpie, tire, oxigene, despr?ndase, sacuda, suelte.Hay tantas palabras para significar salud mental y cualquiera que sea la que escoja, le ayudara definitivamente a seguir para adelante con tranquilidad. PAULO COELHO На испанском языке
Premio Eugenio Nadal 1983Regocijo en el hombre es una documentada visi?n del mundo anglosaj?n y vikingo que nos ofrece tres relatos narrados en primera persona, cuyo resumen configura la historia en todos sus detalles. Un obispo, un rey y un pr?ncipe. Tres protagonistas de un argumento com?n pero a la vez con una perspectiva propia. A lo largo del relato van surgiendo los conocimientos, las concepciones pol?ticas, morales y religiosas de la mano de un escritor pr?digo en recursos. El uso del lenguaje, los modos arcaicos de resonancias cl?sicas, mantiene su calidad a lo largo del libro, no desmayando su inter?s en ning?n momento. Al final, es la solidaridad la que triunfa, la que enriquece a cada uno de nosotros, pues el hombre se regocija en el hombre, como canta el poema vikingo.
"A stunningly strange book about the rarest of fictional subjects: happiness." – Jonathan Lethem"One of the great English novels of the past ten years." – Zadie Smith***Traumatized by an accident which ‘involved something falling from the sky’ and leaves him eight and a half million pounds richer but hopelessly estranged from the world around him, Remainder’s hero spends his time and money obsessively reconstructing and re-enacting vaguely remembered scenes and situations from his past: a large building with piano music in the distance, the familiar smells and sounds of liver frying and spluttering, lethargic cats lounging on roofs until they tumble off them… But when this fails to quench his thirst for authenticity, he starts re-enacting more and more violent events, as his repetition addiction spirals out of control.A darkly comic meditation on memory, identity and history, Remainder is a parable for modern times.
In the year of the 150th anniversary of Origin of Species, set in a town where Jane Austen was a frequent visitor, Tracy Chevalier once again shows her uncanny sense for the topical. In the early nineteenth century, a windswept beach along the English coast brims with fossils for those with the eye! From the moment she's struck by lightning as a baby, it is clear Mary Anning is marked for greatness. When she uncovers unknown dinosaur fossils in the cliffs near her home, she sets the scientific world alight, challenging ideas about the world's creation and stimulating debate ...
With the same wicked humor and delicious charm that have won her millions of devoted fans, Sophie Kinsella, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Shopaholic Baby, returns with an irresistible new novel and a fresh new heroine who finds herself in a life-changing and utterly hilarious predicament…When twenty-eight-year-old Lexi Smart wakes up in a London hospital, she's in for a big surprise. Her teeth are perfect. Her body is toned. Her handbag is Vuitton. Having survived a car accident-in a Mercedes no less-Lexi has lost a big chunk of her memory, three years to be exact, ...
In Makine's fifth novel, the memories of an unnamed narrator weave through the 20th century as he recalls episodes in the life of his family-experiences that include those of a battlefield doctor in Afghanistan who was also a KGB agent, a Russian villager who defied the Soviet regime, and a man who swears to avenge the death of his beloved.This luminous, beautifully crafted new novel by much-praised Russian ‚migr‚ author Makine (Dreams of My Russian Summers, etc.) takes as its subject three generations of a Russian family, caught in the violent political struggles of the 20th century. ...
Je me savais a present incapable de dire la verite de notre temps. Je n'etais ni un temoin objectif, ni un historien, ni surtout un sage moraliste. Je pouvais tout simplement reprendre ce recit interrompu alors par la nuit, par les routes qui nous attendaient, par les nouvelles guerres.» Un medecin militaire, engage par les services de renseignements sovietiques, retrace l'hallucinant destin de son grand-pere Nikolai et de son pere Pavel, les oppressions des annees 20, les purges, les violences nazies et la Seconde Guerre mondiale… Un chant pour les morts d'hier et aujourd'hui, une tragedie jalonnee de crimes, de ...
