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Книги 4126—4150 из 4568.
  • Pride and Pleasure
  • Day Sylvia
  • Wealth has its dangers…There are disadvantages to being an heiress, as Eliza Martin knows well. Fortune hunters flock to her, acquaintances lie and pander, and lately, someone is engineering "accidents" to propel her to the altar. But Eliza will not be bullied, and she will get to the bottom of this plot. All she needs is a man to infiltrate her assemblage of suitors and find the culprit. Someone not easily noticed; a proficient dancer, quiet, and even-tempered.…so do certain menThief-taker Jasper Bond is entirely too large, too handsome, and too dangerous. Who would believe that an intellectual like Eliza would be seduced by a man of action? But the combination of her stubbornness and the mystery makes the case one Jasper can't resist. Client satisfaction is a point of pride and it's his pleasure to prove he's just the man she needs after all…

  • Pride and Popularity
  • James Jenni
  • Chloe Elizabeth Hart despises the conceited antics of the popular crowd, or more importantly, one very annoying self-possessed guy, Taylor Anderson, who seems determined to make her the president of his fan club! As if! Every girl in the whole city of Farmington, New Mexico, is in love with him, but he seems to be only interested in Chloe. This modern high school adaptation of Pride and Prejudice is a battle of wits as Chloe desperately tries to remain the only girl who can avoid the inevitable falling for Taylor.

  • Pride, Prejudice and Jasmine Field
  • Nathan Melissa
  • As the title suggests, this is a modern and witty retelling of . Jasmin Field, a columnist for a woman's magazine, is invited to audition for a charity production of the Austen novel, which is to be directed by the Oscar-winning actor Harry Noble. Jasmin sees this as fodder for her column but is selected for the lead role of Lizzie Bennet instead, even though the haughty Noble calls her "the ugly sister" after her beautiful sister, George, an actual actress, also auditions. Soon the lives and interactions of the cast members begin to resemble the characters they portray. Everyone ...

  • Prisionera
  • Howard Linda
  • Annie Parker hab?a viajado al Oeste con el fin de cumplir por fin su sue?o de ayudar a los dem?s. Todo parece marchar seg?n lo previsto hasta que un d?a irrumpe en su vida un peligroso y atractivo forajido que cambiar? su mundo para siempre, y que conseguir? hacerla suya en cuerpo y alma.Rafe McCay, un duro e implacable pistolero, lleva una existencia fr?a y vac?a desde que fue acusado injustamente de asesinato. Malherido, se ve obligado a tomar a Annie como prisionera sin saber que con aquella acci?n estar? sellando su destino. Nunca hubiera podido imaginar que la dulce e inocente joven se meter?a como fuego bajo su piel… en su sangre… en su coraz?n…La salvaje y fiera pasi?n que estalla entre ellos los conducir? por peligrosos caminos en los que ambos podr?an encontrar la destrucci?n… o el amor.

  • Prisioneros del Amor
  • Denison Janelle
  • La cazadora de recompensas Joelle Summers era muy buena en su trabajo, hasta que detuvo por error a Dean Colter, un atractivo hombre de negocios. A diferencia de sus prisioneros habituales, Dean parec?a dispuesto a cumplir todas las fantas?as de Joelle. Y aunque ?l clamaba su inocencia, ella no tard? en descubrir que no era tan inocente…Despu?s de a?os trabajando como un esclavo, Dean Colter quer?a una aventura, pero que lo secuestrara una hermosa cazadora de recompensas, aficionada a esclavizar a sus prisioneros, no era exactamente lo que hab?a planeado. Sin embargo, pronto se dio cuenta de que ser su cautivo tambi?n ten?a sus ventajas. Quiz? fuese ella la que pusiera las esposas, pero Dean ten?a la llave que abr?a las pasiones m?s desatadas de aquella ardiente mujer.

