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Книги 13626—13650 из 19355.
  • Das Staatsgeheimnis
  • Sheldon Sidney
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Der erfolglose Schauspieler Eddie Davies wird auf einer S?damerika-Tournee beauftragt, den herrschs?chtigen Diktator Colonel Bolivar als Doppelg?nger zu vertreten. Davies wird dabei nicht nur heftig in die politischen Machenschaften des Diktators verwickelt, sondern mu? sich zudem den Verf?hrungsversuchen der zahlreichen Geliebten und der Frau des Diktators erwehren.Sidney Sheldon ist zum Synonym f?r spannende Unterhaltung geworden. Seine Karriere begann in Hollywood und am Broadway. Erst mit f?nfzig schrieb er seinen ersten Roman. Seither wurde jedes seiner B?cher ein Weltbestseller, und alle wurden f?rs Kino oder Fernsehen verfilmt.Deutsch von W. M. Riegel.

  • Das Testament
  • Grisham John
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Troy Phelan ist ein milliardenschwerer Exzentriker, der des Lebens m?de ist. Doch nicht so m?de, da? er sein Imperium kampflos seinen geldgierigen Erben ?berlassen w?rde. Bevor er sich aus dem 13. Stock st?rzt, verf?gt er, da? sein gesamtes Verm?gen an seine bis dato v?llig unbekannte, uneheliche Tochter Kachel geht. In der Phelan-Familie bricht ein Sturm der Entr?stung los, und es wird sofort alles in Bewegung gesetzt, um das Testament anzufechten. Unterdessen versucht der ehemalige Staranwalt Nate O'Riley, mit dessen Karriere es schon seit Jahren bergab geht, die legitime Erbin aufzutreiben. Doch wie ...

  • Dating Is Murder
  • Kozak Harley
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Wollie Shelley is a greeting card artist struggling to keep afloat financially and to pursue-despite a series of recent disasters-the search for the love of her life. She reluctantly agrees to be a contestant on the reality television show Biological Clock. The show's premise: six eligible singles date each other, and the audience votes on which couple would make the best parents. Alas, Wollie isn't having much luck finding a man she'd like to date “off the air,” much less father her child. As the biological clock ticks away, Wollie gets caught up in a much more pressing demand ...

  • Day After Tomorrow
  • Reynolds Mack
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The time is the future. The government is a corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy, mainly concerned with protecting the profits of large corporations. The Movement is a new and non-violent revolutionary group seeking to replace the political mess with a just and scientifically efficient socioeconomic system. The Movement was staffed by some of the world’s greatest intellectuals and scientists; unfortunately, they were amateurs in the business of revolution. The government could call on an army of ruthless professional agents--and they had no scruples about violence.

  • Day Of Confession
  • Folsom Allan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The Addison brothers, Harry and Danny, have been estranged for many years, but when Danny calls from Rome pleading for Harry to get in touch, his brother doesn't ignore him. Except it seems he is too late, as Danny was on board a tourist bus which was blown apart by a bomb. But when Harry arrives in Italy he is plunged into a Kafka-esque nightmare, discovering that his brother is accused of assassinating the Cardinal Vicar of Rome and when he dares to suggest that Danny is still alive he finds that someone is willing to frame him for murder before he can start to clear Danny's name. Alone and vulnerable in a foreign country, Harry is sucked into the maelstrom of a conspiracy in the heart of the Vatican, where men of God are using the devil's hand to further the influence of the Catholic Church. A tense and absorbing thriller.

  • Day of Mourning
  • Pendleton Don
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Mack Bolan sensed danger when he lost contact with Stony Man Farm. The Phoenix fortress in Virginias Blue Ridge Mountains should be impenetrable. But was it? Bolan returned home to find the Stony strongholds security violated and ace armorer, Andrzej Konzaki, mortally wounded. A web of treachery now enshrouded the Farm, imperiling its existence. In one blood-drenched night, Bolan embarked on an odyssey of revenge. From D.C.s corridors of power to the cathouse depths of sewer city, he pursued an elusive specter who bartered in mens souls. And each time the trail led to a dead end. Who was this faceless enemy?

  • Day of Reckoning
  • Higgins Jack
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A death in Brooklyn sends reverberations around the world in Jack Higgins's thrilling new adventure.Higgins's novels of honor, bravery, and irresistible intrigue delight millions of readers every year, but few of his books pack the sheer narrative power of ."Katherine Johnson was a couple of feet under dark green water. Her arms floated to each side, her legs were open, the eyes stared into eternity. There was a look of surprise on her face and she was achingly beautiful in death."Journalist Katherine Johnson made the mistake of getting too close to the secrets of ...

