La guerre. Ca se passe en France. Une ville moyenne. Un immeuble tout confort. Et deux locataires, les organisations non gouvernementales La Foul?e verte et Enfance et vaccin, qui ne se supportent pas. La Foul?e verte travaille ?videmment ? sauver l'humanit? des catastrophes ?cologiques qui la menacent et ? la prot?ger des poisons qu'on lui distille. Quant ? Enfance et vaccin, inutile d'insister. Beaucoup de bons sentiments de part et d'autre. Beaucoup de mots, beaucoup de formules et d'id?es toutes faites. Une certitude ?norme d'?tre indispensable et la bonne conscience monstrueuse qui va avec. Le sel de ...
Obfitymi piersiami i pe?nymi biodrami natura obdarza kobiety z rodziny Shangguan, mieszkaj?cej w ma?ej chi?skiej wiosce, w prowincji Shandong. Od obfitych piersi i matczynego mleka uzale?niony jest narrator powie?ci, d?ugo wyczekiwany syn, brat o?miu starszych si?str. Losy rodziny ukazane s? na tle wydarze? historycznych, pocz?wszy od Powstania Bokser?w w 1900 roku, poprzez upadek dynastii Qing, inwazj? japo?sk?, walki Kuomintangu z komunistami, „rewolucj? kulturaln?”, a? do reform gospodarczych. Na prowincji ?ycie toczy si? jednak obok wielkich przemian, rz?dz? tam najprostsze instynkty, a podstawow? warto?ci? jest przetrwanie....
Arthur, un joven arquitecto californiano, vuelve a Los ?ngeles despu?s de pasar una larga temporada en Par?s.Sin embargo, durante todo este tiempo no ha conseguido olvidar a Lauren, el gran amor de su vida que le rob? el coraz?n cuando, a ra?z de un accidente, cay? en estado de coma.Gracias a la insistencia y la valent?a de Arthur, Lauren sigui? viviendo, a pesar de la opini?n del doctor y de la madre de desenchufar los aparatos que la manten?an con vida.?stos, avergonzados, le hicieron jurar que jam?s confesar?a la verdad a la joven, que no recuerda nada de aquellos meses. Arthur cumple su palabra, desaparece de su vida e intenta olvidarla. Cuando vuelve a Los ?ngeles el destino har? que se reencuentren.Basada en esta novela (y con importantes variaciones en el gui?n), se ha estrenado recientemente una pel?cula con el mismo t?tulo, dirigida por Mark Waters.
Jedna z wielkich powie?ci XX wieku, sprzedana w ponad 20 milionach egzemplarzy, ws?awiona obsypanym Oscarami filmem Francisa Forda Coppoli z genialn? rol? tytu?ow? Marlona Brando. Opowie?? o honorze i nienawi?ci, szacunku i pogardzie, mi?o?ci i ?mierci. Motto ksi??ki stanowi cytat z Balzaca – Za ka?d? wielk? fortun? kryje si? zbrodnia. Don Vito Corleone jest Ojcem Chrzestnym jednej z sze?ciu nowojorskich Rodzin mafijnych. Tyran i szanta?ysta (s?ynne powiedzenie "mam dla Ciebie propozycj? nie do odrzucenia"), a zarazem cz?owiek honoru, sprawuje rz?dy ?elazn? r?k?. Jego decyzje maj? charakter ostateczny. ...
Otra faz en la narrativa de Gabriel Garc?a M?rquez. Casi todas las obras de este gran autor se caracterizan por la presencia simult?nea de ?mbitos aparentemente alejados entre s?. -Adem?s de lo on?rico y de la rareza individual- escribe Mario Vargas Llosa a prop?sito de Garc?a M?rquez- en este mundo en que lo social, lo pol?tico y otros niveles objetivos (como el sexo) parecen arrolladores, tienen cabida hechos y situaciones que por su car?cter ins?lito y pintoresco contrastan con los hechos opresivos, obvios y mon?tonos que constituye ...
Jack Kerouac's On the Road is one of the most controversial American novels of the 20th century. When critics concede that the book and its author were instrumental in triggering the rucksack revolution, this is to damn with praise, as Kerouac is reduced to a one-book author (though he published some twenty volumes containing a wide range of prose and poetry). Moreover, the spiteful acknowledgement of a sociohistorical fact imports an aesthetic grudge against a novel that a close reading reveals to be far more conventional than most of its adversaries would would care to realize. Nor does the ...