  • Private Pleasures
  • Denison Janelle
  • She was so sexy!Grey Nichols wanted a lover, not a wife. But after he met beautiful Mariah Stevens, he couldn't get her out of his mind. Lucky for him, she wasn't out of his bed much, either! He was so captivated by her, he considered the unspeakable-asking Mariah to move in with him.He was so sexy!Mariah Stevens wanted a husband, not a lover. No matter how incredible the nights were with Grey, she needed more. So she gave him an ultimatum-no…

  • Private Pleasures
  • Small Bertrice
  • Nora Buckley's worst nightmare has just come true. After years of being a devoted, dutiful housewife, she's found out her husband is leaving her for a younger woman. Her only comfort comes from her friends-the women of Ansley Court, who meet every Monday morning for coffee and gossip.Seeing Nora's desperation, her friends decide it's time to let her in on their delicious and dirty little secret. It's called The Channel… and it lets every woman unleash passions beyond her wildest dreams. Suddenly Nora is living out her most intimate and sensuous fantasies- and before long, she realizes she can have everything she ever wanted…

  • Profesor Wilczur
  • Do??ga-Mostowicz Tadeusz
  • "Profesor Wilczur" to kontynuacja Znachora, w kt?rej odnajdziemy motywy melodramatyczne, uj?te w sensacyjno-obyczajow? fabu??. Po tragicznych przej?ciach wywo?anych utrat? pami?ci profesor Wilczur wraca do swej dawnej pracy w klinice. Jednak intrygi jego dotychczasowego zast?pcy Dobranieckiego doprowadzaj? Wilczura do takiego rozgroczynienia, i? decyduje si? on, tym razem ju? ?wiadomie, opu?ci? stolic?i zamieszka? z powrotem na wsi. Tam przeprowadza skomplikowan? operacj?, ale kosztem w?asnego zdrowia. Nad ci??ko chorym ojcem czuwa zrozpaczona c?rka Marysia, gdy niespodziewanie przybywa ?ona doktora Dobranieckiego, b?agaj?c o ratowanie jej m??a chorego na raka.W powie?ci dobro triumfuje nad z?em, nieskazitelna cnota nad ludzk? ma?o?ci?, etos wsi nad zepsuciem miasta. Do??ga-Mostowicz pokazuje zatem ?wiat, jakiego pragniemy, przywraca wiar? w godno?? cz?owieka..

  • Profundo amor
  • Steele Jessica
  • Phinn Hawkins, una chica acostumbrada a llevar barro en las botas y briznas de paja en el pelo, no pensaba dejarse enga?ar por los encantos y la sonrisa de pecado del millonario Ty Allardyce… que, adem?s, era imposiblemente engre?do y antip?tico.Ty, un financiero londinense de gran ?xito, hab?a comprado Honeysuckle, la querida granja de Phinn en la que ella hab?a pasado toda su vida. Cre?a que Phinn estaba haciendo las maletas, pero ella no pensaba pon?rselo f?cil.

  • Prom and Prejudice
  • Eulberg Elizabeth
  • From the much-buzzed-about author of THE LONELY HEARTS CLUB, a prom-season delight of Jane Austen proportions.It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single guy in his spring semester at Pemberly Academy must be in want of a prom date.After winter break, the girls at very prestigious, very wealthy, girls-only Longbourn Academy are suddenly obsessed with the prom, which they share with the nearby, equally elitist, all-boys Pemberly school. Lizzie Bennett, who attends Longbourn on scholarship, isn't exactly interested in designer dresses and expensive shoes, but her best friend, Jane, might be — especially now that ...

  • Promesas
  • Spencer Lavyrle
  • Emily Walcott es una jovencita voluntariosa y temperamental, as? como una hija obediente y dispuesta a acatar el futuro que sus padres han decidido para ella. Su vida en Sheridan transcurre pl?cidamente entre la herrer?a de su padre y los libros de veterinaria, carrera a la que dedica toda su pasi?n. Charles, amigo de la infancia y futuro esposo, no parece despertar en ella m?s que un sentimiento de afecto fraternal.Tom Jeffcoat, un joven emprendedor y apuesto, llega a la poblaci?n con el fin de instalar una herrer?a, convirti?ndose as? ...

  • Pronto llegar? el ma?ana
  • Steele Jessica
  • La penosa experiencia de Devon apenas empezaba.Devon se sinti? plena de felicidad cuando su padre le anunci? que hab?a conseguido suficiente dinero para pagar la costosa operaci?n que terminar?a con sus d?as de inv?lida.La felicidad se transform? en horror cuando ?l le confes? que hab?a desfalcado ese dinero a su jefe, Grant Harrington.Al enterarse del desfalco, Grant exigi? que se le reintegrara el dinero, y el terror de Devon aument? cuando se dio cuenta de que lo que ?l planeaba no era cobrar en efectivo.

