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Книги 13551—13575 из 19355.
  • Dalt?nico
  • Santlofer Jonathan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El hallazgo de los cad?veres de dos mujeres en el Bronx despierta la preocupaci?n de la polic?a. El asesino se ensa?? con las v?ctimas, las destrip? y con su sangre pint? un lienzo que dej? como macabra firma personal en la escena del crimen. Kate McKinnon historiadora del arte y ex polic?a es contactada para llevar a cabo la investigaci?n. Aunque reacia en un principio a involucrarse en el tema, McKinnon se ver? empujada a hacerlo cuando el asesino, de forma brutal, reclame su atenci?n. A medida que se suceden los cr?...

  • Damage Control
  • Gilstrap John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The hostages are young: a bus full of teenagers on a church mission. The ransom demands are explicit: deliver three million dollars-with zero involvement from law enforcement-or all captives will be executed. But rescue specialist Jonathan Grave doesn't believe in ultimatums. For him and his elite team at Security Solutions, it's all about protecting the innocent. Now Grave must face the chilling possibility that someone within the U.S. government has a deadly secret to protect-one that could jeopardize national security like never before…

  • Dame Tus Ojos
  • Pettersson Torsten
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El comisario Harald se enfrenta al caso m?s dif?cil de su carrera: en un apacible paraje de la ciudad de Forsh?lla, en Finlandia, ha sido hallado el cad?ver de una mujer joven, sin ojos y con una «A» grabada en el est?mago. A este cad?ver le siguen otros dos que presentan mutilaciones similares.El veterano polic?a, famoso por meterse en la piel del asesino m?s all? de los l?mites de lo razonable, solo cuenta con una pista: unas cartas halladas en casa de las v?ctimas donde estas confiesan sus secretos m?s ?ntimos, sus culpas y sus pecados. Cuando ?l tambi?n recibe una carta, la trama da un giro inesperado que conducir? al desconcertado lector a descubrir al asesino, antes que el propio comisario Harald, en un sorprendente final.

  • Dance Of Death
  • Child Lincoln
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Agent Pendergast has become one of crime fiction's most endearing characters. His greatest enemy is one who has stalked him all of his life, his cunning and diabolical brother Diogenes. And Diogenes has thrown down the gauntlet. Now, several of the people closest to Pendergast are viciously murdered, and Pendergast is framed for the deeds. On the run from federal authorities, with only the help of his old friend NYPD Lieutenant Vincent D'Agosta, Pendergast must stop his brother. But how can he stop a man that is his intellectual equal-one who has had 20 years to plan the world's most horrendous crime?

  • Danger Signals
  • Creighton Kathleen
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • After tracking a serial killer through six brutal murders, detective Wade Callahan didn't know where to turn. Then Tierney Doyle, an empath and the police force's secret weapon, joined the search. Wade was immediately attracted to the beautiful blonde-but he didn't trust her abilities. He didn't trust her.Until Tierney uncovered a fact he couldn't deny. Someone was watching Wade-someone who might be connected to the recurring nightmare he'd had since childhood. And as he and Tierney both came into the killer's sights, Wade knew he'd face down death to keep this woman by his side.

  • Dangerous Days of Daniel X
  • Patterson James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The greatest superpower of all isn't to be part spider, part man, or to cast magic spells – the greatest power is the power to create.Daniel has that power.Daniel's secret abilities – like being able to manipulate objects and animals with his mind or to recreate himself in any shape he chooses – have helped him survive. But Daniel doesn't have a normal life. He is the protector of the earth, the Alien Hunter, with a mission beyond what anyone could imagine.From the day that his parents were brutally murdered in front of his very eyes, Daniel has used his unique gifts to hunt down their assassin. Finally, with the help of The List bequeathed to him in his parents' dying breath, he has located the killer.Now, on his own, he vows to take on his father's mission-and to have vengeance in the process.

  • Dangerous Offspring
  • Swainston Steph
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The third of the castle novels will take the reader ever deeper into a world of beauty and terror. A world led by an immortal emperor and the circle; his 50 immortal helpers. It is a world with an absentee god, a world that has been fighting a war against giant insects. A world like no other. There will be more insights into Jant, the emperors vain winged messenger, and the shift, the surreal other life Jant enters when he overdoses on his drug of choice and where he meets the dead in a land that defies logic. This is a fantasy series like no other – a literary fantasy with the verve and originality to stand alongside the best of Mervyn Peake, M. John Harrison and China Mieville.

  • Dangerous to Touch
  • Sorenson Jill
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • All her life Sidney Morrow had tried to repress her disturbing psychic visions. Until a vision of murder shattered her fragile serenity. She had to go to the authorities – make them listen. But Lt. Marc Cruz didn't trust her one bit. In fact, the sensual homicide cop treated her like a suspect. And sent her senses haywire…The dark-haired beauty knew something about the serial killer Marc was after. But he was certain "visions" had nothing to do with it. Determined to be her constant shadow, Marc wasn't prepared when desire blindsided him – and put them both in the path of a relentless killer.

