Historia del a?o y medio de la vida de un adolescente en diversos campor de contraci?n nazis (experiencia que el autor vivi? en propia carne), Sin destino no es, sin mbargo, ning?n texto autobiogr?fico. Con la fr?a objetividad del entom?logo y desde una distancia ir?nica, Kert?sz nos muestra en su historia la hiriente realidad de los campos de exterminio en sus efectos m?s eficazmente perversos: aquellos que confunden justicia y humillaci?n arbitraria, y la cotidianidad m?s inhumana con una forma aberrante de felicidad. Testigo desapasionado, Sin destino es, por encima de todo, gran literatura, y una de las mejores novelas del siglo xx, capaz de dejar una huella profunda e imperecedera en el lector.
Esta divertida novela relata la b?squeda de un extraterrestre que ha desaparecido, tras adoptar la apariencia de la vocalista Marta S?nchez, en la jungla urbana barcelonesa. Pero el protagonista de la narraci?n no es Gurb, sino otro alien?gena que sale en pos de ?l y cuyo diario constituye el esqueleto de la narraci?n. La verdadera naturaleza del relato es de car?cter sat?rico: Mendoza convierte esta Barcelona, a un tiempo cotidiana y absurda, en el escenario de una carnavalada que revela el verdadero rostro del hombre urbano actual.
Every life has a soundtrack. All you have to do is listen.Music has set the tone for most of Zoe Baxter's life. There's the melody that reminds her of the summer she spent rubbing baby oil on her stomach in pursuit of the perfect tan. A dance beat that makes her think of using a fake ID to slip into a nightclub. A dirge that marked the years she spent trying to get pregnant.For better or for worse, music is the language of memory. It is also the language of love.In the aftermath ...
«Ночной маршрут».Книга, которую немецкая критика восхищенно назвала «развлекательной прозой для эстетов и интеллектуалов».Сборник изящных, озорных рассказов-«ужастиков», в которых классическая схема «ночных кошмаров, обращающихся в явь» сплошь и рядом доводится до логического абсурда, выворачивается наизнанку и приправляется изрядной долей чисто польской иронии…
Na oczach czytelnika zostaje powo?any do ?ycia wielkomiejski plac, po kt?rym kr??y tramwaj. W tej minimalistycznej scenerii zawi?zuje si? historyjka o dniu powszednim i utajonych nami?tno?ciach mieszka?c?w: notariusza obarczonego rodzin?, studenta radyka?a, ospa?ego policjanta, m?odej s?u??cej. Sprawy te jednak pozostaj? w cieniu niejasnej gry, prowadzonej na zapleczach, gdzie wa?ne s? tylko pok?tne korzy?ci niewidocznego personelu, odpowiedzialnego za zewn?trzn? opraw? zdarze?. Wszechobecna, destrukcyjna prowizorka jest wyrazem jego arogancji, kt?ra udziela si? mieszka?com, zatruwaj?c uczucia. Ze swej strony pogardzaj? oni ka?dym, kto jest od nich zale?ny. Pogarda wprawia w ruch mechanizm przemocy i wykluczenia, gdy plac zape?nia przyby?y tramwajem t?um, nagle pozbawiony dachu nad g?ow?. Im mniej kto? w tym ?wiecie znaczy, tym wi?cej cudzych win przychodzi mu d?wiga?.
"Rich in character and gorgeous writing." – Jodi PicoultIn January 1945, in the waning months of World War II, a small group of people begin the longest journey of their lives: an attempt to cross the remnants of the Third Reich, from Warsaw to the Rhine if necessary, to reach the British and American lines.Among the group is eighteen-year-old Anna Emmerich, the daughter of Prussian aristocrats. There is her lover, Callum Finella, a twenty-year-old Scottish prisoner of war who was brought from the stalag to her family's farm as forced labor. And there is a twenty-six-year-old Wehrmacht ...
Newly arrived in the backwater town of GroVont, Wyoming, teenager Sam Callahan is initiated into adulthood when he embarks on a period of intense sexual experimentation with sassy, smart Maurey Pierce.
In the world of fiction reviewing, extraordinary is an over-used word. Yet there really is no other way to describe Chinese author Xinran's second book, Sky Burial. It is extraordinary in so many ways-the subject matter, the setting, the central character, but mostly its authenticity and the author's continuing search for the woman whose life is told here.Sky Burial is the true story of a Chinese woman's 30-year search through Tibet for news of her lost, presumed dead, husband. Xinran is working as a radio journalist on a women's programme when a listener calls in to tell ...
One day while cycling along the Magill road in Adelaide Paul Rayment is knocked down by a car, resulting in the amputation of his leg. Humiliated, he retreats to his flat and a succession of day-care nurses. After a series of carers who are either "unsuitable" or just temporary, he happens upon Marijana, with whom he has a European childhood in common: his in France, hers in Croatia. Marijana nurses him tactfully and efficiently, ministering to his new set of needs. His feelings for her soon become deeper and more complex. He attempts to fund her son Drago's passage ...