  • Prudence
  • Cooper Jilly
  • The trouble with the Mulholland family, Prudence decided, was that they were all in love with the wrong people. She'd been overjoyed when Pendle, her super-cool barrister boyfriend, invited her home for the weekend to meet his family. At least she might get some reaction out of him - so far he hadn't so much as made a pass at her, after the first night when he'd nearly raped her. But home turned out to be a decaying mansion in the Lake District, and family were his glamorous, scatty mother who forgot the mounting bills by throwing wild parties, and brothers, Ace, dark and forbidding, and Jack, handsome, married and only too ready to take over with Pru if Pendle didn't get a move on. It was only when she noticed the way Pendle looked at Jack's wife Maggie that it began to dawn on Pru that there was more to this weekend than met the eye. It looked like a non-stop game of changing partners...

  • Przegry?? D?d?ownic?
  • Grochola Katarzyna
  • Wiem, jak boli zdrada, i wiem, czego w ?yciu nie nale?y robi? komu?, kogo si? kocha. Wiem, czego sama nie chc? do?wiadczy?, bo kocham, ufam i wierz? w powroty. Joanna, 19 lat. Katarzyna Grochola – najpoczytniejsza polska pisarka ostatnich lat, autorka bestsellerowych powie?ci, opowiada?, sztuk teatralnych i telewizyjnych, wsp??autorka scenariuszy seriali M jak mi?o?? i Na dobre i na z?e. Na podstawie jej powiesci nakr?cono film z Danut? Stenk? i Arturem ?mijewskim w rolach g??wnych.

  • Przybysz Z Dalekich Stron
  • Sandemo Margit
  • XIV wiek, Norwegia… Trzydzie?ci lat po wielkiej epidemii d?umy, nazwanej "czarn? ?mierci?". We dworze rycerza Gudmunda maj? miejsce tajemnicze zdarzenia. Tova, pi?kna i m?dra c?rka rycerza, dostrzega dziwne postaci, kr???ce pod os?on? nocy w pobli?u starej nie zamieszkanej chaty. Nikt jednak nie daje wiary opowie?ciom dziewczyny, uwa?aj?c, ?e to wytw?r jej wyobra?ni. Pewnego dnia Tova zostaje podst?pnie uprowadzona przez okrutnego wojownika imieniem Ravn…

  • Przyp?yw
  • Deveraux Jude
  • Fiona Burkenhalter, wschodz?ca gwiazda pot??nej firmy z Manhattanu, jest typow? mieszkank? Nowego Jorku, z charakterystyczn? dla mieszka?c?w tego miasta pogard? dla wszystkiego, co nie jest zwi?zane z t? metropoli?. Kiedy szef niespodziewanie wysy?a j? s?u?bowo do rezerwatu Everglades na Florydzie, Fiona czuje si? tak, jakby zes?ano j? na obc? planet?. Na domiar z?ego nie ma poj?cia, ?e wpl?tuje si? w najbardziej niebezpieczn? przygod? swojego ?ycia, podczas kt?rej nieokrzesany, lecz niew?tpliwie przystojny Ace Montgomery stanie si? jej sprzymierze?cem.

  • Psychic Detective
  • Archer Fletchina
  • Have you ever wondered what it would be like to make love with another woman?Ronda does, and the more her husband ignores her, the more intense her fantasies, the more she masturbates, and the stronger the urge becomes to find out. Until Ronda is in a coffee shop fantasizing about making love with a woman she saw in the library, when the woman appears at her table and introduces herself as Angela, a detective with psychic powers. Ronda is only convinced when Angela accurately describes Ronda's fantasies and fears that her husband is having an affair....

  • ?pun
  • Burgess Melvin
  • Kontrowersyjna i szokuj?ca powie?? dla doros?ych i m?odzie?y. Jej tematyka wi??e si? ze sprawami seksu i u?ywania narkotyk?w. "?pun" zdoby? w 1997 roku dwie najbardziej presti?owe brytyjskie nagrody literackie przyznawane w kategorii literatury m?odzie?owej. W rankingu popularno?ci literatury obcej w Polsce w 1999 roku osi?gn?? pi?te miejsce.Akcja ksi??ki toczy si? w latach osiemdziesi?tych. Bohaterowie, para czternastolatk?w, Gemma i jej ch?opak Sm??ka, borykaj? si? z samotno?ci? i niezrozumieniem. W poszukiwaniu szansy na urzeczywistnienie swojej mi?o?ci, zniech?ceni nud? ma?...