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Книги 13101—13125 из 19355.

  • Brother Odd
  • Koontz Dean
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • No one could have imagined Odd Thomas ever leaving the perfect quirky comfort of Pico Mundo, least of all Odd himself. The little desert town that nurtured Odd all his life is the locus of everything he holds dear-his loyal friends, his ghostly confidants, and the place where he loved and lost his soul mate, the irreplaceable Stormy Llewellyn. Yet leave it he has, to embrace the solitude and peace of an isolated monastery high in the western mountains as he tries to find a way to live fully again.But Odd has a knack for finding himself in the path of trouble no matter where he goes-even among the eccentric monks in their sanctuary and with the King of Rock 'n' Roll at his side. For a killer is stalking the ancient holy halls, and Odd is about to encounter an enemy who eclipses any he has yet encountered…

  • Brunswick Gardens
  • Perry Anne
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • A century ago, Charles Darwin's revolutionary theory of evolution rocked the civilized world, and the outraged Anglican church went on the warpath against it. In a mansion in London 's affluent Brunswick Gardens, the battle is intense, as that most respected clergyman, the Reverend Ramsay Parmenter, is boldly challenged by his beautiful assistant, Unity Bellwood – a "new woman" whose feminism and aggressive Darwinism he finds appalling. When Unity, three months pregnant, tumbles down the Parmenter's staircase to her death, Thomas Pitt, commander of the Bow Street police station, is virtually certain that one of the three deeply devout men in the house committed murder. Could it have been the Reverend Parmenter, his handsome curate, or his Roman Catholic son?

  • Brylant
  • Masterton Graham
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Graham Masterton jako autor, znany i kojarzony jest g??wnie z horrorem, thrillerem i powie?ci? sensacyjn?. Ma?o, kto pami?ta, ?e w dorobku Grahama mo?emy znale?? „pere?ki”, kt?re to w znacznym stopniu odbiegaj? w tematyce od wymienionych gatunk?w. Mowa o powie?ci historycznej. Za stan takiej rzeczy mo?na uzna? fakt, ?e w Polsce zosta?o wydanych zaledwie kilka z jego powie?ci historycznych, w dodatku w latach 90-tych, kt?rych to tylko jedna doczeka?a si? ponownego wznowienia. Nie mniej jednak nie patrz?c na stan „wiekowych” wyda? warto si? zapozna? z ...

  • Bu?garski bloczek
  • Chmielewska Joanna
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Kolejna, najnowsza, powie?? jednej z najpoczytniejszych polskich pisarek. Fragment powie?ci: "- Samo gadanie na zbrodni? by nie wystarczy?o – stwierdzi?am po namy?le. Ona przecie? wychodzi?a z domu, nie? M?g? si? zakrada? etapami i szuka?. Sprawdza?. Skoro poszed? i zabi?, musia? mie? informacje konkretne. Ja ju? co? tam s?ysza?am, tu si? wszystko szeroko rozchodzi, lata?a po knajpach…" "- Po jednej knajpie – sprostowa?a Gra?ynka – Mia?a swoj?, um?wion?." "- Dobrze, po jednej, dostawa?a po?ywienie. Posz?a w ko?cu tego wieczoru czy nie?" "- Osobi?cie s?dz?, ?e posz?a, nie sznurowa?aby but?w tylko dla kamufla?u. Mia?a takie wysokie, staro?wieckie, sznurowane buciki, mog?a przecie? udawa?, ?e chce i?? w czymkolwiek, bodaj w kapciach. Ale tego wyj?cia nie widzia?am, a co gorsza, s?ysza?am jak zamyka?a za mn? drzwi. Przekr?ca?a klucz. Nie przyzna?am si? do tego policji."

  • Buena Suerte
  • Baldacci David
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Creo que con este es el tercer libro que leo de David Baldacci. Hasta ahora los libros que he le?do suyos eran de intriga, pero este es totalmente distinto. En este caso es una novela que describe el cambio de vida que tienen que llevar a cabo dos hermanos, que se trasladan con su abuela a las monta?as de Virginia. La novela transcurre en la ?poca de la guerra mundial y refleja de una manera bastante realista lo dura que es la vida en las monta?as, tanto para los agricultores y ganaderos como la gente que ...

  • Bump in The Night
  • Robb J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • An omnibus of novelsEnter a world where no boundaries exist – and where every seduction is supernatural…Follow four of today's most provocative authors to a place where love can transform reality-and anything can happen. Here they present stories of ethereal circumstances, magical romance, and otherworldy suspense. Beginning with an all-new tale from #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts writing as J. D. Robb-and featuring lieutenant-of-the-future Eve Dallas-this collection will take you on a breathtaking journey through the passion of the heart and its power to transcend the everyday…

  • Bundori: A Novel Of Japan
  • Rowland Laura
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • From Publishers WeeklyBrutal murders linked to an ancient betrayal send late 17th-century Tokyo into a panic. They also spell big trouble for the Shogun's special investigator, Sano Ichiro, in this sequel to Rowland's well-received first novel, Shinju. The killings are made known when the severed heads of the victims are put on public display, in the manner of an ancient custom known as bundori, or war trophy. The victims are descendants of warriors who, more than a century earlier, were involved in the murder of a powerful warlord. As the killings continue, Sano, though hampered in his ...

  • Burglars Can’t Be Choosers
  • Block Lawrence
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The first Bernie Rhodenbarr mystery. Introducing Bernie Rhodenbarr, N.Y.C.'s prince of thieves – who really should have known better! When the mysterious pear shaped man with a lot of uncomfortably accurate information about Bernie and his career offered him five big ones to liberate a blue leather box – unopened – from an East Side apartment, it would have been a good time to plead a previous engagement…but times were tough. Everything was straightforward – the box was where it should have been but before the liberation took place, two men in blue coats turned up. Still all was not lost, there was always a way to work things out…that was before they discovered the body in the bedroom and Bernie decided to leg it.

  • Buried
  • Billingham Mark
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Luke Mullen, sixteen year old son of a former, high- ranking police officer has disappeared, presumed kidnapped. While no- one quite dares to voice the fear that he could also be presumed dead, Detective Inspector Tom Thorne is brought in to beef up the squad dedicated to locating the missing boy. The first thing the team looks for is anyone with a grudge against Luke's father, a man who'd put a lot of tough villains away in his time. A list quickly emerges, but Thorne discovers that ex-DCI Tony Mullen has omitted the name of the most obvious suspect; ...