Нет ничего тайного, что не стало бы явным. Обнаружить же тайное в явном призван герой романа по имени Конрад Ланг, которого поражает болезнь Альцгеймера. Недуг серьезный, чреватый полной утратой памяти и повседневных рефлексов, однако картины детства и далекого довоенного прошлого при этом оживают с невероятной четкостью. А ожившее прошлое, как вы понимаете, далеко не всем по душе. Не по душе оно в первую очередь Эльвире Зенн, солидной даме, хозяйке заводов Коха, которая своего нынешнего положения в обществе добилась, скажем так, не самым праведным путем. Постепенно, погружаясь в растревоженные видения Ланга,читатель узнает подноготную этой «воротилы» швейцарского бизнеса. Самое же интересное то, что Мартин Сутер сумел нравственно-философскую драму выстроить как детектив, из-за чего роман читается с неослабевающим интересом и по праву сделался на Западе бестселлером.
A little boy falls off a roof in Copenhagen and is killed. Smilla, his neighbour, suspects it is not an accident: she has seen his footsteps in the snow, and, having been brought up by her mother, a Greenlander, she has a feeling for snow.
Jack Travis is a macho Houston businessman – rich, tough and always in control. So when a beautiful young woman approaches his office carrying a baby that she claims is his, he's shaken more than he would ever let on. Stunned, Jack listens to Ella Varner as she explains that her sister recently gave birth and then abandoned her baby boy – and that enquiries have brought Ella to Jack's door. He virtually has a seizure when she asks him to do a paternity test. But ultimately, will a paternity test set things right? If Jack is the father, will he be the one to care for the baby? Would Ella be prepared to let him go? And if not? Ella can't bear to think of an answer…
This is an imperfect love story between an imperfect man and woman that starts in the early eighties and goes nowhere because happy endings are not how real life works. Mistakes and misfortunes keep them apart until by chance they meet again twenty years later. Despite their emotional baggage, scars, and her reluctance and his doubts, they get together, wondering if they deserve a second chance.This book contains content that may not be suitable for young readers 17 and under.
It started with a beautiful woman and a challenge. As a gift for her husband, Alyssa Bradford approaches Eric Shaw to make a documentary about her father-in-law, Campbell Bradford, a 95-year-old billionaire whose past is wrapped in mystery. Eric grabs the job even though there are few clues to the man's past-just the name of his hometown and an antique water bottle he's kept his entire life.In Bradford's hometown, Eric discovers an extraordinary history-a glorious domed hotel where movie stars, presidents, athletes, and mobsters once mingled, and hot springs whose miraculous mineral water cured everything from insomnia ...
Sobre h?roes y tumbas es una novela escrita por el escritor argentino Ernesto Sabato, de quien sea quiz? su obra m?s conocida. Publicada en 1961, ?sta irrumpe en el panorama de la literatura latinoamericana aglutinando una variedad de elementos que la distinguen entre las ficciones de Am?rica del Sur. De este modo, es frecuentemete considerada como una novela total, con rasgos de surrealismo inusitados en la literatura latinoamericana (especialmente en la secci?n de "El Informe sobre ciegos"). Buena parte de su trama puede insertarse tambi?n en la tradici?n de la Bildungsroman ("novela de formaci?n") de la que se cuentan varios ejemplos en la literatura alemana. Por otro lado, la descripci?n de una familia retratada a trav?s de una largo lapso temporal con tintes decadentes, emparenta tem?ticamente esta novela con las ficciones de Faulkner y Garc?a M?rquez.
Для Аркана Карива одним из самых сильных переживаний, связанных с отцом, писателем Юрием Карабчиевским, стал сон, преследовавший его в течение многих лет. Историей этого ночного кошмара Аркан Карив поделился с проектом «Сноб»
Sam Callahan's mother told him she was raped by four football players when she was 14. One of them is his father, but which? She lied; actually, she paid them for sex. Anyway, Sam contacts each of the men and causes endless trouble. Soon, an affair with the wife of one man, an attraction to the daughter of another, and an attempted suicide have Sam running for his life. Wonderful characters spout outrageous dialog and perform even more outrageous acts. Sandlin's wild, wonderful, and wickedly funny romps conclude the trilogy that began with Skipped Parts (Ivy Bks., 1989) and continued in Sorrow Floats (LJ 8/92). Social Blunders can be read independently of the previous volumes. The tale is a little naughty, a little sentimental, and completely entertaining. Highly recommended.
Es la disecci?n novelada de una ciudad, Valencia, donde un elenco de personajes ha convertido la traici?n, la inquina y la intriga p?rfida en el modelo de conducta cotidiana. Julia Aleixandre, adem?s de ostentar un importante cargo p?blico, es una experta manipuladora de marionetas humanas de todos los colores y tama?os. Francesc Petit, Secretario General de un partido pol?tico sin representaci?n parlamentaria, quiere escapar del ostracismo humillante a cualquier precio. Juan Lloris, otrora exitoso empresario de la construcci?n, ha ca?do en desgracia ante las autoridades y mendiga rastreramente una ...
