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Книги 14801—14825 из 19355.
  • Hielo negro
  • Connelly Michael
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cal Moore, del departamento de narc?ticos, fue encontrado en un motel con un tiro en la cabeza cuando estaba investigando sobre una nueva droga de dise?o llamada “hielo negro”. Para el detective Harry Bosch, lo importante no son los hechos aislados, sino el hilo conductor que los mantiene unidos. Y sus averiguaciones sobre el sospechoso suicidio de Moore parecen trazar una l?nea recta entre los traficantes que merodean por Hollywood Boulevard y los callejones m?s turbios de la frontera de M?xico.

  • High Cotton: Selected Stories of Joe R. Lansdale
  • Lansdale Joe
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Twenty-one stories for mature audiences only!This collection of Joe R. Lansdale stories represents the best of the “Lansdale” genre—a strange mixture of dark crime, even darker humor, and adventure tales. Though varied in setting and theme, all the stories are pure Lansdale—eerie, amusing, and occasionally horrific. In “The Pit,” modern gladiators square off against one another using Roman methods. An alternate-history tale called “Trains Not Taken” shows Buffalo Bill as an ambassador and Wild Bill Hickok as a clerk. Lansdale’s love of large lizards and humor are evident in the stories “Godzilla’s Twelve ...

  • Historias de Plinio
  • Pav?n Francisco
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • “Plinio” no es miembro de la Benem?rita, sino jefe de la polic?a local de Tomelloso. Los casos que resuelve casi siempre tienen una componente escandalosa: cr?menes de criadas que aspiran a ocupar el lugar del ama, de padres que vengan el honor mancillado de sus hijas. Pero el talante y la t?cnica de “Plinio” son los de Sherlock Holmes o el padre Brown (m?s el segundo, a mi entender, que el primero).Las dos historias que ocupan este librito ocurren, respectivamente, en carnaval y durante la vendimia, dando ocasi?n al autor para ...

  • Historyk
  • Kostova Euzabeth
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Kiedy m?oda Amerykanka ?yj?ca w Europie znajduje ?redniowieczn? ksi??k? i plik list?w z?owrogo zaadresowanych do "Mojego Drogiego i Nieszcz?snego Nast?pcy", jej ?ycie odmienia si? na zawsze. Ruszaj?c ?ladami najs?ynniejszego demona w historii – Draculi, odbywa podr??, kt?ra doprowadza j? do odkrycia wstrz?saj?cej prawdy o jej ojcu, zaginionej matce i dziadku, przepad?ym bez wie?ci. Tajemnice kryj?ce si? w bibliotekach, archiwach i monasterach, od Stambu?u po po?udnie Francji, wiod? j? w sam ?rodek niewyobra?alnego z?a ukrytego w czelu?ciach historii. By je pokona?, ca?e generacje naukowc?w traci?y reputacj?, zdrowie psychiczne, a nawet ?ycie… Zbrodnie, spisek, wielka przygoda i nieprzewidywalne zako?czenie w jednej z najbardziej niezwyk?ych powie?ci ostatnich lat, brawurowo ??cz?cej wsp??czesno??, przesz?o?? i fantazj?.

  • Hit and Run
  • Block Lawrence
  • Жанр: Крутой детектив
  • Keller’s a hit man. For years now he’s had places to go and people to kill.But enough is enough. He’s got money in the bank and just one last job standing between him and retirement. So he carries it out with his usual professionalism, and he heads home, and guess what?One more job. Paid in advance, so what’s he going to do? Give the money back? In Des Moines, Keller stalks his designated target and waits for the client to give him the go-ahead. And one fine morning he’s picking ...

  • Hit and Run
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Lucille Aitkin was the kind of woman who encouraged men to run around after her and most men were more than happy to do so—so why did she suddenly want to learn to drive rather than being chauffer-driven in style? And why was Chester Scott's Cadillac covered with bloodstains on the wrong side? And at the same time, why was patrol officer O'Brien run over on a deserted beach road when he should have been on duty on the highway? It seems that somebody knows how these events are connected, and whoever it is seems intent on blackmail.

