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Книги 4176—4200 из 4568.
  • Rockовое соседство
  • Ильина Анна
  • Жизнь идёт своим чередом и не всегда мы замечаем тех, кого уготовила нам судьба. Но тяжело не заметить свою «судьбу», когда она живёт по соседству и очень любит донимать своих соседей громкой музыкой. Соня — большая поклонница рока, которая приобщает к нему и всех своих соседей. Ярослав — одна из её жертв. Новый сосед. Она — упряма, ехидна, он — горделив и вспыльчив. Сможет ли судьбоносный Rock свести их вместе? Время покажет.

  • Rogue
  • Steel Danielle
  • Meet Maxine Williams, a dedicated doctor with three great kids, a challenging career, and the perfect new man in her life. Her only problem? Her irresistibly charming, utterly infuriating ex-husband, aka the…Being married to Blake had been an amazing adventure for Maxine. Brilliant, charismatic, and wholly unpredictable, Blake Williams made millions and grabbed headlines as a dot-com entrepreneur. His only shortcoming was as a husband-first his work and then his never-ending quest for fun kept him constantly on the move, far away from Maxine and his family. For five years Blake and Maxine have worked out an ...

  • Romance eterno
  • Hart Jessica
  • La alegre Flora Mason hab?a planeado trabajar durante un tiempo y, en cuanto hubiera reunido el dinero necesario, se marchar?a a recorrer el mundo. Sus planes no inclu?an un romance con su atractivo jefe, Matt Davenport. Pero Flora necesitaba quedar bien con un antiguo novio y Matt necesitaba pareja para un par de d?as. Estaban hechos el uno para el otro. El problema era que las dos noches acordadas se convirtieron en tres, luego cuatro… y Flora comprendi? que no quer?a un contrato temporal, sino un trabajo para toda la vida.

  • Room Service
  • Shalvis Jill
  • Farm girl turned TV producer Em Harris is in way over her head. Trying to bag chef Jacob Hill for her new culinary show is one thing. Staying at the sex-themed hotel Hush, where his restaurant is located, is quite another. Her goal there is to convince Jacob, known for looking and cooking like a dream, to sign a contract. But after a few days of being enveloped in Hush's sensual atmosphere, the only thing on Em's mind is discovering if Jacob tastes as delicious as he appears…

  • Rosyjska Baletnica
  • Steel Danielle
  • M?oda Amerykanka po ?mierci babci otrzymuje z domu spokojnej staro?ci pozosta?e po niej przedmioty. Jest tam para baletek, stare zdj?cia i po???k?a korespondencja. Na ich podstawie kobieta odtwarza nieznan? jej zupe?nie histori? ?ycia ukochanej babki przed wyjazdem do Ameryki. Romantyczna i tragiczna zarazem historia pi?knej Daniny przedstawiona jest na tle dramatycznych wydarze? rewolucji 1917 roku, kt?re w szczeg?lny spos?b dotkn??y warstw? inteligencji, arystokracji i kr?gi dworskie.

  • Roughing It With Ryan
  • Shalvis Jill
  • Suzanne Carter has sworn off men…really! Her inability to take life seriously drives them crazy, so it's best she leaves them alone. Then one night, strong, handsome Ryan Alondo rescues her and she simply melts. Who could resist all that rough-and-tumble sexiness? But as tempting as he is, she's not going to fall for his charms. Because there's no way she wants to ruin a man this gorgeous.From the moment Ryan sets eyes on Suzanne, he knows she's the one for him. She's fun and sexy and exactly what he needs in his overcrowded, responsible life. And the passion between them can't be ignored. He just has to convince her he's serious enough for both of them. Good thing he can be very, very persuasive…

  • Royal Marriage Of Convenience
  • Lennox Marion
  • Nikolai de Montez, an international lawyer, has just discovered he's the estranged heir to the throne of Alp de Montez. To rightfully rule, he must marry Rose!Rose McCray is an ordinary country vet, but her royal bloodline makes her Nik's bride of choice- and Rose knows it's her duty to accept.The wedding ceremony is sumptuous, but when the formalities are over it's time for the prince and princess of Alp de Montez to get to know one another as man and wife!