Customarily, McEwan’s novels spring from a catastrophic incident in someone’s life, either a calamity that causes physical distress or a psychological trespass that causes emotional instability. For instance, in Enduring Love (1998), a man plunges to his death from a balloon, and in the aftermath, one witness continues to menace another witness. On Chesil Beach (2007) centers on an emotionally devastating wedding night. In his new novel, McEwan outdoes himself in terms of catastrophic occurrences. The protagonist, physicist Michael Beard, won a Nobel Prize several years ago and has been resting on his laurels ever since. A serial cheater, ...
Cuando en los meses finales de la guerra civil espa?ola las tropas republicanas se retiran hacia la frontera francesa, camino del exilio, alguien toma la decisi?n de fusilar a un grupo de presos franquistas. Entre ellos se halla Rafael S?nchez Mazas, fundador e ide?logo de Falange, quiz?s uno de los responsables directos del conflicto fratricida. S?nchez Mazas no s?lo logra escapar de ese fusilamiento colectivo, sino que, cuando salen en su busca, un miliciano an?nimo le enca?ona y en el ?ltimo momento le perdona la vida.
Writing a novel after having won a Nobel Prize for Literature must be even more daunting than trying to follow a brilliant, bestselling debut. In Somersault (the title refers to an abrupt, public renunciation of the past), Kenzaburo Oe has himself leapt in a new direction, rolling away from the slim, semi-autobiographical novel that garnered the 1994 Nobel Prize (A Personal Matter) and toward this lengthy, involved account of a Japanese religious movement. Although it opens with the perky and almost picaresque accidental deflowering of a young ballerina with an architectural model, Somersault is no laugh riot. Oe's slow, deliberate ...
In the 1960's, we were never able to look at military life in the same way again. Now Joseph Heller has struck far closer to home. is about ambition, greed, love, lust, hate and fear, marriage and adultery. It is about the struggle among men, the war between the sexes, the conflict of parents and children. It is about the life we all lead today — and you will never be able to look at that life in the same way again.Once in a decade, something important happens in books. In the 1970's, it is "Hypnotic, seductive. as clear and as hard-edged as a cut diamond!"— Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., The New York Times Sunday Book"The test of a novel is when it deserves to be read a second time. People will be rereading and fifty years from now they'll be reading it still!"— Philadelphia Inquirer
Jamal is a successful psychoanalyst haunted by his first love and a brutal act of violence from which he can never escape. Looking back to his coming of age in the 1970s forms a vivid backdrop to the drama that develops thirty years later, as he and his friends face an encroaching middle age with the traumas of their youth still unresolved. Like "The Buddha of Suburbia", "Something to Tell You" is full-to-bursting with energy, at times comic, at times painfully tender. With unfailing deftness of touch Kureishi has created a memorable cast of recognisable individuals, all of whom wrestle with their own limits as human beings, haunted by the past until they find it within themselves to forgive.
Ирина Денежкина – сверхновая звезда русской литературы. Книга, изданная немедленно после того, как Ирина стала финалистом премии `Национальный бестселлер`, завоевала русских читателей силой чувств, необузданностью энергии и мастерством исполнения.Сегодня `Дай мне!` – всемирный бестселлер. Книга вышла в Италии, где заняла место в Топ-10 между Паоло Коэльо и Исабель Альенде. Летом книга Денежкиной выходит в Голландии, Германии, Литве, осенью – в Англии, Швеции, Финляндии, Франции. В начале 2004 года – в США. `Дай мне!`, как ледокол, взломала лед недоверия к современной русской литературе.Герои повестей и рассказов Ирины Денежкиной переживают самый сложный период жизни, когда их главной заботой становится реализация сексуального влечения. Но наряду с ними такими же действующими лицами можно считать саму ювенильную реальность и скрытый механизм романтики любви.
Back in print by popular demand, national bestselling author Jodi Picoult's acclaimed debut novel treats fans old and new to a beautiful, poignant story of family, friendship and love. Jodi Picoult's powerful novel portrays an emotionaly charged marriage that changes course in one explosive moment. For years, Jane Jones has lived in the shadow of her husband, renowned San Diego oceanographer Oliver Jones. But during an escalating argument, Janes turns to him with an alarming volatility. In anger and fear, Jane leaves with her teenage daughter, Rebecca, for a cross-country odyssey. Charted by letters from her borther Joley, they are guided to his Massachusetts apple farm, where surprising self-discoveries await. Now Oliver, an expert at tracking humpback whales across vast oceans, will search for his wife across a continent, and find a new way to see the world, his family, and himself: through her eyes.