  • Dangerous Women
  • Penzler Otto
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • DESCRIPTION: From some of the greatest literary minds of our time comes a collection of stories about dangerous women.With an unprecedented lineup of authors, Mysterious Press proudly presents an extraordinary collection of short stories. Lorenzo Carcaterra, Michael Connelly, John Connolly, Jeffery Deaver, Nelson DeMille, J.A. Jance, Andrew Klavan, Elmore Leonard, Laura Lippman, Ed McBain, Jay McInerney, Walter Mosley, Joyce Carol Oates, Anne Perry, Ian Rankin, S.J. Rozan, and Thomas H. Cook combine their talents in a collection which is certain to find a large audience eager to read stories by some of the most distinguished names in the genre.

  • Danza de sombras
  • Garwood Julie
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jordan Buchanan est? encantada de que su hermano Dylan y su mejor amiga Kate MacKenna se casen. Durante la boda, un exc?ntrico profesor de historia medieval advierte que entre los clanes de la pareja existe una enemistad que se remonta a una antigua disputa que se origin? en Escocia, cuando los Buchanan robaron un codiciado tesoro de los MacKenna…Un maleante poderoso y amenazador, un hombre que esconde un secreto y una inesperada historia de amor son los fascinantes elementos con los que Julie Garwood crea esta novela de suspense rom?ntico. Una obra que encantar? a las fans de la serie Buchanan y que, como se puede leer de forma independiente, le har? ganar a?n m?s seguidoras.

  • Dar j?zyk?w
  • Deaver Jeffrey
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Siedemnastoletnia Megan, c?rka prokuratora Tate'a Colliera, po rozwodzie rodzic?w nie najlepiej radzi sobie z rzeczywisto?ci?. Decyduje si? na wizyt? u znanego psychiatry, doktora Aarona Matthewsa, ale nigdy nie dociera do jego gabinetu. Przera?eni znikni?ciem dziewczyny rodzice wzywaj? na pomoc policj?.W poszukiwania w??cza si? b?yskotliwy detektyw, kt?ry wiele zawdzi?cza ojcu Megan. Szybko orientuje si?, ?e nie chodzi o zwyk?? ucieczk? z domu. B?dzie musia? stawi? czo?a porywaczowi, kt?ry nie zawaha si? przed niczym. Rozpoczyna si? mro??cy krew w ?y?ach wy?cig z czasem i z szale?stwem maniaka religijnego.

  • Daredevil’s Run
  • Creighton Kathleen
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • He feared nothing..not even after a rock-climbing fall stripped Matt Pearson of his ability to walk. Now the former daredevil was gearing up for a dangerous river run that would test him as never before. So would seeing Alex Penny, his former partner and lover – the woman he let get away. But Matt wasn't one to resist a dare…Five years ago, Matt had allowed his heartbreaking accident to come between them. How could Alex make him see that he was the same man she'd always loved? This time, nothing – not the river, not an unseen enemy, not even Matt himself – could stem the tide of their feelings, and of a passion too long denied…

  • Dark Angel
  • Jungstedt Mari
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • No one can hurt you like your own family.A mother’s love should be the most natural and sustaining thing in the world. But when that love twists into obsession, and from obsession into control, the consequences can be devastating.When glamorous party-planner Viktor Algard is found murdered at one of his own glitzy events, suspicion falls immediately on to a wife spurned. But if Inspector Anders Knutas has learnt anything from his years in the Gotland Police Force, it is that there is no such thing as an open-and-shut case. A second attack confirms that things are not as they first appeared.Knutas’s investigation will take him into the dark and hidden corners of another family’s tragedy – but if he is to catch the killer, he is going to have to face some family secrets of his own.

  • Dark Assassin
  • Perry Anne
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • A superintendent in the Thames River Police, William Monk is on a patrol boat near Waterloo Bridge when he and his men notice a young couple standing at the railing, apparently engaged in an intense discussion. The woman places her hands on the man's shoulders. Is it a caress or a push? He grasps her. To save her or kill her? Seconds later, the pair plunges to death in the icy waters. Has Monk witnessed an accident, a suicide, or a murder? The ensuing investigation leads him toward a conspiracy that reverberates into the highest levels of Her Majesty's government.

  • Dark Eye
  • Bernhardt William
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Susan Pulaski loves Las Vegas, she is the perfect fit for the city and for her job: unraveling the minds of deviant personalities- until a killer begins decorating Sin City with the horribly disfigured bodies of once beautiful young wom en. White- knuckling her way to the center of the case, Pulaski becomes the key player in a desperate hunt for a killer who believes he has found divine inspiration in the works of Edgar Allan Poe. But even with the assistance of Darcy O'Bannon, a twenty-five-year-old autistic savant astonishing skills, Pulaski is in more danger than she knows. Bernhardt is the author of "Primary Justice" and "Murder One".