La nueva novela de Susanna Tamaro es un tr?ptico narrativo en torno a la presencia dominante del mal en la sociedad de hoy. Traducida por Justo Navarro, Resp?ndeme recoge tres historias absolutamente contempor?neas marcadas por la violencia, la crueldad y el desamparo. Una violencia cotidiana que se manifiesta en la propia familia y se oculta tras una falsa imagen de respetabilidad. Sus personajes muestran una desesperaci?n extrema, pero tambi?n, y siempre desde el filo, un extraordinario sentido del compromiso inherente al hecho de estar vivos. Rosa, una adolescente hu?rfana de una prostituta, evoca ...
En algo m?s de seis horas, desde la salida de la casa de Concepci?n cuando empezaba a anochecer hasta el alba del d?a siguiente, Barrios sentir? que el pasado, aunque reciente, es irrevocable. ?C?mo hab?an sucedido las cosas? y, m?s a?n, ?por qu? hab?an sucedido? El progresivo deterioro del sujeto, el autoritarismo del que es v?ctima y el peso de la conciencia van delineando a un personaje atravesado por una profunda precariedad: la existencia misma. Todos los n?cleos de la escritura de Juan Jos? Saer se anticiparon en esta ...
What happens to your life when everything you though you knew about your mother turns out to be an elaborate lie? During the long hot summer of 1976, Ruth Gilmartin discovers that her very English mother Sally is really Eva Delectorskaya, a Russian ?migr? and one-time spy.In 1939 Eva is a beautiful 28-year-old living in Paris. As war breaks out, she is recruited for the British Secret Service by Lucas Romer, a mysterious, patrician Englishman. Under his tutelage she learns to become the perfect spy, to mask her emotions and trust no one. Even those she loves most....
En Retah?las, el viaje que realiza una anciana al pazo familiar para morir, acompa?ada de su nieta Eulalia, y la llegada sorpresa de Germ?n, el sobrino de Eulalia, producir? durante esa noche un intenso di?logo entre los dos que dar? lugar a seis mon?logos, en los que cada uno reconstruir? y contar? qu? ha sido su vida hasta entonces.
Premio Planeta 2010Esta novela obtuvo el Premio Planeta 2010, concedido por el siguiente jurado: Alberto Blecua, ?ngeles Caso, Juan Eslava Gal?n, Pere Gimferrer, Carmen Posadas, Carlos Pujol y Rosa Reg?s.Un ingl?s llamado Anthony Whitelands llega a bordo de un tren al Madrid convulso de la primavera de 1936. Deber? autenticar un cuadro desconocido, perteneciente a un amigo de Jos? Antonio Primo de Rivera, cuyo valor econ?mico puede resultar determinante para favorecer un cambio pol?tico crucial en la Historia de Espa?a. Turbulentos amores con mujeres de distintas clases sociales distraen al cr?tico ...
Unlike Jack Ketchum's earlier novel, LADIES NIGHT, his newest one, RIGHT TO LIFE, definitely has the shoe on the other foot as a pregnant woman becomes the victim of a deranged married couple that kidnap her right off the street and hold her captive for several months while she's forced to endure their bizarre SM games. The 139-page novella starts off with Sara Foster on her way to an abortion clinic to do away with the unwanted child that she's now carrying. Before Sara can even enter the clinic, she's grabbed and sedated by Stephen and Katherine Teach-a couple ...
From 'witty and endearing' to 'impossible to put down,' the critics have given elite marks to Diana Peterfreund's Secret Society Girl and Under the Rose. Now, in a wildly captivating new novel, Amy 'Bugaboo' Haskel and her fellow Rose & Grave knights are trading cold, gray, hyperintellectual New Haven for an annual rite of spring (well, early March) in Florida.For Amy, a week of R&R on her secret society's private island should be all fun in the sun - and an escape from an on-campus feud with a rival society that's turned disturbingly personal. But along ...
En el verano del a?o 43 d. C., la invasi?n romana de Britania se encuentra con un obst?culo inesperado: la desconcertante y salvaje manera que tienen los rudos britanos de enfrentarse a las disciplinadas tropas imperiales. La situaci?n es desesperada, y quiz? la inminente llegada del emperador Claudio para ponerse al frente de las tropas en la batalla decisiva sea el revulsivo que unos legionarios aterrados y desmoralizados necesitan.