A novel of love and growing up by Andre? Makine, whose bestselling Dreams of My Russian Summerswas hailed by the Los Angeles Timesas one of the "best autobiographical books of the century."In the immense virgin pine forests of Siberia, where the snows of winter are vast and endless, sits the little village of Svetlaya. In the early years of the century the village had been larger, more prosperous, but time and the pendulum of history had reduced it by the 1970s to no more than a cluster of izbas. As wars and revolution had succeeded one another, ...
"Divakaruni is a brilliant storyteller; she illuminates the world with her artistry; and shakes the reader with her love." – Junot DiazLate afternoon sun sneaks through the windows of a passport and visa office in an unnamed American city. Most customers and even most office workers have come and gone, but nine people remain. A punky teenager with an unexpected gift. An upper-class Caucasian couple whose relationship is disintegrating. A young Muslim-American man struggling with the fallout of 9/11. A graduate student haunted by a question about love. An African-American ex-soldier searching for redemption. A Chinese grandmother with a ...
Chief Bromden, half American-Indian, whom the authorities believe is deaf and dumb, tells the story of a mental institution ruled by Big Nurse on behalf of the all-powerful Combine. Into this terrifying grey world comes McMurphy, a brawling gambling man, who wages total war on behalf of his cowed fellow-inmates. What follows is at once hilarious and heroic, tragic and ultimately liberating. Since its first publication in 1962, Ken Kesey’s astonishing first novel has achieved the status of a contemporary classic. “Kesey can be funny, he can be lyrical, he can do dialogue, and he can write a muscular narrative. In fact there's not much better come out of America in the sixties… If you haven’t already read this book, do so. If you have, read it again” – Douglas Eadie, “Scotsman”.
New novel about men, love and relationships by the author of the Book of the Year, Man and Boy. Alfie Budd found the perfect woman with whom to spend the rest of his life, and then lost her. He doesn't believe you get a second chance at love. Returning to the England he left behind during the brief, idyllic time of his marriage, Alfie finds the rest of his world collapsing around him. He takes comfort in a string of pointless, transient affairs with his students at Churchill's Language School, and he tries to learn Tai Chi from an old Chinese man, George Chang. Will Alfie ever find a family life as strong as the Changs'? Can he give up meaningless sex for a meaningful relationship? And how do you play it when the woman you like has a difficult child who is infatuated with a TV wrestler known as The Slab? Like his runaway bestseller, Man and Boy, Tony Parsons's new novel is full of laughter and tears, biting social comment and overwhelming emotion.
One Man's Bible is the second novel by Nobel Prize-winning author Gao Xingjian to appear in English. Following on the heels of his highly praised Soul Mountain , this later work is as candid as the first, and written with the same grace and beauty.In a Hong Kong hotel room in 1996, Gao Xingjian's lover, Marguerite, stirs up his memories of childhood and early adult life under the shadow of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution. Gao has been living in self-imposed exile in France and has traveled to this Western-influenced Chinese city-state, so close to his homeland, for ...
One Man's Bible is the second novel by Nobel Prize-winning author Gao Xingjian to appear in English. Following on the heels of his highly praised Soul Mountain , this later work is as candid as the first, and written with the same grace and beauty.\In a Hong Kong hotel room in 1996, Gao Xingjian's lover, Marguerite, stirs up his memories of childhood and early adult life under the shadow of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution. Gao has been living in self-imposed exile in France and has traveled to this Western-influenced Chinese city-state, so close to his homeland, for ...
From Publishers WeeklyIn 1948, a 12-year-old boy named Fintan is sailing to Africa with his Italian mother to live with the British father he doesn't remember. At times, this French novel paints too precious a picture of the young Fintan and his mother, who occasionally writes down poetic bits like "In my hands I hold the prey of silence." The ship's voyage can drag, too, with too many hints about the characters' previous lives (upon learning that Fintan has contracted scabies, his mother cries out "A barnyard disease!"). But once the pair arrive in Onitsha, in Nigeria, Fintan's ...
