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Книги 13151—13175 из 19355.

  • C?digo Azul
  • Gross Andrew
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El FBI lo llama c?digo azul: cuando se sospecha que la identidad del testigo ha sido descubierta, cuando ha dejado la seguridad del programa, cuando no se sabe si est? muerto o vivo… La vida de Kate se convierte en una pesadilla cuando descubre que su padre est? involucrado en el caso judicial contra un poderoso cartel de narcos. Todos los miembros de su familia se convierten en testigos protegidos: han de dejar atr?s su casa, su ciudad, sus trabajos, sus amigos… toda su vida. Kate se niega a entrar en el programa, aunque eso signifique separarse de los que m?s quiere. Una vez sola, comienza a descubrir que el FBI y su propio padre le est?n ocultando algo. Y que a veces, los que tenemos m?s cerca son los que m?s hemos de temer. Andrew Gross nos sumerge en el oscuro y peligroso mundo de los testigos protegidos, donde el enga?o impregna todos los aspectos de la vida y cualquier paso en falso puede ser el ?ltimo.

  • C is for Corpse
  • Grafton Sue
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyThe corpse in private eye Kinsey Millhone's third adventure ("A" Is for Alibi and "B" Is for Burglar is that of Bobby Callahan, a young man she first meets while both are working out in a local gym. Bobby is convinced the car crash he'd been injured in was really an attempt on his life and, fearful of another assault, persuades Kinsey to investigate. A few days later, Bobby is indeed killed, and Kinsey stays on the case. She is befriended by Bobby's wealthy mother, his opportunistic stepfather and druggie, anoretic stepsister. She learns Bobby ...

  • C?r?ales killer
  • Dard Frederic
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • Tout ? la joie de l’arriv?e de son fils adoptif Antoine, nomm? major de sa promotion ? l’Ecole de Police, San-Antonio doit tr?s vite d?chanter : par un f?cheux concours de circonstances, Antoine se retrouve le principal suspect d’un crime survenu au cours d’une rave-party, dans le milieu des exploitants agricoles de la Beauce profonde. La victime, M?lanie Godemiche, fille unique d’une grande famille de propri?taires terriens de la r?gion de Chartres, a ?t? retrouv?e morte et atrocement mutil?e. C’est elle qui avait organis? la rave-party. Ami ...

  • C?reczka Tatusia
  • Clark Mary
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ellie Cavanaugh mia?a zaledwie siedem lat, kiedy jej starsza siostra Andrea zosta?a w brutalny spos?b zamordowana. Zw?oki dziewczyny znaleziono w starym gara?u w pobli?u rezydencji bogatej, szanowanej pani Westerfield w Oldham, spokojnym miasteczku nad rzek? Hudson w nowojorskim hrabstwie Westchester. Zeznanie Elli doprowadzi?o do skazania Roba Westerfielda, wnuka starej damy, z kt?rym potajemnie spotyka?a si? Andrea. Kiedy po dwudziestu dw?ch latach morderca stara si? o zwolnienie warunkowe z wi?zienia, Ellie, obecnie reporterka gazety w Atlancie, protestuje przeciwko z?agodzeniu wyroku. Mimo to Rob Westerfield wychodzi na wolno?? i pr?buje wznowi? proces, chc?c odzyska? dobre imi?. Przekonana o jego winie Ellie rozpoczyna prywatne ?ledztwo. Jej kolejne odkrycia rzucaj? nowe ?wiat?o na okoliczno?ci ?mierci siostry, ale i nieuchronnie przybli?aj? dociekliw? dziennikark? do konfrontacji z morderc?.