  • Rozados por el Peligro
  • Mallery Susan
  • ?C?mo podr?a convencerla de que quer?a cuidar de ella para siempre?Elizabeth Duncan estaba acostumbrada a centrar todas sus energ?as en el trabajo en lugar de en el placer… excepto durante aquella ?nica noche que pas? con el agente especial David Logan, que desapareci? en una misi?n secreta tras su breve y dulce encuentro.Cinco a?os despu?s, durante una misi?n en Rusia, David se qued? de piedra al volver a ver a Elizabeth y comprobar que nada hab?a cambiado entre ellos. Aunque ahora Elizabeth y su peque?a reci?n adoptada estaban en peligro. Y David decidi? que deb?a protegerlas…

  • Ruthless Russian, Lost Innocence
  • Shaw Chantelle
  • Violinist Ella Stafford isn't used to parties, so it's little wonder she's overwhelmed by brooding Russian Vadim Aleksandrov! The throbbing, raw attraction places fragile English beauty Ella out of her depth.And into Vadim's arms! Soon she finds herself sharing his Mediterranean villa, attending glamorous parties and being showered with luxuries. Ella should feel elated. Yet there is darkness in Vadim's past that even Ella's virginal sweetness cannot penetrate. But will the baby she's carrying make him learn to love?

  • Rytm Serca
  • Steel Danielle
  • Adriana Townsend jest szcz??liw? kobiet?. Ma prac?, kt?ra przynosi jej satysfakcj?, a przede wszystkim wspania?ego m??a, kt?ry robi b?yskawiczn? karier? i stwarza obojgu mo?liwo?? dostatniego i ciekawego ?ycia. Adrianie do pe?ni szcz??cia brakuje tylko dziecka. Okazuje si? jednak, ?e Steven nie tylko nie my?li o potomstwie, ale uwa?a ojcostwo za powa?n? przeszkod? w swoich ?yciowych planach.

  • S?lo para m?
  • Mallery Susan
  • Cuando la mejor amiga de Pia O’Brian muri?, ?sta esperaba heredar a su querido gato, pero, en lugar de eso, Crystal le dej? tres embriones congelados. Pia no cre?a que estuviera preparada para la maternidad. Sin embargo, dispuesta a cumplir el sue?o de su amiga, decidi? convertirse en madre soltera… y ese mismo d?a conoci? a un hombre guap?simo y sexy.Ra?l Moreno, un famoso ex jugador de f?tbol americano que se hab?a criado en una casa de acogida, era ahora m?s rico de lo que podr?a haber imaginado nunca y dirig?a un campamento para los ni?os necesitados de Fool’s Gold. Aunque despu?s de su ?ltima relaci?n hab?a decidido olvidarse de las mujeres, no pod?a sacarse de la cabeza a la dulce y sexy Pia… y le propuso un descabellado plan.

  • S?lo T?
  • D’Alessandro Jacquie
  • ?Y si una joven decente se queda atrapada en una posada lejos de las restricciones de la sociedad? ?Qu? suceder?a? ?Y cu?nto tardar?a en sucumbir al deseo?En este asombroso relato, nuestra hero?na se enfrentar? con el hombre del que huye… y descubre que, en lugar de ira, contin?a habiendo una apasionada conexi?n que no puede negar. Y realizar? un descubrimiento: que una noche puede cambiarlo todo… para siempre.

  • S?odkie k?opoty
  • Hart Jessica
  • Prudy, uwa?ana przez najbli?szych za naiwn? romantyczk?, postanawia szuka? szcz??cia a? w Australii. Teraz musi wr?ci? do Londynu na ?lub siostry. Problem w tym, ?e s?a?a do rodziny listy o bliskich zar?czynach. Z k?opotu wybawia j? przygodny znajomy. Nat potrzebuje narzeczonej od zaraz, bo tylko w ten spos?b mo?e przej?? opiek? prawn? nad osieroconymi bratankami, pozostaj?cymi pod opiek? dziadk?w w Anglii…

  • S?oneczko
  • Deveraux Jude
  • Walka o w?adz?, przygody, nami?tno?ci i… mo?e mi?o???Na imi? jej Aria. Jest pi?kn? lecz aroganck? sukcesork? tronu ma?ego kr?lestwa w Europie. Po burzy, jak? rozp?tali spiskowcy w jej kraju, Aria prze?ywa prawdziw? burz? u wybrze?y Florydy, z kt?rej ratuje j? dzielny porucznik marynarki Stan?w Zjednoczonych, J.T.Montgomery.Porucznik Montgomery nie mo?e nie zauwa?y? urody Arii, ale czy pod mask? godno?ci, ch?odu i dobrych manier dostrze?e kobiet? zdoln? do wielkich nami?tno?ci? A ona? Na co si? zdecyduje, gdy przyjdzie jej wybiera? pomi?dzy koron? a m??czyzn?, kt?rego zes?a? jej los?