  • Hit List
  • Block Lawrence
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Keller is a regular guy, a solid citizen. He goes to the movies, watches the tube, browses the art galleries, and works diligently on his stamp collection. But every now and then a call from the breezily efficient Dot sends him off to kill a total stranger. He takes a plane, rents a car, finds a hotel room, and gets back before the body is cold.He's a real pro, cool and dispassionate and very good at what he does. Until one day when Dot breaks her own rule and books him for a hit in New York, his home base. She sends him to an art gallery opening, and the girl he gets lucky with steers him to an astrologer.Then the jobs start to go wrong. Targets die before he can draw a bead on them. The realization is slow in coming, but there's no getting around it: Somebody out there is trying to hit the hit man. Keller, God help him has found his way onto somebody else's hit list.

  • Hit Man
  • Block Lawrence
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amazon.com ReviewA man known only as Keller is thinking about Samuel Johnson's famous quote that "'patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel'… If you looked at it objectively, he had to admit, then he was probably a scoundrel himself. He didn't feel much like a scoundrel. He felt like your basic New York single guy, living alone, eating out or bringing home takeout, schlepping his wash to the Laundromat, doing the Times crossword with his morning coffee… There were eight million stories in the naked city, most of them not very interesting, and his was ...

  • Hit Parade
  • Block Lawrence
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The New York Times bestselling author and master of the modern mystery returns with a fierce and poignant new novel featuring his acclaimed killer-for-hire, KellerJohn Keller is everyone's favorite hit man: a new kind of hero for a new, uncertain age. He's cool. Reliable. A real pro: the hit man's hit man. The inconvenient wife, the aging sports star, the business partner, the retiree with a substantial legacy. He's taken care of them all, quietly and efficiently.Keller's got a code of honor, though he'd never call it that. And he keeps the job strictly business. "...

  • Hitched
  • Clark Carol
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The date is Saturday, April 2. Five April brides discover their wedding dresses have been stolen. One of the brides is private investigator Regan Reilly. Her wedding is in seven days.Regan Reilly and her fianc?, Jack "no relation" Reilly – head of the NYPD Major Case Squad – are getting married! Regan had the perfect dress made by two young designers on Manhattan 's Lower East Side. Arriving at the bridal salon to pick up her gown, Regan discovers the shop has been broken into, the designers bound and gagged, and wedding dresses for four of the April brides (her ...

  • Hitman: Enemy Within
  • Dietz William
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • The clone assassin has been played long enough—now it’s more than a game.Bred to kill, Agent 47 is The Agency’s most valuable assassin. So when a competing murder-for-hire organization decides to destroy The Agency, the first person they target for elimination is Agent 47. Tasking someone to off the best hitman in the business is one thing; getting the job done is another. When the attempt falls short, Agent 47 is ordered to track down and kill the culprit who is feeding vital information about The Agency to its enemies.Agent 47 must follow a bloody trail halfway around the world, fight his way through the streets of Fez, Morocco, and battle slavers deep inside Chad. Then he will discover a shattering truth: If he fails at his mission, the price he’ll pay will be far greater than his own life…

  • Hitman: Враг внутри
  • Дитц Уильям
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Клон-убийца уже стал легендой и теперь это больше, чем игра. Выращенный, чтобы убивать, Агент 47 является одним из самых ценных киллеров Агентства. Поэтому, когда конкурирующая организация принимает решение уничтожить Агентство, первой целью становится именно Агент 47. Назначить человека, чтобы убить самого лучшего киллера — одно дело; выполнить это задание — другое. Когда попытка расправы проваливается, Агенту 47 поручают выследить и уничтожить того, кто снабжает врага информацией из Агентства. 47ой должен обойти по кровавым следам пол-мира, проложить путь через улицы Феса и Марокко, победить работорговцев в самом сердце Чада, вести шпионаж в Португалии… но вскоре он узнает смертельную правду: если он провалит задание, то цена, которую он заплатит, будет намного выше, чем цена его собственной жизни…