  • C?rka Boga
  • Perdue Lewis
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Znakomity thriller dotykaj?cy w?tk?w historycznych, religijnych i artystycznych. Z jednej strony – zaskakuj?ce zwroty akcji, agenci KGB, sekrety Watykanu, skradzione przez nazist?w dzie?a sztuki, profesor teologii, wcze?niej glina, poszukuj?cy uprowadzonej ?ony, z drugiej – refleksja i pr?ba zrozumienia zdumiewaj?cego problemu boskiej woli w ?wiecie moralnego zepsucia, gwa?tu i k?amstw.Zoe Ridgeway, wybitna brokerka sztuki, z m??em Sethem jedzie do Szwajcarii po bogaty zbi?r od tajemniczego kolekcjonera sztuki. Zanim jednak Zoe dope?ni transakcji, ona i m?? zostan? wci?gni?ci w tysi?cletni? paj?czyn? konspiracji, morderstwa, intryg, kt?re zaczynaj? si? i ko?cz? tajemnic? Mesjasza – kobiety. Je?li jej istnienie zostanie udowodnione, spowoduje rozpad podwalin zachodniej kultury.

  • Cacciatrice di taglie
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • Stephanie Plum fa la cacciatrice di taglie per un’agenzia del New Jersey. Il suo compito ? ritrovare il misterioso Ranger, sospettato di aver ucciso il figlio di un boss del traffico d’armi. Ma Ranger ? anche l’uomo che ha insegnato a Stephanie tutto quello che sa del suo mestiere e che esercita su di lei un fascino pericoloso. E la cattura di Ranger non ? l’unico pensiero che non la fa dormire di notte. La spassosa nonna Mazur si ? trasferita da lei, un amico le ha affidato un cane bulimico, l’intimit? con il fidanzato Joe Morelli ? diventata impossibile, Stephanie deve pi? volte dissuadere dal suicidio un’amica e un maniaco tenta di ucciderla.

  • Cain His Brother
  • Perry Anne
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • In his family life, Angus Stonefield had been gentle and loving; in business, a man of probity; and in his relationship with his twin brother, Caleb, a virtual saint. Now Angus is missing, and it appears more than possible that Caleb-a creature long since abandoned to depravity-has murdered him.Hired to find the missing man, William Monk puts himself into his shoes, searching for clues to Angus's fate and his vicious brother's whereabouts. Slowly, Monk inches toward the truth-and also, unwittingly, toward the destruction of his good name and livelihood…

  • Cairo Countdown
  • Stivers Dick
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • The U.S. maintained a top-secret air-force base in Cairo. And it operated right out of the international airport!Suddenly a terrorist rampage threatened to reveal the covert American presence in egypt. No known intelligence agency could risk exposure to break this attack on one of America s biggest secrets. Therefore, in the name of Mack Bolan, come in Able!But the terrorists had crack killer-teams of their own— and they would not hesitate to use them...

  • Calculated Risk
  • Doyle Stephanie
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • At the ripe old age of twenty, girl genius Sabrina Masters was booted from the CIA for "willful insubordination." Now, ten years later, they want her back for a mission only she has the brains to complete-breaking a twisted code to flush out a terrorist. Too bad the mission comes with her former trainer and ex-lover-Quinlan-attached.With national security at risk, Sabrina doesn't have time for rules or distractions. Especially from Quinlan. A decade out of the spy game means the odds are against her-but they don't call her a genius for nothing…

  • California Girl
  • Паркер Т.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A different world then,a different world now…California in the 1960s, and the winds of change are raging. Orange groves uprooted for tract houses, people flooding into Orange County, strange new ideas in the air about war, music, sex, and drugs, and new influences, ranging from Richard Nixon to Timothy Leary.For the Becker brothers, however, the past is always present – and it comes crashing back full force when the body of the lovely and mysterious Janelle Vonn is discovered in an abandoned orange-packing plant. The Beckers and the Vonns have a history, beginning years ...

  • California Hit
  • Pendleton Don
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • The sunny Golden Gate city finds out what the Executioner is all about when he explodes into their midst, hot on the trail of the inner enemy and "Mr. King," the behind-the-scenes boss of all that moves and breathes in the western states.Bolans assault blazes a wide swath, zeroing in on the kingpins home base. A deadly Chinese Communist cell, some misled ecology freaks and a group of militant leftists all find themselves in danger of being burned by the swiftly racing torch of the Executioner. No one is going to stop him this time. No way.