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Книги 13201—13225 из 19355.

  • Cartas de un asesino insignificante
  • Somoza Jose
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Durante su solitaria estancia en el pueblo costero de Roquedal, una traductora, Carmen del Mar Poveda, recibe misteriosas cartas de un desconocido que le declara su intenci?n de matarla. Las cartas son abandonadas en el muro que rodea su casa y el desconocido exige una respuesta. Comienza as? un extra?o intercambio epistolar, un juego de acertijos y falsas soluciones, de identidades y espejos, en el que, inexorablemente, se imbricar?n las oscuras leyendas del pueblo, sus antiqu?simas fiestas populares y algunos de sus m?s enigm?ticos habitantes. Escrita en clave l?dica, siguiendo una estructura ...

  • Carte Blanche
  • Deaver Jeffery
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • 'The face of war is changing. The other side doesn't play by the rules much anymore. There's thinking, in some circles, that we need to play by a different set of rules too…'James Bond, in his early thirties and already a veteran of the Afghan War, has been recruited to a new organization. Conceived in the post-9/11 world, it operates independent of MI5, MI6 and the Ministry of Defense, its very existence deniable. Its aim: To protect the Realm, by any means necessary.A Night Action alert calls James Bond away from dinner with a beautiful woman. Headquarters has decrypted an electronic whisper about an attack scheduled for later in the week: Casualties estimated in the thousands, British interests adversely affected.And Agent 007 has been given carte blanche.

  • Case File: Canyon Creek, Wyoming
  • Graves Paula
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • What was supposed to be a quiet vacation in scenic Wyoming turned deadly when Hannah Cooper became the target of a serial killer. Although she survived the attack, the ordeal was far from over. But she wasn't alone. Not when Riley Patterson appointed himself her protector.Beneath Riley's strapping, solemn exterior hid a hard-driving sheriff who would stop at nothing to catch a killer. He promised Hannah safety, but it was the danger he posed that drew her in. Riley was as much a mystery as the man who sought to take her life. Trapped on his ranch, with no one but each other to trust, only justice could set them free.and possibly separate them forever.

  • Case Histories
  • Atkinson Kate
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The scene is set in Cambridge, with three case histories from the past: A young child who mysteriously disappeared from a tent in her back garden; An unidentified man in a yellow jumper who marched into an office and slashed a young girl through the throat; and a young woman found by the police sitting in her kitchen next to the body of her husband, an axe buried in his head. Jackson Brodie, a private investigator and former police detective, is quietly contemplating life as a divorced father when he is flung into the midst of these resurrected old ...

  • Case of Lies
  • O’Shaughnessy Perri
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • For Nina Reilly, the mountain town of Lake Tahoe is home. It's where she forged a successful career as a tough, resourceful attorney – and raised her teenage son, Bob, alone. Back from a stint in Monterey, where her love life took a tumble, Nina has returned to her Tahoe law office with her old friends Sandy Whitefeather and Sandy 's son, Wish. It isn't long before she has a new client whose wife was shot and killed during a casino-district robbery two years before. The police have no suspects, and the robbery victims, three students, lied about their identities ...

  • Casi Muerto
  • James Peter
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Primera hora de la ma?ana. La llamada a casa del comisario Roy Grace para informar sobre el hallazgo del cad?ver de una mujer en un macabro escenario desata en el sofocante agosto de Brighton un despliegue policial que se ir? viendo incrementado con la aparici?n de m?s v?ctimas. Con la ayuda del sargento Glenn Branson y del resto de su equipo, Grace deber? hacer frente al torbellino de pesquisas e interrogatorios agotadores, atormentado por la sombra de su esposa desaparecida, Sandy, que al parecer ha sido vista en Munich tras nueve a?os de ...

  • Casket For Sale
  • Strand Jeff
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In Graverobbers Wanted (No Experience Necessary), he took a job digging up a shallow grave. It turned out badly. In Single White Psychopath Seeks Same, he took a job as a bodyguard at a s?ance. It turned out worse. But now, meet the new, improved Andrew Mayhem. He has a real job. He's a better father and husband. And he's vowed to quit accepting money from strange women in coffee shops to perform tasks that go terribly, terribly wrong. This time he's just taking a relaxing camping trip with his family and best friend. No shortcuts. The gas ...

  • Caso Cerrado
  • Rotenberg Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • «Caso cerrado, de Robert Rotenberg, es uno de los mejores libros que he le?do en a?os. Lo devor? en dos sentadas. Rotenberg escribe con aplomo y desenvoltura. Tiene una serie de personajes que bien pueden convertirse en cl?sicos. Incluso posee sentido del humor. Es una de esas novelas en las que basta con leer el primer cap?tulo para quedarse enganchado. Si Caso cerrado no gana un premio Edgar, cambio mi estilogr?fica por una ca?a de pescar.» – DOUGLAS PRESTON«Hoy podemos vivir Venecia a trav?s de Donna Le?n, Edimburgo a trav?...