The "Clifton Chronicles" is Jeffrey Archer's most ambitious work in four decades as an international bestselling author. The epic tale of Harry Clifton's life begins in 1920, with the chilling words, 'I was told that my father was killed in the war'. But it will be another twenty years before Harry discovers how his father really died, which will only lead him to question: who was his father? Is he the son of Arthur Clifton, a stevedore who worked in Bristol docks, or the first born son of a scion of West Country society, whose family owns a shipping line? "...
"Ono" – jedna z bardziej zaskakuj?cych powie?ci ostatnich lat, ksi??ka inna od tych, kt?re Terakowska kierowa?a dotychczas do m?odzie?y, inna te? od adresowanej do starszych czytelnik?w "Poczwarki", cho?, podobnie jak ta ostatnia, przeznaczona jest dla dojrza?ych odbiorc?w. Po raz pierwszy Dorota Terakowska przedstawia ?wiat tak dotkliwie realistyczny, cho? nie pozbawiony magii i niezwyk?o?ci. Umieszcza w nim na poz?r nie wyr??niaj?c? si? ?adnymi szczeg?lnymi cechami osobowo?ci czy zdolno?ciami bohaterk?, w kt?rej ka?dy mo?e odnale?? mniej lub bardziej sobie znajom? "dziewczyn? ...
Dla mi?o?nik?w Gombrowicza ta sensacyjna powie?? drukowana przed wojn? w prasie codziennej stanowi mo?liwo?? prze?ledzenia w?tk?w mniej znanych w jego tw?rczo?ci. Jest to pe?ne wydanie utworu, kt?rego zako?czenie – w zwi?zku z wybuchem wojny – uwa?ano d?ugo za zagubione lub w og?le nie napisane.Kryminalna intryga, w?tek romansowy, zag?szczona atmosfera tajemniczo?ci i dzia?ania si? nadprzyrodzonych podnosz? walor tekstu jako "czytad?a" o znamionach jedynej w swoim rodzaju polskiej powie?ci "gotyckiej".Sensacyjny romans ??cz?cy wiele w?tk?w spotykanych w powie?ciach gotyckich: tajemniczy zamek, w kt?rym straszy, skandal w ks???cej rodzinie, op?tanie, kl?twa…
Wyobra?my sobie sytuacj?, gdy do z?udzenia podobny do nas nieznajomy zaw?aszcza nasze imi? i nazwisko, przypisuje sobie nasz ?yciorys i je?dzi po ?wiecie, podszywaj?c si? pod nas.W ksi??ce tej, gdzie w mistrzowski spos?b fakty splataj? si? z fikcj?, Philip Roth spotyka m??czyzn?, kt?ry by? mo?e jest, a mo?e nie jest Philipem Rothem. A wszystko dlatego, ?e kto? o tym nazwisku przemierza pa?stwo Izrael, propaguj?c dziwaczn? ide? ?ydowskiego exodusu a rebours. Roth postanawia powstrzyma? tego cz?owieka – nawet gdyby mia?o to oznacza? wcielenie si? w uzurpatora.Pe?na napi?cia, zabawna, nasycona emocjami, inteligentnie napisana i t?tni?ca narracyjn? energi? Operacja Shylock jest histori? szpiegowsk?, politycznym thrillerem, refleksj? nad istot? to?samo?ci, a jednocze?nie rodzajem wyznania.
The Booker Prize-winning novel-now a major motion picture from Fox Searchlight Pictures.This sweeping, irrepressibly inventive novel, is a romance, but a romance of the sort that could only take place in nineteenth-century Australia. For only on that sprawling continent-a haven for misfits of both the animal and human kingdoms-could a nervous Anglican minister who gambles on the instructions of the Divine become allied with a teenaged heiress who buys a glassworks to help liberate her sex. And only the prodigious imagination of Peter Carey could implicate Oscar and Lucinda in a narrative of love and commerce, religion and colonialism, that culminates in a half-mad expedition to transport a glass church across the Outback.
Provocative and disturbing, Truman Capote's first published novel is a meditation on how fate can debase youthful expectations. Joel Knox seeks his long-absent father and his own future, but nothing turns out as planned.