  • Salvaje y deliciosa
  • D’Alessandro Jacquie
  • Todos ellos estaban a punto de descubrir el excitante poder del chocolate.Los propietarios de una prestigiosa tienda de dulces quer?an demostrar la teor?a de que el chocolate era el mejor afrodis?aco del mundo. Para ello llevaron a cabo un estudio muy poco ortodoxo que disfrazaron de promoci?n de San Valent?n. Cuando los confiados clientes empezaron a probar el chocolate… los resultados fueron sorprendentes.El formal Daniel Montgomery y la atrevida Carlie Pratt descubrieron que los opuestos no s?lo se atra?an… ?sino que hac?an que saltaran chispas!

  • Scared of Spiders
  • Langlais Eve
  • Bring on the bug spray, because to prevail, Josie’s going to have to face her greatest fear.Josie’s not a brave person, and she’s especially scared of spiders. Imagine her surprise when she finds herself attracted to not one, but two, larger than life men.Clint and Brandon both want the timid mouse who’s come to work for them-and their beasts are chafing to mark her-but when she can’t decide between them, there’s only one thing to do-share her.Before they can convince Josie that a threesome would benefit them all, they need to take care of the menace threatening their chosen mate. And when Josie confronts the bogeyman of her nightmares, she discovers an emotion stronger than fear-love.

  • Score!
  • Cooper Jilly
  • Sir Roberto Rannaldini, the most successful but detested conductor in the world, had two ambitions: to seduce his ravishing nineteen-year-old stepdaughter, Tabitha Campbell-Black, and to put his mark on musical history by making the definitive film of Verdi’s darkest opera, .As Rannaldini, Tristan, his charismatic French director, a volatile cast and bolshy French crew gather at Rannaldini's haunted abbey for filming, it is inevitable that violent feuds, abandoned bonking, temperamental screaming, and devious plotting will ensue. But although everyone Rannaldini dead, no one actually thought the Maestro be murdered. Or that after the dreadful deed some very bizarre things would continue to occur.

  • Scot on the Rocks
  • Janowitz Brenda
  • When her ex-boyfriend, Trip, gets engaged to Hollywood's latest It Girl, Manhattan attorney Brooke Miller plans to attend the wedding. Who says a modern girl can't stay friends with her ex? Besides, Brooke's got her sexy Scottish fianc?, Douglas, to take as her date. Okay, so maybe he's not her fianc?, but they're living together in his apartment, so she'll be getting the ring any minute, right? Wrong.After a fight leaves her without a boyfriend (much less a fianc?) just days before the wedding, Brooke faces the ultimate humiliation of attending her ex-boyfriend's nuptials alone. Desperate to find a replacement to fill Douglas's kilt, Brooke concocts an outrageous plan to survive the wedding and win the man of her dreams, all with her dignity ever-so-slightly intact.

  • Sealed with a Kiss
  • Phillips Carly
  • New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips always delivers the perfect sexy read!On the outside, Molly Gifford has it all – a hot legal career and Daniel Hunter, her equally hot boyfriend. But what she really wants is a family. So when she discovers her real father, she doesn't hesitate to pack her bags. Even though it means leaving her old life behind…A year later, Daniel Hunter's still trying to get on with his life. Then Molly shows up at his door, begging for help. Her newfound father is under arrest for murder, and she's convinced Hunter is the only attorney with the skill and reputation to get him off.Hunter can't resist helping an innocent man. But this time he'll be the one walking away – even if it breaks both their hearts to do it…Don't miss this sizzling new romance from nationally bestselling, award-winning author Carly Phillips!

  • Sean
  • Hoffmann Kate
  • The only thing that can bring down a Quinn is a woman…The next Mighty Quinn…P.I. Sean Quinn lives by one rule-never get involved. And he's always held to it…until his latest case, where he nabbed a polygamist just before the guy led another poor woman astray. His mistake? Agreeing to break the bad news to the man's fianc?e. Because that woman is already at the church, expecting to become a bride. And she's just asked Sean to be her groom…His downfall…If Laurel Rand can't prove to her uncle that she's married, he'll leave his entire fortune to a bunch of coin collectors. But before long, convincing her uncle is the least of Laurel's problems. Confined with Sean in close quarters, trying in vain to ignore the overwhelming chemistry between them, Laurel sees just what great "husband" material Sean is. And she's determined to make him see it, too. Luckily, the deal they made covers the honeymoon stage…