  • Castigo
  • Хольт Анне
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Holt es, junto a Mankell, el referente de la literatura polic?aca escandinava actual. En un fr?o s?tano en alg?n lugar de Noruega se halla encerrada Emilie, una ni?a de nueve a?os. Desconoce donde est? y el motivo de su encierro. Tampoco sabe qui?n es el hombre que regularmente le ofrece comida y bebida; sin embargo, su instinto le dice que se comporte bien con ?l. Los d?as se suceden y la intranquilidad se va apoderando del pa?s.Yngvar Stubo, el comisario del servicio de criminolog?a noruego encargado del caso, decide solicitar la ayuda de Inger Johanne Vik, una psic?loga que en el pasado trabaj? como profiler para el FBI. Anne Holt es una de las autoras escandinavas m?s populares del momento, con m?s de tres millones de ejemplares vendidos en Alemania y los pa?ses n?rdicos.

  • Cat Breaking Free
  • Murphy Shirley
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Joe Grey isn't your average feline. After all, there's nothing ordinary about a cat who solves crimes. But it's more than his skill and cunning on the mean streets that makes Joe stand out among the legion of cat detectives on the prowl today – it's how Joe cracks cases that makes him so unique. Join Joe Grey, his lady friend Dulcie, and their tattercoat friend Kit in the eleventh delightful installment in the series that "raises the stakes of the feline sleuth genre" (Booklist) and discover the secret they hide from most people – and the mystery that makes Joe ...

  • Cat Chaser
  • Leonard Elmore
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • George Moran's affair with a beautiful woman leads him into danger when her husband, a mob-connected Dominican cop, discovers what has been happening and sets out to seek revenge on him at all costs. Reprint. 20,000 first printing. NYT.In the world of Elmore Leonard novels, two ex-Marines can sit around a hotel swimming pool in Florida and, as if it were perfectly natural, chat about a friendly fire incident during an "interventionist action" in Santo Domingo. His characters have learned the futility of complaining about a life where deadly violence and moral obligations are all too frequently intertwined. In ...

  • Cat Cross Their Graves
  • Murphy Shirley
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Readers and reviewers alike have consistently praised multiple-award-winning author Shirley Rousseau Murphy for her absorbing plots, her charming, lyrical prose, and most of all, her delightful and highly realistic feline sleuths – the wily tomcat Joe Grey, his best pal Dulcie, and their tattercoat friend Kit. Now Murphy has created her most compelling novel to date: the murder of a much-beloved actress and the havoc it uncovers in an unsuspecting town.The appealing small village of Molena Point, California, offers a cozy refuge from the harsher realities of life and serves as a restful retreat for film star Patty ...

  • Cat Deck the Halls
  • Murphy Shirley
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • The cats who saved Christmas…The charming seaside village of Molena Point, California, leads one to expect a quiet traditional Christmas surrounded by family and friends-but not this holiday season. Instead of singing carols and climbing into Christmas trees, Joe Grey, feline P.I., is faced with his most difficult case yet-and that's saying a lot for a wily tomcat who for years has been solving crimes the police can't even crack.At midnight in the deserted gardens of the shopping plaza, a stranger lies dead beneath the village Christmas tree; the only witness to the shooting ...

  • Cat Fear No Evil
  • Murphy Shirley
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Evil has crept into Molena Point, California, on stealthy cat feet. A rash of brazen burglaries, from antique jewelry to vintage cars, coincides with the unwelcome appearance of yellow-eyed Azrael, feline nemesis of crime-solving cats Joe Grey and Dulcie. But what follows soon after really has Joe's fur standing on edge. A young, healthy waiter drops dead at a reception for local artist Charlie Harper. And when the trail of big-time thefts leads up to San Francisco, the dark beast Azrael is on the scene. Does he have contact as well with a stalker and a handsome philanderer? If Joe and Dulcie don't get to the bottom of these misdeeds soon, they and all their human friends will have ample reasons to be afraid… to be very afraid.

  • Cat in the Dark
  • Murphy Shirley
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • "I'm a cat," said Dulcie. "Of course I worry, Joe. What if the cops set up a stakeout? What if they witness a cat opening a skylight and masterminding a robbery? The tabloids will love it. Every nut in the country will read about the trained burglar-cat. Or, heaven forbid, the talking cat…" There's a bad new cat in sleepy little Molena Point: a renegade tom with a penchant for robbery, a scorn for his fellow felines, and a disdain for human laws. And he's masterminding a crime spree that's quickly escalating toward murder most foul. Dulcie and Joe Grey both know the score – they've seen Azrael in action. But how can they expose the criminal without letting ordinary, untrustworthy humans in on the secret that certain select cats can think and talk? Cats like them…