  • De linkerhand van God
  • Lindsay Jeff
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Dexter Morgan is geen alledaagse politieagent. Naast zijn werk op het forensisch laboratorium van de politie van Miami heeft hij nog een duistere kant: hij moordt.Hij heeft een overzadigbare honger naar geweld en een groot verlangen om mensen te vermoorden van wie hij vindt dat zij de dood verdienen. Hij beschouwt zichzelf als de linkerhand van God.Wanneer een seriemoordenaar een aantal prostituees begint te vermoorden, wordt Dexter bij het onderzoek betrokken. Hij raakt eerst gefascineerd door de briljante en sadistische methode van de nieuwe seriemoordenaar, maar later voelt hij zich bedreigd en uitgedaagd door de moordenaar, wanneer deze Dexters moordmethodes blijkt toe te passen en te kopi?ren. Een confrontatie lijkt onvermijdelijk.

  • De muerto en peor
  • Harris Charlaine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La comunidad sobrenatural de Bon Temps, Luisiana, se est? recuperando de dos duros golpes: el desastre natural del hurac?n Katrina y los acontecimientos de la cumbre vamp?rica el mes anterior en la norte?a ciudad de Rhodes. Sookie Stackhouse est? a salvo, aunque un poco aturdida, deseosa de que todo vuelva a la normalidad. Pero la normalidad no termina de llegar. Demasiados vampiros -algunos amigos, otros no- han sido asesinados o heridos y su novio tigre, Quinn, est? en el grupo de los desaparecidos.Las cosas est?n cambiando, les guste o no a los cambiantes ...

  • Dead Aim
  • Johansen Iris
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • "She witnesses death through the eye of her camera. Now a relentless killer is focused on her. A celebrated photojournalist, Alex Graham has seen it all – but her latest assignment has forced her across a dangerous line." "What happens when a reporter does more than just report? She has recorded some of the most tragic and heartbreaking of catastrophes, everything from natural disasters to infamous acts of terror. Her experiences have left her forever marked with the human side of tragedy. So when a dam breaks in Arapahoe Junction, Colorado, Alex is once more at the site doing more ...

  • Dead Air
  • Banks Iain
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Iain Banks' daring new novel opens in a loft apartment in the East End, in a former factory due to be knocked down in a few days. Ken Nott is a devoutly contrarian vaguely left wing radio shock-jock living in LondonAfter a wedding breakfast people start dropping fruits from a balcony on to a deserted carpark ten storeys below, then they start dropping other things; an old TV that doesn't work, a blown loudspeaker, beanbags, other unwanted furniture…Then they get carried away and start dropping things that are still working, while wrecking the rest of the apartment. But ...

  • Dead Cert
  • Francis Dick
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • For millionaire jockey Alan York, winning is a bonus. For Joe Nantwich, victory means no cushy backhanders; and for Bill Davidson, front running on strongly fancied Admiral, triumph is an imposter. It means murder – his own. Turning private detective, York uses Joe's underworld connections to go on the trail of the killers – only to draw a series of blanks. But when ambushed by a gang of viscious thugs, he picks up some clues along with his cuts and bruises. Bill's murder begings to make more sense. Until York finds himself in hospital, without a memory.

  • Dead Connection
  • Burke Alafair
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • When two young women are murdered on the streets of New York, exactly one year apart, Detective Ellie Hatcher is called up for a special assignment on the homicide task force. The killer has left behind a clue connecting the two cases to First Date, a popular online dating service, and Flann McIlroy, an eccentric, publicity-seeking homicide detective, is convinced that only Ellie can help him pursue his terrifying theory: someone is using the lure of the Internet and the promise of love to launch a killing spree against the women of New York City. To catch the killer, ...

  • Dead End
  • Stewart Mariah
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Bestselling author Mariah Stewart proved she can knock 'em dead with the best when she delivered the resounding one-two-three punch of her suspense "thrillogy"-Dead Wrong, Dead Certain, and Dead Even. Now, in her anticipated hardcover debut, she's back to finish off this stunning series with her hottest shot yet. Two years ago, a major FBI undercover drug deal suddenly went south- and special agent Dylan Shields went down in a hail of bullets. When the dust cleared, his fellow agent (and fianc?e) Anne Marie McCall was left alone with too many unanswered questions and nothing to do ...

  • Dead Even
  • Meltzer Brad
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Sara Tate, a Manhattan assistant DA is about to lose her job. But the case she nabs to secure her professional future is far more complicated – and deadly than it first appears. While forces within the DA’s office conspire against her, an outside threat looms larger: Win the case or her attorney husband, Jared, will die. Jared has his own motivations for winning. Strong-armed into defending the opposition, he learns that Sara will be killed should he lose the case. In court and at home, husband and wife go head to head while harboring the terrible secret of their motives. In a battle of roller coaster emotions and shocking betrayals, Jared and Sara must face the unthinkable truth: No matter who wins, one of them may die.

  • Dead Famous aka The Jury Must Die
  • O’Connell Carol
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Carol O'Connell succeeds triumphantly, once again, in creating an intriguing crime scenario and also an engaging group of characters, all damaged in their own different ways, who pursue their destinies in a city that is both darkly dangerous and resilient to disaster. After bringing in a unanimous and very dubious acquittal in a murder case, only three of the original jurors remain alive. And someone, known only as the 'Reaper' because of the signature of a bloody scythe left at the crime scenes, is clearly determined to make a clean sweep of the terrified survivors. Detective Sgt. Riker, although ...