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Книги 2501—2525 из 2665.

  • In the Deep
  • Дормиенс Сергей
  • «Рыба вышла из воды, чтобы стать чем-то другим. Человек, выйдя в космос, тоже изменится…» Ну, или как-то так там было, не помню. Суть в том, что ничерта мы не изменились. Мы уже тысячи лет среди звезд, но все так же тащим туда себя самих. Мы научились воевать с новыми противниками, мы поломали себе мозги, набивая пустоту новым типом кораблей, но мы упорно не желаем становиться не-людьми. Нам нравится ошибаться, искоренять инакомыслие и вредных чужих, чувствовать руку товарища и подсчитывать, сколько еще зарядов осталось у соперника. Нам нравится азарт погони и сделки, за которые могут казнить. Ну, если поймают, конечно. Лично я ушла в космос нарочно — чтобы ошибиться. И знаете? У меня отлично получилось.

  • Into the Looking Glass
  • Ringo John
  • When a 60-kiloton explosion destroyed the University of Central Florida, and much of the surrounding countryside, the authorities first thought that terrorists had somehow obtained a nuclear weapon. But there was no radiation detected, and, when physicist Dr. William Weaver and Navy SEAL Command Master Chief Robert Miller were sent to investigate, they found that in the center of the destruction, where the University’s physics department used to be, was an interdimensional gateway to… somewhere. An experiment in subatomic physics had produced a very unexpected effect. Furthermore, other gateways were appearing all over the world-and one of them ...

  • Invasion: Alaska
  • Heppner Vaughn
  • The invasion of Alaska has begun. And the Third World War may not be far behind. In this controversial book, Vaughn Heppner explores the theme of a shattered America facing the onslaught of the new colossus in the East: Greater China.The time is 2032, and the Chinese are crossing the polar ice and steaming through the Gulf of Alaska. They have conquered oil-rich Siberia and turned Japan into a satellite state. Now a new glacial period has begun, devastating the world’s food supply. China plans to corner the world’s oil market and buy the needed food for their hungry masses.A weakened America uses old technology against the next generation of military hardware. The invasion unleashes the Hell of battle as two armies turn the snowfields of Alaska red with blood.INVASION: ALASKA is a thundering techno-thriller of vast scope, written by bestselling author Vaughn Heppner.

  • Invasion: California
  • Heppner Vaughn
  • The invasion of California has begun, threatening to trigger World War III.Greater China and its South American allies control Mexico, and their armies are poised on the Rio Grande, ready for the next phase of the North American conquest.It is 2039. The Chinese are launching their secret weapon against the American border fortifications. At the same time, an amphibious fleet steams toward San Francisco. The Chinese have formed the Pan Asian Alliance and signed a war-pact with the South American Federation. Glacial cooling has brought the Earth to the brink of starvation. Now, U.S. soil ...

  • Kildar
  • Ringo John
  • Problems, problems, problems! All Mike Harmon ever wanted to be was a SEAL. But after problems in the teams, college student was a decent second best. However, trouble seemed to follow him where he went. Now, after having angered every terrorist on Earth and at least five governments, buying a farm in a third world country was looking pretty good. Of course, nothing was ever simple. With Chechen terrorists knocking on the door and tenant farmers with a truly Byzantine culture, the question was whether he could drag the keldara into the 21st century before the Chechen put them back in the 6th. Kildar answers the question: Where would an international security specialist and former SEAL choose to retire — if he’s going to buy the farm, it should be one with beautiful women and the best beer in the world. Valhalla on Earth complete with Vikings.

  • Kirov III: Pacific Storm
  • Schettler John
  • The saga continues in Volume III…Admiral Tovey’s visit to Bletchley Park soon reaches an astounding conclusion when the battlecruiser vanishes once again to a desolate future. Reaching the Pacific the ship’s officers and crew soon learn that has once again moved in time. Now First Officer Anton Fedorov is shocked to finally learn the true source of the great variation in time that has led to the devastated future they have come from and the demise of civilization itself. They are soon discovered by a Japanese fleet and the ship now faces its most dangerous ...

  • L’uomo disintegrato
  • Бестер Альфред
  • Il problema — o la speranza — della telepatia ha suggerito agli scopritori di f.s. migliaia di pagine, quasi tutte di una scoraggiante ingenuit?; abbiamo quindi pensato di ripubblicare qui il famoso romanzo di Bester, vero e proprio « classico » sull’argomento, gi? apparso anni fa, a puntate, su altro periodico Mondadori, e che pensiamo sia sfuggito,alla maggior parte dei lettori di Urania. E un’opera di eccezionale ingegnosit?, dove la trasmissione del pensiero diventa l’arma di un duello mortale tra un assassino e un detective insoliti.

  • Legion of the Damned
  • Sanders Rob
  • It is the 41st millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. ...

  • Manxome Foe
  • Ringo John
  • In the midst of recovering from their successful if casualty prone first mission, the crew of the Alliance Space Ship are suddenly scrambled back into action. All other priorities take second place as word arrives on earth of a gate colony which has fallen to an unidentified alien assault. As the only space ship currently available to the Human-Adar Alliance, the is dispatched to find out what happened to the colony, rescue any survivors and learn the identity of the attackers. With new complexities added to the universe started in the novel and continued in , continues the tradition of non-stop action, valorous if quirky characters and rigorous science drawn from the frontiers of current theory. The odd-ball crew of the is an unlikely savior of earth, but none dare say they quail at engaging the Manxome Foe.